Monday 28 April 2014

Spend the Rainbow!

Yes, we're loud and proud in Canada, LOL! Plus our $50 bills smell like maple syrup. How cool is that? In fact, there's only one thing wrong with our currency, apart from the fact that everyone needs more of it. We desperately need to get rid of the Queen and all those old fogey Prime Ministers on our money and replace them with Canada's REAL folk heroes and role models.

Yes, My Rare One and I went to the Trailer Park Boys movie yesterday and it was AWESOME! Or should I say FUCKIN AWESOME! We both laughed like hyenas all the way through it. Go see it if you can!


  1. Never seen Canadian currency before. Your idea seems like a good one - we should make currency fun to have!
    Never heard of that movie either - so today is a day of little discoveries for me :)hehe

  2. I've never seen Canadian currency either. Good idea, my friend. Might really take off.

  3. I think I would spend less if I had money that looked like that. I'd be loathe to part with such beauty.

  4. I'm glad you two loved the movie. Okay, that's it. I'm going to make a promise to myself right now, "I promise to watch at least two episodes of Trailer Park Boys on Netflix by May 31, 2014." DONE! I'll be back to let you know what I think. Unless I hate it. Then I'll remain silent. =)

    I love comedies. So, I'm not too worried =P

  5. you didn't just use the F word, Debs... you naughty rascal!

  6. Hahaaha! I didn't know the 50 smelled like maple syrup - is that true? I probably have never had one :) My only beef with the money is that I can't take my eyes off of it, it is so gorgeous. As for the picture on the front, personally I think Secnarf with her platform of "2 votes for every woman" is more deserving than the Trailer Park Boys!

  7. Will definitely have to put the movie on our 'must-see' list. And totally agree about the money! Who wants drab ol' money? We need to make it a mirror of who we are! And maple syrup smell? AwEsOmE!!!

  8. I wish we could get rid of the Queen too.

    Glad you had fun!

  9. I haven't seen the money or the movie, but the movie I can easily check out on Netflix. As for the money, I'm glad you show it on your site, because that's probably the only way I'll ever see it. :-)
    I just happened by your blog, and now I'm your newest follower. It's nice to "meet" you. Love the humor.

  10. How perfect! I will not complain about how the new bills stick together any more... I never seem to have many in my hand anyway. :)

  11. i had such trouble adjusting to same colored currency when i moved back to the states! i can't wait to see the movie!!!

  12. I had never seen Canadian money up to this and I thought we had monopoly looking bills. You win.
    Glad you went to the "crazy" movie. I'm sure my cuckoos will go and guffaw loudly.

  13. They have a movie? And here I haven't even seen the show. I need to remedy this. I've heard nothing but awesome things.

  14. Hahahaha! Yes, we certainly need to get rid of the Queen and all those old fogey Prime Ministers. Time to make room for better choices. It's about time, eh?

    Glad you had fun at the movies. Sounds like a crazy-fun movie!

  15. The Spawn told me you had currency now that smelled like maple syrup. I thought she was just taking the mickey.

  16. Great post! You are really funny. What a sense of humor. Have a great day. Cheers!!

  17. Lol! I totally want to see it. The sooner the better.

  18. I love the color of our money! I agree, time to put new faces on the currency!! Glad to hear you enjoyed the movie!

  19. Haven't seen the movie..Gotta check out Netflix..

  20. I thought you meant John A. MacDonald was gay. Or that Queen Elizabeth was in fact a man in a drag. But MacDonald does look gay and the Queen does look like a man.

  21. I love your loonies.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  22. Bubbles would make any money worth... more. I'm so glad Canada has finally recognized that and put their money on it. ;-D

  23. Glad you girls had such a fun time at the movie house. That's a lot of fun.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

  24. I always thought our fifties smelled like coke. Haha ... kidding. ;)

  25. all we have is green and that weird yellow ten

  26. That change would certainly SHAKE THINGS UP around this ole country of ours!! lol
    You know what they say....a change is as good as a rest!!
    BUBBLES for Prime Minister!!

  27. I'm currently residing in England and you have to replace the Queen with some queens :)

    American money is so boring compared to Canadian money. Loony tune time, methinks....

    Take care, eh.


  28. The money's pretty, but it seems a bit elitist that only the $50 smells like maple syrup.


  29. I think our money is beautiful! I love it ;o) Glad you liked the movie! LOL! Since you and your rare one liked it, I have to go see it now! ;o)

  30. I love everything about my Canaderians...

  31. We need to replace the old farts on our money, too!

  32. I was gonna say isn't that the Queen on your money?!.. didn't realize..!

  33. Our money washes great too! AND when you drop it in the snow and it melts and refreezes, you can pluck that money right out of the ice and it doesn't tear!

  34. Doh! lol They should just hire you to design the currency. =)

  35. Oh i love maple syrup!
    And yes that's what i got from that post!

  36. I love the Queen and she is on much of our money as well. Thanks for the movie suggestions, Hub and I are always looking for something to watch and Yes, I too need more money. Lisa x

  37. Wow, Canadian money is so cool looking!

  38. LOL I agree with Insomniac's Attic.
    I love our new money,it feels so weird in a good way.
    I do like your money, much better though.


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