Friday 1 August 2014

Día del Gato Muerto

"So these are our new digs, are they?"

I awoke with a start. A baleful feline eye glared at me from close range.

"OMG am I hallucinating?"

"No, you are not hallucinating, human. Calm down. I have returned."

"Returned? How is that even possible?"

"The Goddess Bast in Her infinite wisdom has sent me back to haunt you . . . I mean, to help you. Neither Ceiling Cat nor the Great Mother of All are convinced that you can actually manage on your own. Clearly you are already halfway to hell in a handbasket. I have been sent back to be your Life Coach and Guide."

"Oh I do NOT fucking believe this."

"Believe it, human. Now get up and feed me. And by the way, I also barfed up a hairball by the TV in the living room. You'll need to deal with that. Just because I'm in spirit form now doesn't mean I don't still have all the same needs as before. Time to scoop the litter box too."

And so, dear readers, HRH's Adventures begin again. Stay tuned.


  1. I think the phrase "barfed up a hairball" nearly made me barf up a beer ball (I don't eat hair, that would be gross).

  2. I woke up looking my kitty in the face this morning as well - always a scary sight LOL

  3. Nothing worse than stepping on a barfed up hairball. Have a great weekend.

  4. Someone is looking after you. We all need a guide.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  5. Oh no, and a new, more improved, smart clawed version! Looks out Debs!

  6. look out, she's back!

  7. You need a new HRH .... everyone needs a furball in their life! A spirit HRH is okay, but .......!!!!!!

  8. Oh My! Could there be a reincarnation about to happen? This may prove to be of great scientific interest! :0)
    Love the image! Very cool!

    *do spirit cats hack up ectoplasmic hair balls?*

  9. such a considerate spirit of HRH to leave you just a furball and not a poop....

  10. Amazing! And who did that fab art work??

  11. Haha! I love that HRH has come back!

  12. Oh... I can hardly wait for the 'spirit' adventures to return! Nothing can hold back HRH now!! She can fly, walk through walls, this will be amazing! Just so you know, I have dreams about my departed cats and humans from time to time. I always think of it as a little gift. :) Plus, I agree, you need another feline pet, the black ones are always the last to be adopted you know!

  13. I wouldn't worry too much. Logically, that hairball must also be in spirit form, so there's not much cleaning to do. You can probably just think it away.

  14. Haunted by hairballs.... omg, what a nightmare.

  15. Hair balls are one thing...half digested mouse bits are another. Cats.

  16. Yay! I am SO looking forward to more HRH! This post is making me smile big. Love it!

  17. Every Saturday morning finds me waking up to a ginger darling chewing my hair. Lovely.

  18. Your cat seems to be a sociopath. Watch out!

  19. I'm glad my dog will never do that.

  20. I missed the live version of HRH. Cats just appear to be wise. I would not trust any of their advice especially if I were a mouse or small bird. I've learned many lessons from my cartoon watching.

  21. An ectoplasmic hairball ... that has got to be sticky!

  22. Holy, too? I woke up with a barfed up hairball, as well. On the damn carpet. Like we don't have enough smooth surfaces for them to puke on...

    HRH is back! And in spirit form, too? Yes, indeed. Let the games begin!

  23. I miss my cats, but not the litter tray or the hair balls. Good luck!

  24. Hi Debra,
    You said you wanted some so I would like to send you a few pieces of sea glass from Penarth Beach :-)
    Just pop me an email ( with your address and It'll be winging it's way to you in no time.
    All the Best.

    PS: You do make me laugh!!!

  25. Yeh, HRH is back ;o) I am so happy ;o)

  26. there is just something psycho about cats and their need to lay on our chest and stare right into our face till we get up and do their biding..

  27. i love this post! reminds me of my cat. they are very demanding. you know what they say - dogs have families, cats have staff. cheers!!

  28. Gotta love a cat with attitude!!


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