Tuesday 19 November 2013

Seven Score and Ten Years Ago Today . . .

. . . on November 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address. Amazingly brief (the entire speech consisted of only 10 sentences), it is nevertheless justly celebrated as one of history's most famous and profound speeches. However, by modern standards, it's much too long-winded for today's short attention spans --

And rather than attending some big ceremony, today's Lincoln would just tweet it from his local Starbucks while enjoying a grande cappuccino. Or perhaps a nice pumpkin spice latte?


  1. And to think I've never heard the speech at all, long or short. Sad but true. I have the attention span of a fish. :D

  2. Text talk hurts my brain!

  3. We had to read it when I was a kid, but ask me now if I remember what I read.

  4. Gotta admit - never heard of the said speech!

  5. oh wow thats so true sadly, but so funny! Shame on us, we spend more time with gadgets than people!

  6. you are right....until the last 6 months I had an inkling of the absolute demonic addiction to electronic devices but had never been talking to a member of my household and have them be reading a text from someone else and not hearing a thing I said. Oh I'm sure they were looking right at me and doing the same thing before but now they have something to entertain themselves while ignoring my words.
    And Abe's text is fun.
    BTW, I love the lovely lady holding the bee on the sidebar.
    Oma Linda

  7. he probably would be like "alright time to unfriend Senator Jefferson Davis from FB"

  8. A very smart man! HE knows where to get a good cup of coffee!!

  9. We no longer know the score. A pity really.

  10. Drives me nuts when people type their words this way in any form of social media. Hurts my brain trying to figure it out... what happened to good old English??

  11. Isn't that the truth that by today's standards the Gettysburg Address would be considered wordy. While Lincoln might of had to shorten it to Tweet it, it probably would of gone viral reaching far more people than it did initially. But sadly it would of been replaced by another Tweet 5 seconds later that would of been something stupid like the latest comment from Kanye.

  12. People want their news and information in small sound bytes! No one has the time to stop and actually LISTEN! Very sad!

  13. Lol! How true, and hilarious, this is! I'm working hard at trying to improve.. lengthen my attention span. It has become pathetic..

  14. We are all Zombies. Stumbling around glued to the iPhone screens. It's a sad sight when you see a poor unsuspecting zombie suddenly disappear into an uncovered manhole on the street.

    Hey, that's something for you to write about on your next blog.

  15. ROFL! Sad and funny but, unfortunately, probably very, very true.

  16. Hahaha! He'd probably be hanging around Tim Hortons when in Canada. Enjoying a double double :)

  17. I can't stand text speak. When I text, I write everything out.

    Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is amazing.

  18. I text all the time(my hearing is so bad I don't like to talk on the phone..but I spell all the words out..had to memorize the gettysburg address when in high school..it flows.

  19. Such a funny post, Debra! I snagged the Gettysburg cartoon to pass on to a friend who is a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to technology. While I'm solidly Old School when it comes to writing, I find the creativity and fun in textspeak refreshing! Have a good one!

  20. Pumpkin spice lattes and tweets. Hahahaha.

  21. Good thing Twitter wasn't around back them. I bet nobody would've favorited the speech, except maybe the Mrs.

    Be well, Debra.

  22. It's really difficult for me to believe that there are grown people in this country, citizens, that say they haven't heard of The Gettysburg Address..
    Kinda sad. How can one appreciate all that went into this country if they haven't learned history..but never mind. Not my business anyway.
    Not liking the short cut, so called English..it's ugly!
    Still the idea of the
    Gettysburg address being said in a text message is funny! The only thing is, I have always wished President Lincoln had said "....that all men are created with equal rights"...instead of "..all men are created equal." because they are not. Not at all, but they should have equal rights!
    Anyway, I thought it was a cute post.

  23. If you missed it. check YouTube for the speech critic panning Lincoln and other famous speeches on SNL. One of the funnier bits they've done lately.

  24. I am text-free....twitter-free...
    Guess...I am downright boring!!
    I do have a blog!!! YAY!!!!

    Enjoy your evening♥
    Linda :o)

  25. Got a good chuckle out of this. Reading all the comments was pretty interesting too!

  26. And we could save the speech to read later when we have time!

  27. Have you had one of those pumpkin spice lattes? So friggin' sweet, makes you wanna tweet!!

  28. Hilarious post! Hi, my name is Bobbybegood1 and I found your post via Enjoying the Epiphany. You have a wonderful blog. I hope we can become blogbuddies. Cheers!!

  29. Took me awhile to work out what the 1st pic was saying!.. shame on me!

  30. His original speech was thrown away and he scribbled down the Address in his carriage on the way to the dedication.
    the Ol'Buzzard


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