Wednesday 6 August 2014

oh k.d., my k.d.

Over the past few years, Canada Post has been periodically issuing stamps to honour various Canadian singer/songwriters, musicians and bands. Last week they issued one for k.d. lang! The great photo featured on the stamp was taken a few years ago when she was at her sexiest butch best. Mm, mm, mm! And before anyone asks, Canadian stamps are now self-adhesive, alas. Whaaaat? Closest I was ever gonna get.

I've seen k.d. lang in concert several times over the years but my favourite memory is of her solo outdoor Winnipeg Folk Festival concert about 22 years ago or so. She was still a country singer then and for that concert, she wore black pants and a fab silver rhinestone jacket, very retro and campy. I went to the concert with Big Bad Butch (my girlfriend at the time) and let me tell you, every lesbian in Winnipeg and surrounding area was there. We all sat together in our own huge cheering section on the grass centre-left and carried on something fierce as only wild wimmin can do!

Good times.


  1. i haven't thought of kd in a while. i LOVE her!!!

  2. Haven't thought about her in awhile either. Time to dig out a little music.

  3. Awesome. I had a terrible song stuck in my head when I woke up, but now, thankfully, I have "Constant Craving" playing in my mental jukebox. Thank you for that. By the way, "Closest I was ever gonna get," had me laughing.

  4. Would have been quite a wild concert I'm sure!!!

  5. The pics of K.D. on the stamp is really a good one. I can still remember seeing her (on tv) perform with Roy Orbison. That was good!
    {{For Shame! How could they make the stamps self-adhesive & ruin the fun!}}

  6. I.E. "self adhesive stamps", "closest I was ever gonna get". That's hilarious! And I thought I was the only warped person with thoughts like that.

  7. ooh, delightful memories from a lesbifest :)

  8. Love K.D.
    Can't believe she's getting old. That means I'm getting old too, and we can't have that.

  9. I didn't know she was a country singer, first. Cool beaners on the stamp. Have a great week and boogie boogie.

  10. Those were the days when k.d. was country!! We saw her in Halifax when she was just becoming known. She had on this full country-square-dancin dress and was a wild woman! All over the stage! What an entertainer! And what an honour for her too to be on a 'self-adhesive' stamp!!

  11. K.D. Lang has such an amazing voice. I'm sure she was awesome in concert! Congratulations to your country graduating to self adhesive stamps. :)

  12. I have a few of her songs in my I-tunes. I didn't even know she was Canadian. I really like her version of Skylark.

  13. I don't really know her music but I do think she has a nice voice. She was cute when she was younger, weren't we all? Sigh.

  14. I have always enjoyed KD. That picture of the stamp is one of my favorites of her, I agree. Now debs go lick away anyhow!!!!

  15. Sounds fun! I like her, and I hadn't thought of her in ages! Thanks for reminding me!

  16. Oh....I LOVE k.d.lange.......she has kind of disappeared from the music scene....hasn't she? Too bad.


  17. K.D. is hot...that is all...

  18. you wild woman you lol!! I think she is beautiful, I think she looked so amazing in all her photos but my favorite was in the beautiful fluffy pink dress I once saw her in, ( thats the girly girl in me, lol)!!!!!

  19. I know close to zilch about k.d. lang.

  20. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, kd. in the words of elton, "the bitch is back." she looks stunning. she is just AMAZING! thanks for sharing. cheers!!

  21. You made me roar because I was thinking, Hm, do they like their stamps? Yep, my Piano Man walked into the room to see what was wrong with me. I was laughing that wildly. ;-D

  22. Her rendition of "Hallelujah" at the Olympics still gives me chills when I think about it!

  23. Its a toss up between Constant Craving and Hallelujah. Both give me shivers in the best way possible!

  24. Very, very cool! Everybody knows this amazing woman. I should go listen to some of her music...

  25. She's famous in Belgium too. Well done, Canadians ;-)

  26. I love k.d. Have a number of her CD's
    the Ol'Buzzard

  27. I'm embarrassed to say I hadn't heard of KD Lang...UNTIL a friend invited me to her concert. I accepted, and I love her too.

  28. See, the only concerts I go to are gaming related. Yeah, kind of a geek that way.

  29. Nice! And I am completely ignorant, not previously knowing she is Canadian.

  30. I know one Kd song. Constant craving ?!.( i think that's the name) I loved it then , and love it now.
    ..'closest you were goinna get' lol!
    Nice one

  31. K.D. Lang meditates and you can get her meditations through an called, Stop, Breathe & Think. The app is free but K.D.'s add on is $1.99 for 5 meditations. I will see if I can send the link to you.

  32. I have been a K.D. fan since I saw her on Johnny Carson..she had boots a cowgirl skirt and shirt..she sang Johnny don't get angry..and when the gun went off and she fell to the floor I was alone in my house and I stood up and was cheering and screaming and yelling..and Carson was almost as nuts about her as I was..I love her ..and if I was going to switch teams I'd want to be on dear sweet friend Rox sent me one of her cd/s loooove it. and her.

  33. K.D. Lang rocks! Go lick the stamps Deb! Have fun ;o) LOL!

  34. Hahahah. Well I'm sure if she met you ... Anyway I saw her in Whitehorse when she was into wearing cheesey country skirts over cow boy boots. Great show. And I love the stamp! hashahaha


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