Monday 24 February 2014

What a Great Olympics!

So, the Sochi Olympics are over. Canada is "brimming with pride and medals" says The Globe and Mail and it's right -- 10 gold, 10 silver, 5 bronze for a total of 25. In weighted medal rankings, that puts Canada third behind Russia and Norway. Here's a few photos of some favourite Canadian athletes in victory:

1. Justine and Chloé Dufour-Lapointe (gold and silver in skiing)

2. Charles Hamelin (gold in speedskating)

3. Dara Howell and Kim Lamarre (gold and bronze in ski slopestyle)

4. Mikael Kingsbury and Alex Bilodeau (silver and gold in men's moguls)

5. Patrick Chan (silver in men's figure skating)

6. Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir (silver in ice dance)

7. Kaillie Humphries and Heather Moyse (gold in women's bobsled)

8. Jennifer Jones Rink (gold in women's curling)

9. Team Canada (gold in women's hockey)

10. Brad Jacobs Rink (gold in men's curling)

11. Team Canada (gold in men's hockey)

In Canada, we're a little shy about gloating, but we can do it if we have to:

Oh, who the hell are we kidding?

[Photo credits: 1. John Lehmann/The Globe and Mail; 2. EPA/How Hwee Young; 3. John Lehmann/The Globe and Mail; 4. Ed Kaiser/Postmedia News; 5. AP/Ivan Sekretarev; 6.; 7. CP/Jonathan Hayward; 8. AP Photo/Wong Maye-E; 9. Brian Snyder/Reuters; 10. Robert F. Bukaty; 11. John Lehmann/The Globe and Mail]


  1. congrats on all those medals! an ouch! your hockey kicked our hockey's butt. just remember, syd comes back here though. we just loaned him to you!

  2. Congratulations, Canada. Well done.

  3. Congrats to Team Canada!!! Especially loved the two ice hockey wins! Now to take the Stanley Cup. What an awesome hat trick that would be!

  4. ha ha ha. The last picture really made me laugh. Sorry.

  5. I'm happy about Canada and Russia winning so many medals :) And it's nice seeing small countries in the top twenty as well, because that doesn't usually happen at summer Olympics

  6. Congratulations Canada! All that hard work paid off!!

  7. Congratulations to Canada and all of your fabulously talented Olympians! The USA is proud to call you a neighbor! xox

  8. Congratulations to all of these incredibly talented men and women whose names I've already forgotten now that the Olympics are over (at least I'm honest).

  9. Congratulations to all the medaled and non medaled athletes that competed in this years Olympics. And special congrats to those that won the gold silver and bronze and brought them home to Canada.

  10. Nice summary..Congrats to Canada..

  11. guys rocked. Sorry, it's true! ;)

  12. Oh, being a Canadian, I can so identify with this post. I LOVE it! It was a great Olympics, certainly full of wild emotions! Thanks for pulling in the highlights!

  13. I am laughing at the "sorry" part because I have not written much on my blog about the olympics because I don't want to offend anyone that is not a Canadian reader! Inside I am doing a happy dance.

  14. A GREAT BIG HAPPY CONGRATULATIONS! I'm glad Canada did so well. Y'all kicked butt and took Gold.

  15. Congratulations to Canada and its awesome athletes! :). I watched as Jennifer Jones helped her team win the gold. It was wonderful.

  16. Yepeeeee ;o) I'm not sorry! LOL! ;o)

  17. Ha ha. Love the sorry stuff. I tried curling once and didn't like it. HOWEVER After seeing the men's curling team I'm thinking I may give it another try. :)

  18. Congratulations to Canada from Finland! Great games!
    Our team & highlights:
    incl. lots of Teemu - oh sorry, sorry!

  19. I have to confess, I barely watched it. But I enjoyed the women ice hockey finale.

  20. congratulations..they were kicked our asses and I know that must have felt good..hah...I"m so ashamed of our mens hockey, who did not have the grace to be good sports in losing, to the point they threw the game for did good.

  21. Hey Heli -- Teemu Selanne is my favourite NHL hockey player! I love the Finnish Flash and have ever since he was a rookie with the Winnipeg Jets! Yay Teemu!

  22. all the sorry stuff. Yup, we're sorry about not being sorry! We are very proud of all our athletes. Very VERY proud!

  23. The winter olympics does make me feel sorry for the countries with no snow or ice. I heard the Philippines had a team, where do they practice at?

  24. Big cheers to you guys for kicking butt.


  25. Eh? just kidding... that was my Canadian humor.

  26. Nice job!

    And Charles' lady must REALLY love him, because I saw that photo and I just thought, "Yuck! He'll be all sweaty!"

  27. Congrats Canada. Everyone of the athletes that you highlighted did Canada proud. For this Canada-phile, the double gold in Men and women ice hockey is just the most delicious icing on the cake.

  28. Well done, Canada! :) Congratulations!
    Good to see you are such a supporter of your country, Debra. :) Be happy!

  29. Yay awesome tribute!! So enjoyed this..shine on Canada!

  30. That's an awesome photo recap! Congrats Canada. :)

  31. What? No photos of the women's hockey team partying on the ice like in 2010?

  32. Hi Dexter -- I certainly hope those girls behaved themselves this time! And conducted themselves like ladies.

  33. Really enjoyed these Olympics Debra! Particularly the curling and the women's hockey! Sorry......

  34. Canadians "own" hockey. They are awesome. Really, who would deny that?

    I watched the ice dancing from start to finish. Virtue and Moir were magnificent.

  35. Can't forget that they have another advantage over the Americans: no taxes on the medals.

  36. Good for Canada...I had watched the women's curling, and those Canadian women kicked ass!!


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