Monday 18 August 2014

Huzzah, It's Here!

Yes, August 18th, National Bad Poetry Day, is upon us once more! "O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!" And to celebrate, I've collected a few choice gems for your perusal and consideration . . . .

Bad Poets, like all poets, yearn to write the Great Eternal Truths of Love.

But Bad Poets also write movingly and eloquently about Life's Many Trials and Tribulations.

Nor are Bad Poets limited to our own human species. All kindred beings can pour out their innermost hearts using the Sweet Language of The Divine Emollient.

Thank you for celebrating National Bad Poetry Day with She Who Seeks blog!


  1. Hee heee heee. Too funny. I wish I knew poetry day was coming, I would have taken part.

  2. Now this is something I can participate in. These are so funny.

  3. This was awesome, Debra. Every day is bad poetry day for me, I try but I suck. Too bad I missed this day!

    I've said that Lego one a few times myself.

  4. Curious, my ex-husband used to recite the cat one every morning. Btw, it's me, the Silver Bunny; I have changed my URL to See you there ! xx

  5. Great way to start my morning! LOL!

  6. I have heard the fourth one, often,,,,,lol!

  7. Shakespeare is turning in his grave....

  8. Ooohhhh....{{huge groan}}....Now I know why I didn't pursue poetry....

    I woulda been the subject of Bad Poetry Day! :0)

  9. These are awesome! BAD poetry is the only kind of poetry I can get behind. Love the Colbert tweet!

  10. Finally ... some poetry I can actually understand!:)

  11. I think that fridge poem was pretty cute, actually :)

  12. Normally id be good at writing these, especially on a Monday!!!!!! But this week in off so no lovely poems for today at least. These are a hoot!

  13. This was hilarious, but I felt like this could use more teen angst. No one writes worse poetry than a lovelorn 13 year old.

  14. All poetry sucks really, good and bad. The only way I can cope with it, is in the form of rap. And my favourite line ever is from NAS. "Life's a bitch, and then you die."

  15. Thank you. Thank you for sharing. One day I hope to write poetry as good as these. :)

  16. The morning dew
    raced down my face
    and puddled into
    a big fat lake.

    And in that lake
    you dipped your toe
    unaware of the croc below.

    Then into his jaws
    he took your leg
    and now you've
    got a wooden peg leg.

    My job here is done!

  17. I wonder if they celebrate this day in Nantucket?

  18. Bravo! Bravo! Bellissima!!
    That was for Anne O'Leary.

    Deb, I liked your Lego Haiku. It was very expressive of pain and then hate. And the Magnet Poem was wonderful. My husband wrote me something very similar.

    You are my Goddess
    My love and my life
    And that Ass

  19. Bahahaha! I love the last image. WTF, indeed. LOL... And of course, my favourite bad poem is from the cat!

  20. I don't know who Anne O'Leary is but she writes the best bad poetry in the world!!! Thanks for drawing my attention to this wonderful day, Debra!!

  21. debra, this was a fabulous read. well, you know i really enjoyed the hiaku about finals and fridge and the by hungry cat. too mucking fuch. hysterical post. happy bad poetry day. cheers!!

  22. Fun fact: Ayn Rand collected social(ist) security and used what she would call socialized medicine (medicare) after her lung cancer treatment caused too much weight for her individualism (and pocketbook) to carry.

  23. LOL! You're fantastic! Thank you for the laugh ;o)

  24. The fridge poem was my favorite. I had to check to see if my hubby wrote it. I shall inspire you with a bit of bad haiku of my own:

    Stay at home mother
    Eating chocolate bon-bons
    Right! I don't think so!

  25. I'm freaking mad because I missed the opportunity of writing some amazingly, awesome bad poetry. Life is so freaking unfair. But I'm adding it to my calendar for next year.

    The LEGO poem and the nose licking poem made me roar... "and dat butt"!

  26. Another priceless combination. If the refrigerator magnet poet is now single, send him my way.
    His magnet organization

  27. Lol. This gave me a giggle and put a grin on my face. Love the fridge magnets and the Lego haiku...priceless. I must put this on my calendar for next year. I used to have books of poetry I wrote as a youngling. I think one was even about how I was going to marry Christian Slater. Lol. Great stuff

  28. "da but" yeah, that's the kind of poetry I would get. Men are obsessed with my ample ass. Romantic huh.

  29. So thats what I can do with my fridge magnets!..

  30. Those are all awesome! I'll be laughing all day whenever I think of them. :)

  31. I love a good bad poem!!

  32. HAHA! OMG, these are great. Love the Stephen Colbert post.

  33. LOL, Debra, I have missed your blog something fierce. Bad Poetry Day!!! Love it. But someone stole my poem; I wrote that Lego poem myself!

  34. wiley, in b.c. comics, does some bad shit! ;)

  35. I forgot about bad poetry day. Heck I didn't know until you told me about it.


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