Monday 10 February 2014

Backseat Driving Bickersons

This clip makes me laugh the guilty laugh of self-recognition. Bickering Thor and Loki remind me way too much of My Rare One and I sometimes when we're in the car together. I'll leave it up to you to figure out which is who.


  1. If your car is flying through the air too, spitting fire, then I can understand that the two of you are bickering. Have a lovely week and drive safe ;-)

  2. i do all the driving here which eliminates the bickering! mostly.

  3. My hubby gets so annoyed with me. I am always putting on the breaks...and I am not even driving.

  4. Too cute,yes for sure..we all have those kinds of funny experiences and they seem so silly afterwards! Lol.
    Great vid to start my morning..

  5. Hubby cannot stop complaining or commenting about others driving even when he is in the passenger seat. arggggh..... He makes me crazy! LOL

  6. I have to let my spouse drive or the resulting backseat driving antics will lead us to divorce.

  7. Haha! They remind me of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo in the first Star Wars movies.

  8. I avoid that by not having a car at all :)

  9. Oh my gosh! I can relate to this so much. My hubby and I used to be this way until we made an agreement, "Sit down and shut up. I'm driving!" =)

    AJ's wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge

  10. Yeaaahhh... at this point in the movie, the wife and I just exchanged knowing glances and laughed. We can relate all too well.

  11. Lol! We've all been there!

  12. Hahaha...I think all of us can relate to this. But I must admit that hubby and I are pretty well-behaved when the other drives; him more so than me, which is quite unusual for a man! I'll admit that once in awhile I'm a backseat driver. Only once in awhile (fingers crossed in back)...LOL... But then he does almost all the driving, so there's my excuse :)

  13. Let me guess, you're Loki.
    When David drives I talk and keep him entertained with jokes. When I drive he has to behave himself, or I'll turn the CD player up. I'm a serious driver.

  14. Good morning Debra....cute, cute clip....I can't imagine you and your rare one doing this! LOL LOL


  15. That is too funny!! Thanks for the chuckle... xpxp Silke

  16. This is why I'm never a passenger.

  17. "I'm clearly the best pilot" - would that be you? I can see you saying that, or, equally, "But who can actually fly?" Hmm, my bet's on the second one, actually.

  18. Not even going to go there......

  19. Lol!! '..Is that right?.. out of the two of us.. which one can actually fly..' so funny. That would be me. I bet that's you :)

  20. Haha. I'm guessing your Rare One can actually fly while you engage in distracting commentary. (?) You need not verify whether or not I'm correct. Thanks for the chuckles.


  21. Ah yes. For some reason this sort of reminds me of the times my former wife would be driving the car. I kept trying to slam on the imaginary brake on the passenger's side.

    Gary :)

  22. LOL! I think you are Thor, but I have to say, I think I would be the best person at driving and flying! LOL!

  23. Heh, it was actually a decent movie. Better than the first one.

  24. I just watched this movie yesterday and I thought it was terrible. But Stellan SkarsgÄrd streaking at Stonehenge was funny :)

  25. Not at all distracting, that's funny.

  26. if I get it right will you tell me? I'm thinking your Thor here.


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