Saturday 23 August 2014

PPCLI Centennial -- Tribute Video

Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry is now home in Canada once more. The regiment is stationed mainly at CFB Edmonton in Alberta, with some troops at CFB Shilo in Manitoba.

I'd like to conclude this series of posts with the following tribute video that I found on YouTube. It is set to the PPCLI's official regimental marches -- Quick March Medley: Has Anyone Seen the Colonel / Tipperary / Mademoiselle from Armentières; Slow March: Lili Marlene. The young woman at the beginning of the video is, of course, Princess Patricia. About halfway through the video, the regiment's battle honours flag is pictured, as well as photos of the three Patricias who have been awarded the Victoria Cross, the highest military decoration of the United Kingdom, Canada and the Commonwealth.

[video by piddflicks]


  1. Really cool. And Princess Patricia was quite lovely. Canada fascinates me. So close to us, here in Ohio, and yet so far.

  2. funny how countries which have never been attacked by anyone or invaded, have such big armies

  3. Not all armies are the charge 'em and shoot 'em up kind, Canada is a peace keeping/loving nation!
    Army vets, just the sight of them, make me cry. Tears of pride. Sigh. To be so brave...

  4. This has been a lovely series of posts, Debra. Thank you so much for putting this together.

  5. Not all armies are for fighting, I suppose. Take into account the swiss army whose job it is to guard to pope.

    p.s. you is in Edmonton? I do Calgary!

  6. Yes, Lola, I'm right here in the City of Champions!

  7. I'm going to go to the Goddess very pissed if i don't get to go to Canada before I croak.

  8. Very proud of our "Plough Boys" as my Dad used to call our western Regiments. Thanks for these posts, Debra!

  9. Wonderful tribute. One of these days I'm going to take a trip up north to check out Canada. Such rich history to explore.

  10. I've never heard of Princess Patricia until now.

  11. A very moving video, and very cool posts. Thanks for all this, Debra!

  12. I don't have an issue with serious or melancholy posts, I just find I have nothing to say about hymns or most wars - being an atheist from one of the most "neutral" and least war-ridden countries in the world.


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