Sunday 21 December 2014

Blessings of the Winter Solstice

Darkness deserves gratitude. It is the alleluia point at which we learn to understand that all growth does not take place in the sunlight.

--Joan Chittister, Uncommon Gratitude

As we celebrate the return of the Light, may we nevertheless continue to benefit from the peace and nurturing to be found in the Darkness.

Deep peace of the midwinter stars to you, my Solstice friends.


  1. Blessings to you and yours. Happy Solstice.

  2. Solstice blessings to you as well! I hope it is a wonderful day for you and your loved ones!

  3. happy solstice...i guess! i hate the return of the light. i am a woman of darkness.

  4. To you as well, Deb. Have a wonderful day

  5. Happy solstice! It was dark when I woke up this morning. Looking forward to more daylight again!

  6. ahhh, I love this, its my anniversary today, wedding anniversary, 40 years,wow,

  7. Same to you to dear! Some people mind the dark early days, but not me, it forces me to wind down early and relax for the evening.

  8. as the light grows so may we all...
    Happy Solstice

  9. Happy Solstice, Debra! I am overjoyed that the days will begin getting longer!

  10. Blessings of the WInter Solstice to you and your Rare One! I know Yule enjoy it!!!

  11. Happy Winter to you Deb. Thanks so much for your kind comment.

  12. Solstice blessings - I do enjoy cosy dark nights but now I am looking forward to more sunlight

  13. Yule Blessings to you as well dear lady, Oma Linda

  14. Blessings of the year and happy Solstice to you and your Rare One! I for one am happy the light is returning. I won't be tired at 6 p.m. much longer! :)

  15. Hi human, Debra,

    I'm quite liking the Darkness, although the band, The Darkness, make me cringe.

    Time to cosy on my brand new, luxury bed and embrace the night.

    Solstice thoughts, your way, eh,

    Penny! I'm a dog, not a robot! Arf! :)

  16. Yes, the greatest growth often occurs in darkness. Happy Solstice!

  17. Blessings to you and yours! Burning the old Yule log now on the darkest day.... and then we start heading towards the light.

  18. Wishing you and your Honey Bunny a wonderful Holiday Solstice.

    If I could, I'd give you a tray of my Solstice cookies.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

  19. Good point! A famous author once said that we only learn when we're miserable.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Despite what Christians say, it's the true reason for the season.

  22. Happy Winter Solstice and many blessings Debra ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  23. And a happy Solstice to you. Enjoy.

  24. Wonderful sentiment, Debra. At a service I went to this past Friday night, the rabbi talked about darkness. It holds special meaning to the Jewish people. Our holidays start at nightfall. It's a sacred time.

    Happy Solstice and Xmas week. xo

  25. Brightest Blessings my beautiful friend! You reminded me of an interview of a woman who lives in Iqaluit and she spoke of the softness of the dark. Stunning.

  26. A Blessed Yule to you and yours! ♥

  27. Goddess bless you and your rare one.


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