Thursday 27 November 2014

To All My American Readers . . .

Just popping in for a moment to say "Happy Thanksgiving!" May your day be full of friends, family, food, gratitude and an old-fashioned spirit of co-operation!

And I extend the same wish to all my Canadian readers and those of other nationalities too because, even though it's not officially Thanksgiving where we live, shouldn't every day be an opportunity to celebrate those wonderful values? Of course it should.


  1. Hahaha! I love this photo. Cats...silly creatures :)

    Yes, those values should be celebrated every day!

  2. Well said - happy Thanksgiving to you.
    Your video rocks!

  3. Thank you. Love this video. Too cute.

  4. My cat sits on my shoulder. I'd try feeding her like that but she has a sensitive stomach and it might make her sick. Anyway, happy thanksgiving to all who celebrate it.

  5. It's not Thanksgiving where I live either, but I so enjoy watching all the American posts today, because it allows me to enjoy Thanksgiving from afar. A holiday with such a beautiful spirit.

  6. Aw! Kitty likes his corn. Happy Thanksgiving to you - every day, my Canadian friend!

  7. Yes, everyday should be a day of giving thanks!!

    Oh Debra, you are just TOO corny! But I like it!

  8. A cute video :-). We don't have Thanksgiving here either, but I agree with you, these values should be celebrated anyway!

  9. thats the best video!!!!

  10. Thanks you Debs!!!! I am always thankful for blogger friends and the chuckles they provide!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

  11. That video is aMAIZEing. Happy Thanksgiving.

  12. LOL, that reminded me to have my allergy meds before I visit my in-laws today. They have a cat.

  13. eventhough I've seen that corn kitten like twenty times,she is still always fun to see :)

  14. I think we could all benefit from a little more gratitude in our days...and more corn on the cob :)

  15. Yuck. Yuck-o. Not to your sentiment, which is lovely, but to that cat owner who doesn't establish boundaries. Super yuck.

  16. Fun video Deb..Thanks for stopping by..Hope all is well with you..

  17. Not for us either but enjoyed the cat eating the corn.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

  18. Happy American Thanksgiving. I'd be truly thankful if I had a cat to celebrate with.

  19. Makes you wonder if Canada and America will ever agree to move Thanksgiving to the same day many years in the future. I suppose it doesn't matter for them to be different, but it would feel like we share a holiday.

  20. Nah, I say to save the peace and good will for Thanksgiving and Christmas and be assholes the rest of the year.

  21. thanks - yes we should be thankful everyday that we are around to be thankful. I'm not sure if the clip/gif makes me laugh or sick.

  22. That is hilarious! We had a couple of friends over yesterday (neither of them vegans), and Mandrake became their new best friend when they had steak ;)

  23. Debra......YOU....dear lady took the words out of many people's mouths......GOOD FOR YOU.


  24. That is the cutest! But all I could think was; worms.

  25. That is such a funny image Debra, but I wholeheartedly echo your sentiments.

  26. happy thanksgiving to you..mine was great

    love the cat

  27. That is just perfect. I love the expressions on the face of the cat and his human.

  28. Thanksgiving is the best holiday in the U.S.! This dude sharing corn with his cat is a riot. Particularly since I didn't know cats eat corn. Interesting!

  29. Thanks my dear, I agree every day should be a thankful day! Thank you Debra for being you!
    Love that video, cat's are the most interesting animals. I love the human too, sharing his meal with a friend!


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