Monday 22 September 2014

Hardcore Hopscotch

Oh, what has happened to the simple, innocent game we all played as children? I guess it's true what they say. The world is a much more dangerous place today.


  1. I remember playing some hopscotch. Even as a guy I played a little, but it was mostly watching others play. I don't remember it being quite as extreme as this.

  2. I loved playing hopscotch as a little girl. So did the children in my old neighborhood. I'd come home from work and find the entire neighborhood painted in pastel colors. After drawing their game, they seemed to have gotten a little carried away.

  3. Pretty sure that the world is much more safe today than it was back when kids were forced to play dodgeball with a rusty ball of barbed wire. Also, police do not and have never used chalk outlines, they use the withered bodies of crack addicts to reenact death scenes, everyone knows that.

  4. Haa! Remind me not to play hopscotch with you :P

  5. Hahaha...loved that last one!

    Wow, things have changed since I was a child way back...WAY WAY back...

  6. oh that last one lol!!!!

  7. I loved hopscotch!!! And skipping ropes. We spend so much time outside as kids...sigh.

  8. cops are so wise, aren't they?

  9. Would've liked to have played with the first one with a few kids I remember from school!

  10. I find the 2nd really funny, though only because of something similar that happened in House of Cards.

  11. I loved hopscotch....but I don't think I'd ever seen "Hopscotch the Real Story" before, thanks for the heads up....hehehehehe

  12. hahaha now that I might be willing to jump for. That's the reason *I* stopped playing hopscotch, my womanly meat bags prevent me from really ever jumping, it's just too dangerous.

  13. I think adding "to the death" significantly boosts the fun value of any activity. Next up : tetherball with a spiked metal ball.

  14. Laughed my arse right off with these!

  15. Australians aren't really into hopscotch. We much prefer a good game of four-square. And after pictures like that I can see why.

  16. Those were funny - maybe that's what happened to the jogger in nNiagara Falls today who jogged into a sinkhole and had to be rescued by the fire dept. - he was playing manhole hopscotch!

  17. Having two older (much older) sisters I got to learn this activity of hopscotch very well. Girls had all the fun!!

  18. I was more of a hang out in my favorite tree and draw and write, kind of kid, than play these other games. But I did laugh at the comics.

    Have a spooky day.

  19. That last cartoon is awesome! I did laugh a few years ago when my boss told me about seeing a headline that some teenager who was texting fell into a manhole. I know, I'm going straight to hell.

  20. Love that last one. Hilarious. And happy blogoversary :)

  21. OK, I am going to go to Pinterest and pin all three of these!

  22. Hahaha! That third one made me laugh out loud! And it brought back memories of hopscotch - the non-dangerous kind... xoxo Silke

  23. LOL! Very funny! I loved playing the "regular" hopscotch ;o)

  24. Funny! that train one.. oh gosh! you gotta be really into hopscotch to not notice huh :)
    I used to love it too.
    btw. i'm getting your posts now as i added your blog again

  25. I loved playing hopscotch..and just for your information West Trojan's football team is 5-0 beating the last school 55-7...first time we've had a winning season since 2009...we're so excited for them.

  26. Ohohoho this is indeed hardcore. I remember playing it as a kid. I don't see kids playing them much these days.


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