Thursday 10 April 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past

I can hardly wait to see this movie when it opens next month! Four of my favourite actors will portray Professor X (James McAvoy / Patrick Stewart) and Magneto (Michael Fassbender / Ian McKellen) as their young and old selves.

And not to mention the return of Hugh Jackman as my fave, Wolverine! Jackman can pull off both the young and old roles since Wolverine ages so slowly there's hardly any difference between the two except for bone claws vs adamantium claws. Oh and that little touch of grey at the temples, yeah right.

Apparently Prof X and Magneto will finally become allies in this movie. Will it play out something like this, I wonder?

Oh, those wacky mutant BFFs!


  1. I'm just scared because it's directed by Bryan Singer and that dude hasn't made a good movie in a really long time. I'd watch a movie of just Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart palling around.

  2. I love Hugh Jackman. Haven't been to the movies in ages. Too expensive here in the city. Will probably not see it right away.

  3. exciting stuff huh!

  4. Hugh has recently recommended Channing Tatum to be next Wolverine. I adore me FassMyBenders

  5. This post has so many reasons to smile, but the last gif really made my morning. Thanks for putting a smile on my face Debra. :-)

  6. Wolverine with a touch of grey and whacky mutants BFFs make me giggle in totally inappropriate ways.

    I can't wait to see it!

  7. seems wolverine will get his metal claws back sometime in the movie.

  8. What have I been missing?! In a month's time, eh?

  9. I love that gif. Those two guys are hilarious.

  10. I can not wait to see this!!!!!

  11. I loved seeing the pictures of those two palling around together.

    My family can't wait to see this one. So many good movies coming out/came out.

    AJ's wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge

  12. Now that would be quite the movie! Mutant BFF's! :0)

  13. I'm looking forward to this myself.....but not as much as Maleficent.

  14. Hugh Jackman! Hottie McHot Hotster! Sexiest wolverine alive!

  15. While I am excited to see this movie, I feel like I'd actually want to just see Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart goofing off together for 2 hours. I bet that'd be a blast.

  16. Not really a Jack or X-Men fan, but I'm happy your happy. Welcome back! Cheers!!

  17. My son would love to have you as a mom. He loves these movies!

  18. Being a DC guy, I'm waiting for the new Superman vs Batman movie. I'm even willing to see how Affleck does before I pass any judgement. Until then, Marvel will have to do.

    Pretty fond of the Wolverine though.

  19. Just catching up here. Fun as always.

  20. I can't wait..well actually that's a lie, don't go to movies any can't wait for it to come to video..ha

  21. I love that gif! Can't wait to see it. Can't. Wait!

  22. They were then rather handsome when young :) I am not an X-man fan but I do like Jackman in this role!

  23. Love those two old dudes hanging out, drinking beer! It helps that I know it's one gay guy and one feminist too :)

  24. Hey Debra, I got my Mac! Liking it so far ;o) I love the X Man ;o) Can't wait ;o) The video was hilarious ;o) Thanks for the smile ;o)

  25. I have a whole new affinity for Patrick Stewart after reading an interview he gave to AARP magazine (yes, I am a member). He is so different than what I imagined him to be, what a fun loving guy!


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