Monday 4 May 2015

Short and Sweet

Today, some more questions from my "Ask Me Anything" post, all with succinct, pithy answers that cut right to the chase.

Aunt Mary of Easy Way: A Blog for Children asks: "Would you like to visit my blog?"

Knowing of my fondness for the noble Mr. Darcy of Pride and Prejudice, Brewella Deville of Fort Kickass inquires about a notorious cad from one of Jane Austen's other novels: "Willoughby's explanation of his behaviour in Sense and Sensibility: Bollocks or utter bollocks?"
Utter, utter bollocks.

Joy Christi of Comfy Town Chronicles asks: "If you knew you could have a book published and not have to worry about selling it, what kind of book would you write?"
Porn, of course. Isn't that where the real money is? Just ask E.L. James! Here's a photo of me already hard at work on my novel . . . .

From Anne Johnson of The Gods Are Bored comes this question: "Where do you find the hysterical memes you post?"
They come from countless hours spent aimlessly pissing around on the internet. And I steal only from the best, by the way. So don't hate me, anyone from whom I've swiped stuff.

Val of Miss Val's Creations wants to know: "What's your greatest fear?"
Like many women, I fear ending up as an impoverished bag lady in my old age. Or a crazy cat lady. Or both -- GAAAAAAAAAH!

Jackiesue of Yellowdog Granny says: "When are you coming to West for Westfest?"
Unfortunately I can't come this year, YDG, because I'll be at the Shaw Festival in Ontario that particular weekend. BUT My Rare One and I are seriously planning on coming to Westfest NEXT year in 2016! Just to doublecheck -- it's always held on the September Labour Day weekend, right? Eating a skunk egg and meeting you are right up there on my bucket list -- so Texas, prepare yourself for a couple of Canaderians abroad, eh?

[Photo of actual West TX skunk egg by


  1. Your post captions are so funny!. Love the one of 'you hard at work on your novel' heehee great!

  2. Well I finally read it: but not Jane Austen's.
    Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
    By Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith

    And it is said that Seth Grahame-Smith once too a class in English literature.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  3. Last time I checked skunks don't lay eggs. Y'all have some crazy skunks up there. Remember if you're going to write porn don't go all the way because no one will buy it. At least that's the way it used to work.

  4. Well, now my life is complete. I have seen a skunk egg.
    I think you should think about stand-up comedy myself.

  5. Crazy cat lady? Yup, I could see myself ending up as such...

  6. Hahaha! Sometimes those short and sweet answers are the best. I don't think there's anything wrong with being a crazy cat lady :)

  7. It's probably best that I missed your ask me anything post. Lord only knows what kind of questions I would've asked.

    Happy Monday!

  8. Always love staring the morn with a chuckle.

  9. Awww man, did I miss the opportunity to ask you anything!?! Bummer. Your answers were quite pithy this time. I always knew Catwoman wouldn't be Anne Hathaway.

  10. Hahaha alright then I 'll wait for your book published. It'dd probably be nice if "catwoman" be a character in the book too :)

  11. you always make my day you do and I have the same fear,,,bag lady,, or crazy cat lady,,yep, same fear,,

  12. We are now completely inspired to write word-porn for shameless amounts of cash. Thank you for that.

  13. Bollocks is one of my fave bad words... I use it almost every time a doorbell rings or a phone.... I hate being interrupted :)

  14. You crack me up Deb!
    You have such a fantastic sense of humour.
    Keep shining
    Peggy xxxx

  15. My morning giggle! " write porn of course!"
    Oh! do report on your Shaw Festival! I've want to go, but I travel in uncultured circles ( in reality)
    Is this the seSon Keanu plays Macbeth?
    You are so charming, so early in the morning!
    Have a wonderful week!

  16. You crack me up! I have the same old lady fear. Three of my great aunts never married and lived to be quite old. Although I have no intentions of marry, I am determined to not get old alone so hopefully I won't be poor with a bunch of cats! Great Star Trek meme!

  17. Old age-crazy is okay with me. I'm afraid of becoming a crazy cat lady in middle age. Or already being one and not knowing it.

  18. hot damn..there's a skunk egg with your name on it..we will have so much fun..West, Tx will never be the same..thank the Goddess.

  19. That's a skunk egg? Yikes. I wanted to eat it. I looks like a roasted potato.

    Happy Week, Deb.

  20. My stomach is in agony just thinking about the skunk egg....and I even enjoy cheese.

  21. i used to love going to the shaw festival. a skunk egg...that's a new one for me!

  22. OMG! That Cat Woman is my neighbor from across the street, the crazy cat lady.
    So, you're the woman trying to look sexy as she gets "sliding off the chair" drunk while writing porn hopefully better than that hack E.L. James.

  23. You seem in good spirits today ...
    hope that all is well , dear Lady Debra....
    And "May the 4th be with You".... Happy fan appreciation day (From and to all the many Fans to Star Wars)

  24. Do I dare google what a skunk egg is?

  25. YOU, MY FRIEND, ALWAYS brighten my day.


  26. hahaha...I read your blog daily~before my daily meditations...hahaha

  27. Hahaha! Very good Debra....
    You are very funny...
    Linda :o)

  28. Very funny post. How do you walk around with those shoes?

  29. Oh, those shoes aren't for WALKING, Happy Whisk! *wink*

  30. If those shoes aren't for walking, then what exactly ARE they for, Debra? Hmmmmmm?

  31. There is a worse thing than becoming a crazy cat lady: becoming a crazy cat-hating lady.

  32. SKUNK EGGS?? That's got to be a lie, I could have sworn they're mammals :P

  33. Cool questions, cool answers, cool pix. And yes, you are a meme goddess and I will come and raid your pantry.

  34. I look forward to your porn book. It's already better than any porn book I've ever read. It will also be the first.

  35. You made me laugh-
    a lot.
    I love that.

    The skunk egg-
    oh my!


  36. Now you really are taking the mickey - aren't you Debra? Skunk eggs!

  37. Skunks don't lay eggs..What is it really?? Love your photos!! They say it all !!

  38. I'd probably eat a skunk egg, no I'd definitely eat a skunk egg.

  39. Nothing like those short snappers!!

  40. I would definitely buy your porn book. I can even see the title already: She Who Seeks Porn. A freaking best seller!

  41. LMAO about Catwoman! I love your memes, too.

  42. Thank you so much for visiting my blog, your blog is a joy to visit. I would love to come here again and again. Thank you so much for giving my blog link in your post :)

  43. You are so funny it hurts! LOL! Thanks for ending my day with a laugh!

  44. LOL! I can't stop laughing! LOL! I want a signed copy of your book and I would like to order some for Christmas gifts ;o)


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