Friday 3 April 2015

A Milestone Birthday

I'm in Manitoba right now with my Mom who is celebrating her 90th birthday today. This photo was taken during World War II when she was 19 years old, about two years before she met and married my father. My sister and I are going to bring flowers and an ice cream cake to the nursing home and we will all parTAY!

Aging is such a bittersweet process.


  1. Happy Birthday to your mom. May her day be filled with lots of love and joy.

  2. happy birthday to your mom! aging sucks!

  3. Happy Birthday to your Mom! Does she have a boyfriend in the retirement home?

  4. Happy birthday to your mom. She's a gorgeous woman. How lucky to be ninety years old.

  5. Reaching 90 is certainly a croning achievement! Happy Birthday to a beautiful lady. =)

  6. Happy birthday to your mum Debra x

  7. Wishing your Mom a VERY Happy Birthday! An incredible milestone!

  8. How wonderful. Happy birthday to your mom! Ice cream cake...oh my... It's going to be a wild time!

  9. How wonderful you are able to celebrate with your Mom!
    Cherish your gift! xDebi

  10. Happy birthday! Hope she gets to go wild as she's certainly earned it.

  11. A very happy birthday to your lovely mother. Have as much fun as you reasonably can.

  12. what a beautiful woman..Goddess bless her..

  13. Happy Birthday to your Mom..enjoy your visit..Happy Easter..

  14. True words, friend! She was one lovely teen! Have fun; wish her happy birthday from me too (smile).

  15. Milestone indeed! A very happy birthday to her!

  16. a very happy Birthday to your dear Mother ... may you two have a great day together to celebrate....
    and a Happy Easter....

  17. Happy Birthday to your Mom. I was thinking the other day how amazing it is that people live to their 90s. It says a lot about their attitude and strength. Party on!

  18. That's awesome! Happy Birthday to your mom!

  19. Happy Birthday to your mother. Enjoy your time with her.

  20. Happy Birthday to your sweet MOM! Have a wonderful time!

  21. Happy Birthday to the great lady who birthed you. You tell her that we totally adore her daughter, and her too by association. ♥

  22. Sounds like its going to be a wonderful time! Kisses to her on such an amazing year!!!!!!

  23. What a beautiful portrait. Take along a bottle of champagne, at age 90 she deserves it!

  24. Aging is bittersweet. Is it always better than the alternative? There is a very small part of me that is grateful my mom will never have to grow old and and live in a nursing home.

    I hope you all had very nice day!

  25. What a beautiful photo, Debra.
    Happy Birthday to your mother!!

  26. Happy, happy birthday to your Mum!!! May her day be so very happy and she enjoys the ice cream cake!! Also...enjoy the snow. Gawd.

  27. Happy Birthday to your dear Mom!!! I hope she has a wonderful visit with her girls!!

  28. Happy Birthday Debra's Mom!!
    Aging IS bittersweet but it beats the alternative!
    Plus, you get ice cream.

  29. Beautiful photo. Happy birthday to your mom! Nothing beats ice cream on a birthday!

  30. Happy Birthday to your mom! That is a beautiful photo Debra. Your mom is one gorgeous lady.

    Ice cream cake sounds amazing. I hope you ladies had a great time. :)

  31. Deb I hope your Mum enjoyed her parTAY.
    My Mum is 93 and still living on her own in a retirement village not far from where I live.
    I feel very blessed that she is healthy and happy and enjoying life.
    Take care
    Peggy xxxxx

  32. You picked a great weekend to be in MB. Snow this morning--ugh. If it wasn't for the impressive supply of Easter chocolate in the house, I'd be crying on the floor!
    Happy Birthday to your mom!

  33. What a lovely photo of your mother! How different she looks from 19 year olds today. There is a grace and maturity about those who came of age during WWII!Happy Birthday to your mom! I hope she, you, and your sister have a wonderful time together! Have a safe trip home!

  34. Your mom's very pretty. Please extend my Happy Birthday greetings to her. I hope you all enjoy the the get-together and partay :)

  35. Happy Birthday to Your Mother! Partay away!

  36. Bittersweet, indeed.

    Hope ya'll had a good time and yum!

  37. Happy Birthday to your Mom!!

  38. I hope you had a wonderful time!

  39. Hope you had a fine old time with her and that the sweet outweighed the bitter.

  40. Congratulations, mom!
    I plan on living past 100 myself.

  41. Happy Belated Birthday to your beautiful mom! She is very pretty! Sending her many blessings ;o) 90! Wow!!


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