Monday 5 January 2015

Smoking is Classy Alright

I remember these tacky donkey cigarette dispensers from back in the bad old days when I was a smoker! How about you?

P.S. -- Don't look, Oma Linda! Don't look!


  1. Tacky they may be, but they'd be worth a bit now at a vintage centre !

  2. I never saw them. They are quite tacky...and quite the conversation piece. LOL!!!

  3. I figured that you would just say "Smokes" and someone would hand you one.

  4. Tacky is the perfect word lol! The smoker is quite handsome too!

  5. I don't remember seeing them when they were around but they have become one of those fun little things from the past we look back and laugh at, so they live on forever in Buzzfeed lists and the like.

  6. I can't believe my Great Grandma didn't have one of these. They did have all the fancy coffee table lighters though.

  7. If I could find a dispenser that ejected cigarettes from its anus, I may become a smoker again. What I always liked about smoking was the accessories.

  8. That's silly... Horses don't smoke...

  9. I don't think we had anything that classy here in Ontario when I used to smoke. You western plough girls sure lead the national pack when it comes to culture!!

  10. I remember seeing these!

  11. OMG! I hadn't thought about those cigarette dispensers in a looooong time! Growing up, I had a neighbor that was a heavy smoker & she had several different cigarette dispensers.

  12. hope that donkey never has a diarrhoea :)

  13. Those are deliciously vintagey awesome! We never had anything THAT fancy, but we did have a bird that dispensed toothpicks one at a time :)

  14. Oh good grief!!! LOL. Where do you find this stuff Debra?! LOL.

  15. Never seen one of those, but I did once have a girlfriend who was a smoker. Her mouth used to taste like a used ashtray every time I kissed her. So I didn't kiss her much.

  16. I've never smoked, but as a fan of ridiculous items, I'll take both the donkey and the horse mask.

  17. I remember these! We didn't have one at my family home, but friends of my parents had one. Yummmm..... stale smokes. :)

  18. I used to smoke and I won't lie to be PC. I LOVED IT! Remember the days when eating food didn't give you cancer? And when real butter was okay. We used salt liberally and we cooked with lard. Oh, those were the good old days....

  19. Ok, that horse head is just creepy.

  20. Luckily...I have never smoked but I lived with those who did....don't remember any "jackass" dispenser though!! LOL LOL


  21. i want one of these and i don't even smoke!

  22. That is pretty much how most smokers look to me. I don't like smoking, except cigars, which I think smell lovely.

  23. no wonder they lost their popularity

  24. Never seen one before, tacky but nifty

  25. Why can't I stop watching this?

  26. One of my Uncles had one of the donkeys, (I don't remember it being painted green though), and a Statue of Liberty lighter.

  27. Oh yes. And when doctors said it wasn't bad. Hahaha!

  28. My Grand Parents had one of these ... childhood memories....

  29. I've never seen one. Is that a Canadian ass thing? ;)

  30. I remember similar things. Do you remember things that peed?

  31. LOL! I don't remember this dispenser, but I certainly remember the "home rolls" machine! I'm glad that you are a former smoker, Debra! Yay for you!

  32. Never saw those, but saw a few donkey pez dispensers. Lol

  33. My friend's mother had one f these!! Loved it!!

  34. OK my Canadian darling! I have posted the thermos joke in the comments section on that blog post...

  35. I never saw these before. I they typically Canadian?

  36. Don't remember those, but I do remember cigarettes being about US$1.50 a pick in the late 80's, and even roughly US$2.75 a pack in the mid 90's.

    Father Nature's Corner

  37. I swear ..I had one but mine was a camel and I smoked unfiltered camels right out of its ass.sigh*

  38. I go back farther then Miller: I remember a carton of cigarettes for a dollar and ten cents at the PX on the military base in Argentia, Newfoundland. I smoked a pipe, but I would buy five cartons and smuggle them into St Johns and sell them for five dollars a carton and that would give me enough money for the weekend liberty; a case of beer, a bottle of Screech and party on.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  39. When I was in high school we used to occasionally visit Tijuana. They sold "donkey shit cigarettes" there.I have no idea if there was actual donkey shit in them or not, I was afraid to try. But if they did, that would have been a perfect dispenser for them.

  40. LOL! This is so funny! I love what Oma Linda wrote too! LOL!

  41. I've never seen one before, but I suppose it's beats some of the things that can come out of an arsehole. :D


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