Wednesday 15 April 2015

Gimme a Double-Double!

It's odd for Canadians to have so much of our national identity tied up in a coffee-and-donuts place that isn't even Canadian-owned anymore, but that's just how we do things in the Great White North, eh? Like all Canuckians, I too worship at the shrine of Tim Horton's. In fact, I once blogged about visiting Tim's Holy of Holies -- if you want to read that post, click here.

We take our coffee seriously in Canada. There's a whole slang vocabulary built around it, like "double-double." That's a Tim Horton's coffee with two creams and two sugars, in case you don't know.

Speaking of taking things seriously, why aren't the cops investigating this?

Well, they are -- in their own way, I suppose.

We do feel very strongly about our Timmy Ho's up here, though.

In closing, I present for your viewing pleasure the most Canadian gif that has ever existed. See, even moose aren't immune to our icy winter roads, ouch! But the really risky thing is driving with your double-double on the dashboard -- OMG it could spill, you fool! THEN you'd be SOL, buddy.


  1. OMB! I just woke up and this is sooooo funny!

    I have never been to tim's, nor have I ever eaten a timbit or drank a double-double.

    I read your post on visiting the first tim's; I have visited the first kentucky fried chicken establishment (in kentucky, of course).

    down here, it's dunkin donuts, starbucks, or our philly-based wawa for cawfee (philly pronunciation).

    the next time I venture to the great white north though, I shall eat/drink like the natives!

  2. I'm not Canadian but I've heard of Tim Hortons. I think it's as known as well known as poutine. The internet age is robbing people of their supposed regional secrets. When I lived in California, there was a prevailing thought that the only way to know if someone was truly Californian was if they heard of In-N-Out's "secret" menu. But was the thinking of a pre-internet mind.
    The real secret here is, Canadian license plates have 8 characters!?!

  3. HAHAHA! I love this post. And you know, I just bet that coffee cup was empty. No self-respecting Canuck would chance spilling their double-double.

  4. So that poor moose was headed to Timmy's?

  5. Poor moose missed his Tim-bits! I'll try a double double and some Tim-bits; probably give the poutine a miss though.
    Who am I to talk though, after all: White Castles.

  6. I hope that moose is OK!!!!!

  7. We have four of them in our area and I hate that they got bought out. I'm not in Canada, but I can see Canada out my window and lots of you come shopping where we live.

  8. My God - this is funny! I sprayed my laptop screen with coffee. Nope, wasn't Tim's but hey, that would have been a loss, I think.

    Love the cartoons! Poor moose! Geez, 'double-double homicide'? Ha!

  9. I wonder if Tim Horton's will ever cross the border. We have a Dunkin Donuts on every corner but Starbucks is starting to catch up!

  10. you always make me miss canada so much!

  11. Lol! No Tim's out here in Oregon, but I sure wish we had one. Now I want a double double!

  12. I totally mourn the loss of regional and national identity that is caught up in certain brands. I feel fortunate to live in Philly, where our Wawa rules (see above) and we can get our donuts from the Amish, who know how to fry everything!

  13. I LOVE this post. A few weeks ago I was considering writing a post on Canadians and our coffee. You did a way better job than I could have. We do like our coffee.

  14. We don't have Tim Horton's in Texas.

    Or moose.

    I don't really want to think about the most Texan gif ever would look like...

  15. OMG! That's like getting a Starbucks down here. And yes, I am a coffee whore.

  16. I never ever liked Tim Hortons. It became big in Québec at some point when Dunkin Donuts started going downhill, but for people of my gheneration Dunkin was the real deal, a proper donuts counter and not a pseudo café chain.

  17. I hear they have a few in america now, I think

  18. I have actually eaten at a Tim Hortons. I did not know it was called Timmys. Not that impressed but it is fast food so it was ok for that category. I think the corporate that owns Wendys bought it - right?

  19. Hi Bill -- Yes, Wendy's owned it at one time but it didn't work out. Burger King owns Tim Horton's now. BK moved its corporate HQ to Canada to avoid taxes in the USA.

  20. You said that we could ask you a Question.....
    well, dear Lady Debra... Who are your favorite "Villain"... and favorite "Monster"???

  21. We have a Double-Double down in the States, too. But it's a burger at In 'N' Out. Now that's a restaurant with a cult following!

  22. Heh. Living in the Pacific Northwest, where we take our coffee much more seriously than we take ourselves, I forget that most of the country isn't so particular. And it's easy to get stuck with sludge.

  23. Now I want a glazed doughnut. It's not fair...

  24. Ahhhh coffee....... Wonder if the coffee in Twin Peaks came from Timmy's.......

  25. We have BK here and that is probably my favorite in the fast food Dept.Cute post..Poor Moose..For a minute I thought the guy shot him..So glad it was just ice..

  26. It is definitely a part of our vernacular here in Canada now.

  27. Timmy's isn't Canadian owned anymore? Is there nothing people won't do for a dollar???

  28. If you haven't eaten at Tim Hortons there is no way you will know if the food is good or terrible from Canadian blog post, because Canadians are too polite to talk bad about a someone's business.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  29. All of the folks from Canada that we have ever met were "polite" and seemed to be good people... opposite about the people of the States...

  30. I dated a Canadian girl a couple of years ago and although she loved her coffee she drank the nefarious Starbucks coffee. Yes, she was a traitor.
    Really funny post.

  31. Love the double-double homicide! Wow, that was incredible driving alongside a moose! It's amazing that the coffee didn't take a spill when the moose did. Hope he was well enough to take more roadside jogs!


  32. Got to love our Timmy's ;o) I hope Burger King doesn't change it! That poor moose!!! Great post!

  33. I now fully understood the significance of Tim's after seeing Dunkin Donuts meme hehe and of course the line of police car explains it well.

    Moose is really funny :)


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