Wednesday 16 July 2014

We Can All Join!

You can have classically Grecian looks and long straight hair

Or a big beautiful afro

It's okay if you're short and kinda squatty

Or if people say you're "too intense" and a little scary

Your memory doesn't have to be the greatest

You can come from any religion

And any race

And any dress size

Hell, you can be a big ol' hairy guy, that's fine too

Come join our Wonder Women ranks today!

[Calvin's Canadian Cave of Cool does a weekly feature called "Wednesdays with Wonder Woman" and that's where I collected these terrific images over the past year or so. Thanks, Cal, for doing all the leg work to find them from around teh interwebs!]


  1. I do a Wonder Woman Quiz, really fun to read the answers. Then give away fun prizes. Good stuff.

  2. Although I don't want to see her blond and I don't want to see her wearing blue boots. That's not Wonder Woman, AT ALL!

  3. Blonde, I mean.

    Forgive me, Bug has had me awake since four. Little shit.

  4. Haha! I love all the pictures!!!

  5. This is great. Love the pictures. I think we are all Wonder Women in our own way.

  6. I was going to say this reminds me of our friend Whisk. I see she's already been here to enjoy all the pictures. I love the intense one - she looks bad ass!

  7. Oh Wonder WoBear. Who knew a feminist dominatrix fantasy created by the inventor of the polygraph test would have such a lasting cultural impact.

  8. Yes, indeed! We ARE all Wonder Women! :0)

  9. I have to imagine that Wonder Wobear is probably a founding member of the Justice League of Seeking Attention

  10. yep, that guy is flaunting it with most style and glitz

  11. Aaaaaaa! Wonder Wobear.... I will have nightmares.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  12. You can even be a five year old running around in her under-roos llike my daughter did

  13. That is so cool!!!!!! I'd be the one who forgot to wear the costume underneath.

  14. when I had all 3 kids at home I referred to myself as Wonder Mother..

  15. Crap! We are supposed to wear a costume? I must have missed the memo. Lucky for me I have a credit card and can order one from the internet.

  16. Great post. Happy I can still entertain you enough to see you come back all these years.

  17. Is it weird that I recognized myself best in "Intense and a little scary"..?

  18. My favourite superheroin is actually a supervillainess: Catwoman.

  19. Very cool! We are all part of the Wonder Woman club!

  20. Sorry, but now I've gone blind after seeing the hairy guy.EEWWWWWWW!!

  21. this is the best thing i have read this week!

  22. BTW Anne, I would be the "forgot my costume" one too hehehe

  23. This is wonderful ;o) Yeh us ;o)))

  24. what a collection of wonder!
    the not wearing my costume is the best one IMHO

  25. You mean I can be a member too?
    Loved this , Debra! No surprise to me that all women are WONDERful.

  26. Leave it to Wonder Wobear to always rain on the parade.

  27. Yay! I have always loved Wonder Woman! And I don't have the greatest memory these days, so that version is perfect for me. Lol. I love this post. I think the big super hairy WW is my fave of the bunch!

  28. This so totally rocked! Thank you!

  29. Love these! The guy is a riot. I love seeing footage from events like Comicon. People who dress up, crack me up!

  30. Those are amazing! I love me some cosplay.

  31. Calvin is Cool and BTW so are you!!

  32. Very cool, as is that Canadian Cave guy. Gotta love Cal.

  33. My friends went to Mexico a few years ago and they brought me back a silver cuff bracelet. They had bought one for each of us - "our Wonder Women bracelet" they said. I love it! *points fist to the sky*

  34. I want to dress up as Wonder Wobear.


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