Sunday 29 December 2013

Badass Knitters

Personally, I am not a knitter. I did learn how when I was young but my one and only knitting project was a disaster. So today I envy the truly badass knitters out there, the ones who can knit anything. Like this perfect Viking headgear:

Or how about something in a more Lord-of-the-Rings style?

Such knitters even have badass tattoos.

Don't mess with them or you'll end up with a needle in your eye!


  1. i wish i could knit better too. i love that tat!

  2. I've been trying to crochet. To say I'm frustrated is an understatement. I pulled out a Nifty Knitter loom and I'm going to beat the band now!

  3. I know how to crochet but could never master knitting as many times as I tried.

  4. Ha ha you made me smile this morning - just lurve that doggy in his get up !
    I'm a knitter and crocheter and I love it, I learned when I was 5 and knit my first sleeveless top when I was 6 ! and haven't stopped since.
    We're not all badass though - we are quite nice really !

  5. Sheesh!!! I never thought of knitting as being badass!!! Now I will roam around the house, flexing my peks and waving my needles...

  6. I never did try knitting. My mother thought I should know how to crochet. Too bad we didn't see eye to eye on that, so now I know nothing of any needle arts.

  7. I learnt to knit years ago, but like so many things, I wouldn't have a clue where to start now. Not that I feel I'm missing out on much to be totally honest. I'd rather build a shed.

  8. Whoa, a knitter's tattoo! I trust you've been enjoying a lovely Christmas season -- a happy, blessed new year to you and yours :)

  9. wow, that viking beard is amazing!!

  10. When I saw the first one, I thought you had morphed Houdini and me!

  11. I can't knit to save my life. My mom tried teaching me when I was young, but I had no interest - or patience - for it. Still don't! So I am in awe of people who knit some amazing things.

  12. I knit, but not well. Getting there is half the battle! Love the tat!

  13. Haha! The dog does not look satisfied! I wish i could knit! I would make lovely, fluffy sweaters for everyone!!
    Thank you so muych for your wishes!
    Brightest blessings!

  14. Haha, these are so funny. Have a lovely Sunday.

  15. OOoo!Just occured to me teeny tiny sweaters for my cats, i would torture the little buggers with lots and lots of pink!!!

  16. TAkes knitting to a whole new level! Somehow as accepting as Buster is, I don't think he'd wear that Lord of Rings get up.

  17. My friend Judy knits stuffed toys for her grandchildren. The tyrannosaurus is particularly cool as is the stegosaurus. Going to send her the tat picture (if I may borrow it?) as a suggestion. I mean what grannie in her 70s shouldn't get a tat?

  18. AHAHAHAAAHAHAAHAHAHAAAhahahaaa*gasp for air*ahahaaahahahaaahahaaahahahaa oh crap I tinkled.

  19. that Viking headgear is true Nordic delight!

  20. Okay, those are freaking awesome! Love the dog. LOL! I am not a knitter either. I tried. I've had three people try and teach me only to have them take the needles away and tell me that perhaps I need to put my talents and efforts elsewhere. Ahhh... well...

  21. Lol, your post is so hilarious Debra that I've already sent the link to three daughter the knitter included. I can just see my getting back to Vancouver from England in a month and the cats will have tiny knitted beards and braids.

  22. hilarious! and the dog looks so proud in his getup. thanks for my sunday afternoon smile :)))))

  23. You could so make that first beard cause no knitting was involved at least from what I could see. I can knit a bit and have been recently making dishcloths. That's about the extent of my skill though.

  24. Nope I was wrong. I looked at the pic again and the hat was knit but you could so make the beard part.

  25. My personal goal this coming year is to learn how to make socks. Warm and earthy... But a knitted beard would be warm too. :)

  26. I can so appreciate this work as I was taught how to knit at a very young age by my mother and grandmother. Debra, it takes lots of practice!!

  27. Oh good Lord, I had to pin that first one in the hope one day I'll be skilled enough to knit it. :o)

  28. Hahahaha! Never really wanted a tat before but that one looks like a must-have!! And I love the hats! hahahaha!

  29. Love the Beanie..I haven't knit for some time..My arthritis isn't fond of that activity..Your dog is a saint...

  30. Some knitters are truly amazing for what they can do! Talented people!!! Love the Viking headgear!!

  31. Those projects look like they would come under the catagory of "Extreme Knitting". We have extreme sports so why not extreme crafters. They do exist, they do exist...

  32. I remember as a kid watching my mom and grandma knitting and crocheting, it looked like magic. I still kinda think it's magic. How a straight piece of yarn can be turned into sweaters, blankets, hats, etc with a couple of chopsticks is mind-boggling to me. I can only assume it's some sort of witchcraft!

  33. Badass knitting is all the rage. I love such badass knitting and the photos have me in stitches.....

  34. Sweet tuques! (To go all Canadian on you!)

  35. These are amazing knitters! What a gift! I suck at knitting too. It takes way to much patience for me. The tattoo is a riot. I take it this person is a cat lady too.

  36. As a guy who is physically incapable of growing a beard, I'd wear that knit cap in a second.

  37. Knitter please. I love great knitting objects (projects? Things? Items?). That viking hat is awesome.

  38. I love the Viking knitting! The tattoo...that's dedicated in a creepy way.

  39. I have tried to knit but just don't get it. I need someone to show me.

  40. I used to knit and was fairly good but I get bored easily. Remember how dull it gets.... knit one, purl two, knit two, purl two...damn, I am bored just talking about it.

  41. Happy New Year Deb.....
    Your blog is always enlightening!

    Linda :o)

  42. I picked up knitting years back and made a little hat. Couldn't do it now, but Its a joy to watch a good knitter!.. I agree with Magaly.. that Tattoo is cool

  43. both my grandmothers tried to teach me to knit and crochet..the entire time they were trying to teach me, I'm saying..'can I go out and play ball now? 'can I go out and play ball now? they finally gave up.

  44. I hope the belong to the Bad-Ass-Knitters Club one day soon. I just taught myself how to crochet -- about a year ago. So currently I belong to the Bad-Ass-Crocheters Club. Because I don't have a camera, I asked my daughter to take pics of my creations so I can post on my blog site. I just crocheted my first poncho. Came out OK. I learned from my mistakes. Next one will be better. Awesome, funky post!

  45. except for the horny bits, it's great!

    horny bits are hollyweird horse shit....


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