Thursday 19 February 2015

Yay Vikings! (No, not Minnesota, the other kind)

Season 3 of Vikings starts tonight on the History channel! Is anyone else out there a huge fan of this series? (I know Francie, Mary and Cal are!)

To mark the return of Ragnar, Rollo, Lagertha, Bjorn, Floki and the gang, how about a few Viking LOLs? If that's not a contradiction in terms, I mean.

Historically, the Vikings were tremendous explorers. Those guys sure as hell got around. When you least expected it, there they'd be.

These days, however, Vikings restrict themselves to corporate raiding and financial plunder only.

Plus they take holidays now. Everyone's got to relax sometime.

Traditionally, Viking kids are raised to be fierce right from Day One.

Even their friggin' CATS are vicious.

So for example, don't let this baby's charming smile fool you. Inside every plush Teddy bear snowsuit, there's a savage Viking waiting to get out.

And baby Viking girls ALL want to be Valkyries. Who can blame them? I want to be a Valkyrie myself!

Hey, want the man in your life to look more like a sexy Viking? Here's a quick and easy way to achieve it using only simple household cutlery.

Or you can persuade him to get a haircut like Ragnar's.

If he'd prefer to leave his hair long, however, just make sure he doesn't wash it or brush it for a couple of weeks. And if he can cultivate a Stone-Cold Killer glare as well, then BONUS! The Barbarian is at the gates -- rowrrrr!


  1. Great way to start the morning. Looking forward to tonight.

  2. Ahh Vikings. God I love those guys. I haven't seen the show but I'll inevitably check it out one day. I'm one of those people that doesn't like watching a show as it airs. I'd rather wait a lot longer and watch the whole thing without delay than get to a really great part and then have to wait a year for more episodes.

    PS If I ever own an office I'm getting a longboat conference table.

  3. I'm not sure if that one baby was supposed to be a viking or a cow. Is Vikings the one show on television that can justify the lack of diversity of its cast? Probably.

  4. I stopped watching at the middle of the first season when they started depicting them as just heroes while in reality they were brutal maniacs and pillagers....

  5. Oh Yes! Love Me some Vikings!!!
    Whenever I see a haircut like Ragnar's I can't help but get all hot and ....well...let's just say his haircut is hot! :o)

    Some great LOLs! Especially the moon!

  6. HAHAHA! These are hilarious. Great way to start the day :)

  7. YIKES!
    The Vikings are coming, the Viking are coming!!!

  8. Fair hair and blue eyes run in my family tree (didn't get them myself), so I know I have that DNA somewhere. It's a good show, they just forgot the dogs.

  9. My house is excited for the new season, ME, I'd take the hammock ! xDebi

  10. I so love this show..he is so sexy..he should have played the lead in 50 shades of grey..but as for the horned helmets no viking ever wore them.ha..can't wait for tonight.

  11. Looking forward to the new season.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  12. Some great photos here. Love the hats on the people and animals.

    PS: Onions, potatoes, spinach, sausage and eggs. With a side of test batch muffins.

  13. I got David hooked in the middle of season one. We are fanatics of the show. He saw the hammock and wants to buy it. Way too much money. I told him to go pillage a village and maybe we could get it.

  14. I figured Vikings had been to the moon. It was only a matter of time before NASA released the photo.

    Wit, people in bear costumes are Vikings? That's me. I knew it. Well, suck my horn and call me Helga!

  15. Haha gotta love that new old sexier hairstyle :)

  16. It's on my calendar for tonight! Actually it's the only thing on my calendar this week. Except for making doughnuts tomorrow morning. :)

  17. However fierce, I want to scoop up that baby savage and smother him/her with kisses. That's one foreboding cutie.

  18. I especially like the board room table because you know which seat the CEO's going to take ;)

  19. hi debra; just joined up after seeing your name on other blogs I read!

    I passed this entry onto a friend of mine who counts vikings amongst his ancestors.

  20. I am all for more Viking stuff in our life. I used to have a Viking cat.

  21. they reached America way before anyone else. Iceland-Greenland-Canada is a much faster path than Spain-to-Caribbean.

    Stupid Columbus

  22. Norbert must be related to the Viking cats. It would explain a lot.

  23. That little munchkin under the cat flat out steals the post! I haven't seen the series Vikings, so I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the laughs, Debra!

  24. We're debating whether there are any Scandinavians in my family. I think it would make sense if we were related to dad, however, says I'm too short to be a viking.

    I tell him there were short vikings, too.

  25. If all the Vikings looked like the last feller well then I SURRENDER!!

  26. I've been watching since the series started. I have to say that I record it and fast-forward through all the gory fight scenes. I think they are still depicted as brutal maniacs and pillagers....

  27. Those are awesome! And segsy, the grown-up ones, of course!
    I have not watched it, it sounds amazing. I will have to see if we get that channel now. It sounds like something we would love.
    Ever read The 13th Warrior? Was that Vikings, or just people LIKE the Vikings? Either way, awesome character. I can see where Klingon characters came from on Star Trek!

  28. I really need to watch this show because I've heard such great things about it!!

  29. hahaha! Good ones. But I heard that a major character is going to be killed off, Debra. Nooooooo! And what's with that English King after your Lagertha, eh??? Can't wait for next week!

  30. Love that show! Love. it. I have had dreams about Ragnar. And i've had dreams about Rollo. (No idea what that means.) lol. But i want Ragnar back with Lagertha. The princess bugs the crap out of me.

  31. I haven't watched the first episode yet. I mean, how embarrassing. Those guys went to the moon and all; must keep up with my history.

    Love the Valkyrie, lol!

    But seriously, I just added the show to my Netflix list. I, too, want to ride at dawn!!!

  32. My son would get a kick out of that crochet hat! I'm tempted to find the pattern.

  33. Great montage! My boyfriend loves the Vikings. I tried getting into it but it wasn't for me. I'll stick with Game of Thrones.

  34. The fork idea is especially clever.

  35. I am late to jump on the Viking train (ship)... will have to check it out.

  36. I watched some episodes from Season One. Didn't enjoy it much so I didn't watch any more. I got to the point where they go to England for the second time and murder people on the beach.

  37. this is one of my favorite shows, my husband can't stand it but I just find that blue eyed viking so easy on the eyes, lol, quite a bit of blood and gore but I suppose thats the way it was, and using those massive swords and axes one would expect some splatter, where do you find these photos, oh my gosh, that table, lol,

  38. Great post ;o) I would love to have that table and chairs! I have only watched the first season, I have to get caught up. Really loved the show!

  39. vikings - better than zombies anyway

  40. Thanks I'm off to get my haircut in the morning now I have a couple of new styles to try out. :D

  41. Just popped over from Bill's blog (Lisleman).

    I'm a huge Viking fan. I am not normally into violence but the Viking show is so well made, it has got me hooked.



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