Wednesday 14 January 2015

Starry, Starry Night

One of my favourite songs has always been Don McLean's 1972 hit Vincent (Starry, Starry Night). And Van Gogh's masterpiece "Starry Night" has always been my favourite of his paintings.

So okay now, in contrast to McLean's sensitive and profound meditation on Van Gogh's life, here's some internet LOLs on the same subject!

It's probably a good thing that Vincent didn't live today because modern pop culture might have affected his painting style.

Not everyone's a fan of his though.

While Grumpy Cat may do a good Vincent imitation . . . look at THIS awesome Vincent cosplay!

And this!

Though I suspect their parents had more than a hand in it!


  1. Don McClean is playing in our little performance center on 2/20, too bad you are so far away as it is not much bigger than a high school gym and everyone has a good seat. I like Van Gogh's yellow paintings and often find my style influences by his.

  2. Yeah, those kids don't know what's going on, and their parents could probably be accused of abuse. Next time they probably dressed those lil' jerks as Jackson Pollock, one as a painting and the other with a partially shaved head, a steering wheel around his neck, and a bottle of Jack Daniels.

  3. I love this song ♥

    And a Van Gogh style Grumpy Cat? The day just got even better. :)

  4. These are all great! I have a print of the sunflowers one. Yay grumpy cat!

  5. Love the Doctor Who one, and the van go, van is darn good, too.

  6. Such high brow fare this morning and great giggles.

  7. this is so funny. the little kid with the bandage on his ear is hysterical!

  8. 'Starry Night' has always been a fav of mine as well - right next to 'Scream'. And the variations of these are so AwEsOmE!
    The look on those two kids' faces is priceless!

  9. I always learn something here, Debra.
    Loved those other interpretations!!

  10. St. Pauli Girl loves that song as well. Those kids are disturbing. Actually their parents are disturbing.

  11. I really like the song too. The van is killer! Grumpy cat got me... ;P

  12. I love his paintings, and love that song so the van go..

  13. All of those are genius! And I like the bat signal too. It reminds me of the Dr. Who episode about Van Gogh which was my favourite. Awesome.

  14. Love the kids, who have no clue.

  15. my favorite is the grumpy cat one

  16. Oh Grumpy cat you crack me up! And the flying tardis, haha!

  17. All very creative
    Van GO! yep.. I like that one :)

  18. Aahahahahahahahahahaaha!!! Loved them all!

  19. Have you seen the Doctor Who episode with Van Gogh? It is one of the best episodes of Doctor Who ever.

  20. No, I've never seen that particular episode and now I want to, BAD!

  21. Ha, they are all great, especially the Van Gogh cosplayer, wow!

  22. I loved that song as well and The Starry Night is one of my favourites by Van Gogh. I also like The Wheat Field With Crows and his series of Night Cafe's. I'd almost cut off my right arm just to own one of his pieces.

  23. These are great! Love the grumpy cat. That used to be one of my favorite songs.

  24. Love these. The Starry Night is one of my faves as well. Going to listen to it again.

  25. My favourite track by Don McLean is "American Pie", but this is a good track too.

    That Van is butt ugly. :D

  26. Oh my the world has Vango-ne a muck!!

  27. I like the one with the Batsignal and the one with the Pacman and ghosts.

  28. Great takes on Van Gogh! The kids' costumes are fantastic! So creative.

  29. Same favorite painting, though I've never seen it in person. Love the song and sing it often. I hope I haven't told you this before, but when The Hurricane was in middle school I let her paint copies of Van Goghs on the half wall by our front door: The Yellow Bedroom and Starry Night. So sorry we had to move and paint over them. I wish I could have taken the wall. I'm sorry I left my house. If I ever see her, I hope she paints on my walls again.


  30. Hahaha I wonder if those kids had any idea what they were.

  31. These two cuties have VERY clever parents!

    I love that song, and I'm still enjoying it. Thanks.

  32. There used to be an old joke and the punchline was 'look at that van go'. Drove me crazy all day trying to remember the joke. I tried Googling it tonight but all I found was your meme. I'll won't be able to fall asleep now, dammit! LOL

  33. Hahaha, I'm sure that if the real Vincent Van Gogh would have painted Grumpy Cat, the painting would have looked exactly the same. And considering Grumpy Cat's impact, he wouldn't have struggled in his lifetime either :)

  34. Van Gogh! hahaha. Actually I'd like to live in a place where the people think a great Hallowe'en costume is a child in a Van Gogh ensemble!!!

  35. I'm going to have that song in. My head all day now!

  36. Totally cool! Love all those Vincent wanna-bees. :D I love that song too. Actually, I was singing along to that song the other day and Robert said that figures since I'm borderline depressive. LOL

  37. You really find great pictures to share. I enjoy your humor. Great song too.

  38. That Van Gogh was insane is undeniable;and his stages of insanity can be seen by the techniques in the paintings he produced throughout his life. From his earliest works like the Potato Eaters, through stages of elation and depression to Wheat Field With Crows: his paintings mean so much more when you know the things going on in his life at the time of the painting. There are so many great paintings/painters; but the humanity visible in Van Gogh mean so much more to me.
    Art is truly the divinity in mankind.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  39. That song always brings tears to my eyes.

    My friend in Vancouver worked on the Grumpy Cat movie. I had no idea Grumpy Cat is a "she".

    I'm planning to buy some Ikea wardrobe cabinets for the basement. For sure I'll arrange their delivery and set up. I wouldn't want to give my husband a legitimate 'Temporary Insanity' plea.

  40. I love the van and of course Grumpy Cat!


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