Friday 12 September 2014

Rolling Around in the Gutter

It's true confession time, boys and girls! I've always had the most terrible gutter mind. I love sexual subtext and double entendres of all descriptions, subtle or obvious. I spend much of my life biting my tongue in polite company.

So today, please indulge me while I post a few LOLs of questionable taste.

If one is good, two is better!

Hmmm, if these people wanted a lightsaber, they should've paid the extra bucks for a bigger sheet cake.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear . . . .


We can always rely on Oscar Wilde to wax philosophical about the gutter.

Yeah, looking at the stars, eh Picard?

And when it comes to subtext, always remember . . . .


  1. Hahaha, loooove the 'sex tapes' and the horse watching videos. Too funny. Have a lovely weekend.

  2. Great way to start a Friday. Love these. You come up with the greatest stuff.

  3. Ha! A good post for a friday! RDJ for the win.

  4. OHMYGOSH...the cake....BAHAHAHAHA... And the horse! BAHAHAHAHA! Loved these! A great way to start the day :)

  5. Two of my favourite double entendres are "I'll double YOUR entendre" which makes no sense, but is oddly fun, and "In-YOUR-endo" which I have to say whenever someone says innuendo. I just have to. It's become a reflex now. I think I have problems.

  6. Hahahahahahaha...cinnamon. Seriously?

  7. we do like it on the naughty side...

  8. That cake! If I created that I would be running out to buy store bought for the birthday. I would keep the vibrator one and have a girls night!

  9. sex tape ever!

  10. Some good ones! Love the gutter/homeless mind! And the first sex tape! Awesome! :o)

  11. Friday morning giggle. At our house we still do a lot of 'that's what SHE says' puns. :)

  12. love the sex tapes. you always make me laugh!

  13. Great minds think alike! I'll have to leave my rolls of tape like the first picture out like that and see if anyone at work notices.

  14. Awesome! Love to hear about a fellow pervert. As soon as I saw the title of this post, I jumped right on it!
    I was off like a prom dress.
    More excited than a puppy with 2 peters.
    And other pervy things!

  15. Thanks for the laugh...There's a triple x rated blog on Bloglovin..should be banned..Very graphic..

  16. Missy, don't tease me like that, girl! Link, I need a LINK!

  17. Some funny ones here. Hope you have a killer weekend. Cheers and boogie boogie.

  18. great selection - why didn't I think of that! I have both gray and red duct tape.

  19. Lol! Snort! All fabulous. That poor 7 year old. Lol again.

  20. you are bad to the bone. but i like it. wonderful! have a great weekend debra. cheers!!

  21. Looks like you're not alone in the gutter, honey! I love these and I love the gutter.

  22. Haha! My favorite is the accidental vibrator cake! All the adult guests at the party must have been laughing their asses off.

  23. I'm with you..and if the 2 of us got together around normal people..we would get into so much trouble..

  24. I hope and pray that nobody told Chase to use the force.

  25. Oh my stars, Debra. Although my mind is NEVER (that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.) in the gutter ; this post is funny!

  26. And although it's an acquired taste; I'm also rather fond of cinnamon.

  27. I am shocked by these revelations, I always thought by reading your blog that it was all done by someone who was all proper, I mean you live out West, it's not like you live in Late Ford Country. Oh well the truth always come out.

  28. Hahahaha! And i must say, that is the best picture of Oscar Wilde I've ever seen. He was very handsome when he was young - most photos seems to show him a little heavier and older. Happy star gazing, Debra! :)

  29. Thanks for the laughs this morning, Debra! Have a good one.

  30. Haha! Yay, me and you have the same sense of humor then! Love it. :o)

    FYI - This is "HunnyMinxy". I've swapped accounts. I hope you find me at the new one "Sweet-Britches".

    Have a lovely day! :o)

  31. Good stuff, I found you on Sweet Britches site. I like a sense of humor.

  32. *snicker* Go dirty or go home!

  33. LOL! I've missed you Deb! Thanks for making my night ;o)


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