Friday 9 January 2015

How to Make Shakespeare Popular Again

Poor old Bill. Who's interested in his plays anymore?

No one can understand Shakespearean language these days. So there's no point in trying to be hip about it. Rap lyrics, for example, just aren't the same when rendered in ye olde Englysshe.

Nor does it work the other way. Shakespeare in text-speak, for example, loses something in the translation.

Sometimes staging an old Shakespearean play in a modern setting can enjoy a bit of success, like this Canadian version of Romeo and Juliet --

But the BEST way to make Shakespeare popular again is to stick Tom Hiddleston in a nice tight pair of jeans and have him play Coriolanus. No matter what incomprehensible Shakespearean folderol comes out of his mouth, the enraptured audience will understand what's really being said --

Yeah, baby, yeah, that's the ticket.


  1. You always come up with the best. Thanks for making my morning special.

  2. Good Morning! What a way to start the day....!!!!!!

  3. I'm on board with the Tom Hiddleston idea. Also, the hockey GIF killed me it's so funny. I'd feel bad for Shakespeare...if he was real! That's right, I'm a muti-Shakes-purist!

  4. I think I was trying to say that I believe that Shakespeare is either a mutant or there were many people using "Shakespeare" as a moniker. Either way.

  5. I will always love Shakespeare but it is true, interest is waning.

    It isn't just in his stories that everybody dies. We have noticed that trend in Chinese movies too. Everybody dies!

  6. The biggest problem I have with Shakespeare is that I KNOW he's done plays I will enjoy but I can't read because of how much I studied things I didn't enjoy back in school. If we want to improve the love of Shakespeare we should just study Romeo and Juliet a lot less.

  7. Oh Yissssss! Shakespeare babaay!
    And some of that Tom Hiddleston too.

  8. I got interested in Shakespeare thanks to movies to a point that I went to study it at the university. The interest lies not in the stories, but in the details and how you can interpret them once you know more about Shakespeare's life and English history. It's absolutely fascinating.

  9. SOA creator Kurt Sutter was said to have fashioned the series on Macbeth. If nothing else, Drew curiousities to the masses who would wonder. " who is Macbeth?"
    The tale of Shakespeare alone is intriguing , well for the curious anyway!
    I am glad timeless writing is still the foundation for success !
    Thk u for my morning brain exercise! xDebi

  10. Hahaha! You come up with the coolest things. I was never a fan of Shakespeare but - funny enough - my kids think his work is pretty good.

  11. OMG the pelvic movements of Hiddlestud! OMG

  12. oh my gosh this is hilarious!

  13. So hard to bring Will and his Worx into the current century. Is he destined to go the way of Paul McCartney?

  14. You're funny for this, and for strawberry jam.

    Happy Weekend.

  15. Off to Stafford again this year, eh??? :)

  16. We went to see "As You Like It" last summer and it was great. Completely understandable in every sense. And I prefer the Fresh Prince in Old English - much more interesting. It is amazing how many popular phrases come from Shakespeare.

  17. I loved this, Debra! LOL! I can understand Shakespeare better than text-speak! I studied a lot of his plays and sonnets in university. I should go back and read them again! And, of course, being a MacBeath, I'm particularly fond of MacBeth, so maybe I'll start there. I need a clone just to read! Have a good one!

  18. You're too funny!!. Just saw Romeo and Juliet..very timely..Have a good weekend!

  19. How about nude Shakespeare performances? Aaaa but there is the rub: the witches of McBeth....

    the Ol'Buzzard

  20. We are too inundate with action and special effects - we expect too much - to appreciate Shakespeare and the play of language. I imagine the audience cracked up when a character named Bottom appeared in A Midsummer's Nights Dream.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  21. I loveth this post so much!

  22. Hi Kindred..thanks for the smiles! and wishing you a fantastic 2015!! HUgs and thanks for your kind visit.

  23. Oh! Thou hast left me wordless. Useless. IDK.

  24. Are you kidding me? Canadian weather is plain scary! Here there are predictions of bad weather and the schools close... Really!

  25. Poor Shakespeare! I do love when someone brings one of this plays back to life in an exciting way like Baz Luhrmann's Romeo & Juliet.

  26. Shakespeare needs no modernisation. I saw King Lear at the National Theatre directed by Sam Mendes. Very modern.

  27. You do collect some good ones.
    The rap doesn't work but I find it often does rap right for me no matter the slang.
    I thought of changing my blogger name to Bill Hamlet Shakes.

  28. I could watch that hockey video for ever.

  29. Shakespeare would be more popular if they actually spoke modern English.

    That's one of the reasons a lot of people blindly follow the Bible when most of them are the King James version. You can hear it, understand the words, but at the end you forgot what happened.

  30. I am sending these to my kids.

  31. Imagine Shakespeare's tweets or facebook posts: "Out, damn spammer! Out I doth say!"

  32. I would certainly come inside his theatre! I don't even care if everybody dies, lol!

  33. I'm a Red Wings fans and I approve of Kronwall's tactics ;)

  34. I wrote a version of Romeo and Juliet in a Southern accent when I was in 8th grade. "I flew here on the wings of fear, you see, honey, I was loaded with BEER!"
    Oh well, my teacher liked it and I made an "A"!!
    Can't believe you show us Tom Hiddleston in this post, I am working on a post just now, and will mention him in that post!
    We are on the same wavelength, I swear!

  35. Now I know why Shakespeare bores me to death. :D

  36. Poor Bill! Try teaching this to dyslexic high school kids! I would have to find 'up-to-date' versions that spoke 'normal' English.
    Tom who?!

  37. These are great except I FUCKING LOVE TOM HIDDLESTON.

    There, I said it.

    I'd wear shit in my bra for him, even.

  38. Loved the Fresh Prince soliloquy!!


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