Sunday 2 February 2014

Sacred Brigid and Profane Groundhog

Today is Imbolc, the sacred day of the Celtic Goddess Brigid. For several years, many bloggers have celebrated by participating in a Cyberspace Poetry Slam. Everyone posts a favourite poem written by themselves or by another. Collectively, this results in a vast internet web of poetry being woven to honour Brigid, the Goddess of Poetry.

This year I am posting one of my favourite poems by the Canadian-American lesbian poet Elsa Gidlow (1898 - 1986).

You Say
by Elsa Gidlow

You say I am mysterious.
Let me explain myself:
In a land of oranges
I am faithful to apples.

And, as promised, here's the profane groundhog:


  1. The only groundhog day thing that I like is the movie, the rest is too ridiculous.

  2. phil is only correct 38 percent of the time. anyone else with those stats would be fired! love the poem!

  3. such true delight :) And what's wrong with oranges? :)

  4. Lovely. Makes me wonder about my own favorite poems. I'm going to dive back into my books to find out. Have a lovely Sunday.

  5. Effing groundhog. LOL

  6. I like that poem. Happy Imbolc...though i have no idea how to pronounce that word.

  7. Not that I'm against oranges, but I'd prefer an apple instead.

  8. I let loose a lot of profanity at the thought of more winter weather (damn rodent saw his shadow). There's a nasty storm heading this way, as if to underline Phil's prediction. Ugh!

  9. Love the poem.

    Now that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and predicted 6 more weeks of winter he is probably not everyone's favorite rodent. The little guy better watch his back for the next 6 weeks.

  10. Great poem Debra! Keep that mind open I say!
    Shubenacadie Sam, our local groundhog predicted, has just informed us that we will be basking in springlike sunshine very soon!! Yes!

  11. Before Punxsutawney Phil There was the Candlemas Day on Feb 2. There is an old Scottish poem that goes:

    If Candlemas Day be dry and fair,
    Half the winter's to come and mair. (pronounced mare)

    If Candlemas Day be wet and foul,
    Half o' winter's gane at Yule.

  12. Love the poem.
    Hate the rodent.
    Ba Humbug winter.
    and that's all I have to say about that.

  13. Hope things are not too cold up your way today. Not terrible here, just a dusting really, but it sure looks pretty.

    Now I'm trying to decide of a sweet chocolate heart bake or a savory herb and cheese. So many choices.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

  14. And I firmly believe that is what Phil say every year too!!! It's till cold out, who the hell wants to leave their burrow just yet?

  15. Hee hee! :) Happy Ground Hog Day! I guess I should say: Happy Imbolc Day!

  16. Our bright mayor dropped the groundhog this morning. I have a feeling we are in for a 'long' four years.

  17. but he's a natural meteorologist

  18. That poem is everything. And I love the cartoon! Groundhog Day is the silliest in a calendar FULL of silly non-holidays.

  19. Blessed Imbolc and Brigit's day. We had more snow but then lots of sun and now, more gray clouds coming in. I hope you have a beautiful day,

  20. Imbolc. Is it pronounced the way it is written? I love the description of a web of poetry and I love the poem you posted. Funny!! As for the groundhog I don't believe in groundhogs anymore.

  21. That's a prediction I would gladly stand behind.

    Be well, Debra.
    Happy Groundhog Day.

  22. Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Sarah Palin can see Russia
    from her front porch.
    I like the Wizard of Oz
    how'bout you?

    the Ol'Buzzard

  23. I love the poem you posted...hahaha...

    Six more weeks of winter? Boo...hiss...grrrr....

  24. You made me laugh so badly! My" poor titties" bounced a lot!! Brightest Imbolc blessings to you my love!

  25. Love the poem!!! Those poor groundhogs! We should leave them alone! A blessed Imbolc to you ;o)

  26. Of course there is six more weeks of winter, it's Canada. Insert sad face here.

  27. Sweet poem. The groundhog day cartoon is a riot! What a strange tradition the groundhog thing it!!!

  28. I love poems that are short and to the point. And punchy. Also, I know we like asking a random rodent to predict our weather, but I don't know, maybe we can ask some kind of meteorologist to give us a slightly more accurate prediction.

  29. Beautiful poem! Love it. And i love groundhog. He thinks we humans are ridiculous. (And sometimes he's right.). :)

  30. Cool, so this is the Pagan roots of Candlemass. next year, I celebrate it, somehow. This year, being jetlagged, I forgot to make pancakes.


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