Wednesday 25 December 2013

Sweet Wolverine Greetings!

And oh, what the hell, since it's Christmas -- here's a bonus picture of Colin Firth in his Mark Darcy reindeer jumper from Bridget Jones's Diary:

I hope everyone is having a great day today!


  1. luv Colin Firth!!! not the sweater though...

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your family, have the best day, I LOVE Wolverine!!

  3. Peace and joy to you Debra ~ Merry Merry .

  4. Merry, Merry Christmas! Love Colin Firth and Bridget Jones' Diary. May you have a fun filled, blessed day!

  5. ░M░E░R░R░Ƴ░

    C░H░R░I░S░T░M░A░S░ !!!

  6. 3:30 a.m., Debra? You couldn't sleep you were so excited for the big day? I hope you have a wonderful day today! :o)

  7. Wolverine looks very lethal when he's that sweet!

    Happy holidays, my dear Debra!

  8. Alright now. That's pretty damn good.

  9. Wolverine AND Mark Darcy? My Christmas is complete!
    Have a great Christmas!

  10. Wow, two handsome men for Christmas. How did you get them out of the stocking, or did Wolverine cut his way out. Mr. Darcy probably charmed his way out.
    Merry Christmas!!

  11. dear santa,

    i want mark darcy for christmas.

  12. :). Great photos! Love 'em. Merry Christmas to you!

  13. Thanks for your Christmas generosity....a twofer, yum. Oma Linda

  14. Happy holidays!! Have a wonderful time!

  15. Merry Christmas, Debra! I hope you and your family have enjoyed a lovely day!

  16. SWEET! Merry Christmas Debra and The Rare one!!

  17. Hey Debra,

    I hope you had a great Boxing Day Eve, oops, a great Christmas Day.

    And from Boxing Day, I send positive thoughts your way.

    Gary :)

  18. I just had to check in and see your Christmas post and I am so glad I did! That Colin Firth picture is fabulous! Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  19. Merry Christmas Debs! I sure hope you and yours had a lovely day!

  20. My mother-in-law in England is CRAZY about Colin Firth, people cut out photos of him and paste them in greeting cards for her, isn't that a riot? She's a funny lady, she would love this photo!
    Can you believe that Hugh Jackman was filming here in Conyers last year for the movie, Prisoners?
    If I had met him, I would have told him he needs to dress as Wolverine ALL THE TIME, I like him the best that way, forget all that silly singing and dancing, just bring out the CLAWS (sheathed in candy canes for Christmas, of course! HA!)

  21. LOL…love a Wolverine Christmas greeting! Hope you had a wonderful day!

  22. Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! Colin F. is always welcome under my tree. Merry Xmas, Debra!

  23. I hope you had a great Christmas Debra ;o) I could lick those candy canes! Is that too much information? LOL!


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