Friday 11 July 2014

And Speaking of Mormons

They do, though, have that rather unfortunate and annoying habit, don't they, of coming to the front door to try to convert us. Sometimes, however, they get more than they bargained for . . . .

[by doodleigh]

Hahahahahahahaha, love it! Wait, what? The Mighty God of Thunder needs reading glasses?

And don't ask why Thor and Loki are in bed together. They're consenting adults, you know.


  1. the pentagram over my front door usually does the trick for this sort of thing!

  2. This makes me think of:

  3. Thanks for the Friday chuckle. I overslept this morning but couldn't start my day without visiting here.

  4. OMG is Thor sleeping with Loki in that last one? The wettest of dreams....

  5. Ha Ha Ha! That's awesome! :0)
    I usually let Hubby answer the door when the religious peddlers come knocking. He loves to engage them in "philosophical discussions". They usually leave after they realize they can't convert him.

  6. I had some J. Witnesses come to the door and they asked me if I believed the end times were near because of all the "Bad stuff" going on in the world.

    I told them that honestly the world only seems bad because you can hear about all the troubles minutes after they happen on the internet or TV.

    I also mentioned that war, violence, natural disasters, and crime have been around before recorded history, in-fact if you really think about it there's less of it now than back then. Then I shut the door.

  7. Ha ha ha! I've been visited by the odd mormon, but it's the Jehovah's Witnesses that won't leave me alone. I need Thor to come answer my door for me.

  8. That is great. We don't have Mormons going door to door here, but once and while we get a J.W. My too-polite children have a hard time shutting the door, and for months I had them asking for Mathew or Foster. I swear two followed Foster home from the bus stop one day, and were very upset with me when I asked them to leave. They said I had no right to turn them away when they wanted to talk to Him not me. I said I was the Home Owner! And get Lost!

  9. Too funny! My front door is sort of hidden and folks think my next door neighbor's front door is mine, too. She gets all the "action"! heh heh heh

  10. That's funny but that last picture leaves me with all sorts of disturbing thoughts about Thor's hammer.

  11. This is a riot! I thought the converters only went door to door in the U.S. They get around!

  12. This is the BEST and most FUNNIEST joke I have read in a long time. I should tell you one time about how my son got cornered....and they kept coming back. Poor kid. Kinda funny tho! Thanks for the laugh!

  13. haha this is funny!!.. no match for Thor.

  14. When I was a wee girl Mormon's used to knock on our door all the time....but come to think of it.....I haven't had one come by our door in YEARS!!


  15. And that is why I'm thankful I no longer live in populated areas. Yep, safe and sound in my country home, practicing my own religion on my own terms. I'm a devout pot smoker!

    Oh crap! I tinkled myself.

  17. Hilarious. But for me, the one true god is Odin.

  18. I know, right? Through the whole thing, it's Thor wearing reading glasses that confused me. Hahahahaha...

    Well, never in all my life have I ever had a Mormon come to my front door; even all 44 years living in the big city of Montreal. Never. Lots of Jehovah's Witnesses. And political-candidate pushers (hehehe). But never a Mormon.

  19. Oh my gosh, Debra. You are
    flippin' funny. Good stuff.

  20. Oh thank you for these giggles! You just can't help yourself can you?!! Heeheehee

  21. I love it when Christians ask me if I've found Jesus..I get on a roll: didn't know it was my turn to watch him. what kind of son of God is he that he gets lost all the time..can't they put a gps unit on him?

  22. Silly! I wouldn't mind snuggling in between those godlike gentlemen, to help...look for their names.

    When they come to my door, I say "No thanks, I'm Jewish." They never have a response and just leave flustered. It's great.

  23. I need to get my eyes checked, I thought your title was "And Speaking of MORONS". No offense intended!
    I actually like speaking to the sweet young Mormans who visit, it is the Jehovah's Witnesses who do my head in.

  24. LOL! Debra, you are the best! LOL!

  25. I love that Thor is wearing glasses, lol!

  26. Have you seen the musical, The Book of Mormon? Very shocking jokes in it. Good music and dance routines but low on those good family values.

  27. hahahahaa! Best cartoon I've seen in a long time. Double whammy at the end!

  28. They knocked on my door. "Hi, we're Mormons." To which I replied, "Don't worry about it." They walked away......

  29. I NEVER answer my front door so I'm glad to say this isn't an issue for me. :D

  30. Um. Well, they're not really brothers, right?

  31. You're right, Riot Kitty. They're not really brothers. Technically, they're different species too (Asgardian and Jotun). Still a little creepy though, I know.

  32. Times like this I wish I had a Mjolnir to aid me in thwarting door to door Mormons. Reciting silly things always seems to help, though. My favorite is:

    “If Jesus lives inside us all, then I sure hope he likes enchiladas, because that's what he's getting” - Jack Handy

  33. ROFL- really Debra you have a wicked sense of humor- it's great. BTW we call each other brother and sister because we are brother and sisters in the gospel.


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