Monday 26 January 2015

Happy Australia Day!

On Australia's National Day, I just want to take a quick moment to salute our Commonwealth cousins who live Down Under. So, up here in the Great White North, what do we REALLY know about Australia?

First of all, they talk funnier than us Canuckians, EH?

And EVERYTHING in their part of the world is dangerous and deadly.

But Australians always keep their, shall we say, WHIMSICAL sense of humour --

So now, what are the three main things that immediately leap to mind about Australia? Yes, you're right --




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But seriously, Australia is SO much more than our tired stereotypes about it! I sincerely hope to visit Australia one day and see this magnificent country for myself. Until then . . .



  1. Oh wow, 42 people killed by kangaroos!?!? That's cray cray.

  2. I too desperately want to visit Australia (and New Zealand while I'm in the area) but I'm afraid of all the deadly things from spiders to sharks (maybe land sharks, I don't know). Even cute koalas have a chlamydia issue (Google it). Regardless, Happy Australia Day to the Ausies...except Russell Crowe, he's a dick.

  3. I wouldn't mess with koalas; they can give you STDs. There was a bit of a scare a while ago when one peed on a member of One Direction and they worried he might have a nasty STD. I love Australia myself. I could do without the weather mind. I think that volcanoes are just scared of the Aussie wildlife.

  4. and they also have Cate Blanchett adn Hugh Jackman, if I may add....

  5. Hahaha! I loved this. So funny. Australia is on my 'top three places to visit before I die' list. It is a dream destination. And you know, I could've been Australian. My parents had the option to immigrate there in the 50s but chose to come to Canada. So close...

  6. kute!
    I had a kangaroo pelt once - the thickest leather I've ever seen.

  7. Funny, and I thought you were there! Don't know how I missed you being in Canada?
    Love the Dick ad - really sticks it to ya!

  8. :D Chloe says it's easy to get along with the accent if you don't care about the result. You may have wanted bacon, but you might get a beer can instead. :D

  9. LOVED this, Debra! Thanks for a great start to the week! And...HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY!!

  10. I'm glad we're finally accepting that beer is valid first aid.

    Also, koalas are awesome in that they're so stupid. Did you know that their brains are so small, that they're unable to perform complex, unfamiliar tasks like eat leaves off of flat surfaces? So they'll pick and eat leaves just fine, but if you pick the leaves yourself and present them to them on a plate, they'll starve to death.

  11. Thanks for the laugh..Cute post!!

  12. Loved this, especially that little critter munching on the green.

  13. Hey Debra - I had that first one on my blog a long time ago and it's true. Good Eye Might. So funny.

    Happy New Week & Boogie Boogie :-)

  14. Hilarious Canuck! Love your post and if you don't mind! I must share with my Aussie friends! When they sober up! thank you fellow Canadian!

  15. very cute. i have never had the desire to go down under.

  16. That's known as Nopeland. Nope not going there.

  17. Oh happy Australia Day! The country that gave Cate Blanchett to the world deserves my eternal love.

  18. Well thank heavens. I thought you were going to post a map that showed the number of people killed by Koala bears. But now I'm so curious about death by kangaroo. And now that I think about it, where did the term 'kangaroo court' come from? So much to think about and so little time to do anything but what viking reruns. sigh.

  19. I've even tried Good Eye Might in different accents, still Australian

  20. I love this! Here's a fun fact - Every Australian citizen who watches The Simpsons quotes Bart Vs Australia as one of their favourite episodes. I certainly love quoting the scene where they first meet the Prime Minister.

    Australia and Canada are alike in many ways. I'm going to look up whether Canada has a national pride holiday and do a post about that when it comes :)

    Also... Chris Hemsworth.

  21. I am laughing my ass off over the Dick's ads!

  22. I've never been to Australie, but I'd sure love to visit. It's unlike anything else in the world.

  23. Back in the day when I took my marketing class, never realized you could have so much fun (Dick's ads). Could have changed my life. And we really need to know more about the killer kangaroos.

  24. I'm joining your blog. It gave me laugh when I needed it.
    It will be on my blog list.
    ~John M

  25. LOL!!! All very funny! That koala cab driver seems to know what he's doing, I would trust him :-D.

  26. thanks for how to speak Australian: "good eye might"
    the Ol'Buzzard

  27. I thought Aussies were humble folks, until I saw that ad for Dick at $1128. Sheesh.

  28. When I was travelling in Oz, I had a brief fling with a guy who'd broken some vertebrae (he'd spent a year in a wheelchair, but was now recovered and teaching surfing, go figure) - because he tried to ride a kangaroo as a drunken dare. This is one of the many reasons that Australia is one of my favourite countries.

  29. next to Canaderians Australian's are my favorite peoples.

  30. The deadly spiders scare me but I'd love to go there too!

  31. I would love to visit Australia someday! I love the crazies who do wild things around deadly animals. They always seem to be Australian. No fear!

  32. I've never been to Australia, but as soon as I do I want to check out Kylie's statue. ;)

  33. LOL! Thanks for the laugh my friend ;o) Hugs ;o)

  34. No their main "volcanic" Worry is East at the bottom of the Ocean,,,, if it goes... we care talking "Planet extinction" type event.....

  35. Hey Debra!
    I am dying to see Australia!
    You MUST read "In A Sunburned Country" by Bill Bryson. I really don't like most of his books but I love that one. x

  36. Omg this is hilarious. Volcano's the only thing that doesn't try to kill them?!!! Lol.


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