Monday 1 June 2015

It's That Time Again!

Yes, June is LGBT Pride Month and so here on She Who Seeks blog, it's time once again for the celebration known as . . .


All my posts this month (well, 99% of them anyway) will highlight the weird and wacky fun of being a sexual and/or gender minority! I've been saving up these LOLs for months and now it's time to unleash them all!

The above photo is of the High Level Bridge right here in Edmonton, Alberta. Late last year, it was all lit up in rainbow flag colours to support a legislative bill allowing students to form Gay/Straight Alliances in all Alberta schools, including in Catholic and other religious schools that are otherwise opposed. If any school receives public funds from the government, it must now allow all students equal civil and human rights despite any religious teachings to the contrary.

[Photo by Gibby Davis, 2014, supplied to the Edmonton Journal]


  1. That's a pretty cool piece of legislation. I don't know how well something like that would fly in other places. Particularly ones that claim the church and state shouldn't mix but seem to have a LOT of church influence over the state.

  2. yay!!! i can't wait for the posts!

  3. I like that legislation. Finally, some bureaucracy I can get behind. I live in a tiny rural town in the deep South and I'm working with a great group to try and get a gay/straight alliance group at the local schools where LGBT kids desperately need a support system. But there's such resistance among the school board that intimidation makes it nearly impossible to get a teacher to co-sponsor (which is a requirement). Eh, enough about me, I look forward to this month of posts!

  4. Great legislation. Looking forward to your posts this month! :D

  5. Long live sexual freedoms!

  6. Well you know even Religious teachings are changing their attitudes towards LGTQ rights now too. There's a big acceptance that a great deal of what was said in the Old Testament is no longer relevant.

  7. Pssssh, sexual minority? You like boobs. We like boobs. Who doesn't like boobs? I call that the majority. Cheers to a month full of awesomeness.

  8. Looking forward to your posts.

  9. TRANSLESBIGAYAPALOOZA! Bring it on, sista!

  10. Unleash the Rainbow! WoHoo!!!!

  11. I am pleased to see our young people making government do their job! xo

  12. Can't wait for the posts! This is going to be great! :)

  13. Bring em on...this is fun! (I'll be out of town next week, but will get caught up when I get back)

  14. well its about time, I'm glad that legislation was finally passed!

  15. That sounds like an awesome piece of legislation! Something like that would die immediately here in Texas. *sigh* Anyway, cool picture!!

  16. All this celebrating everyone is doing over my sexual identity only serves to remind me that I am not having any sex.

  17. Every piece of progress is important as it all adds up to making a difference in someones life. Making it easy to be "out" in school is a huge thing.

    I'm assuming you know we passed the bill making gay marriage legal in Ireland. We did it by popular vote and it was a clean sweep, except for one County. Hard to imagine that a country once controlled by the Catholic Church would have come so far so fast. So come to Ireland and bring all your friends!!!

  18. Looking forward to your lol's.

    Happy Monday :-)

  19. AWESOME!!! It's tough to get a bunch of blowhards here in Texas to do anything like that for my friends. You live in an awesome country.

  20. What an awesome bill Alberta has adopted! Hopefully acceptance continues to grow greater worldwide. The wacky religions need to be reformed!

  21. Not so sure the minority thing is so true anymore...great picture..

  22. Looking forward to it! If you've been saving them up for months, they're bound to be hilarious! :)

  23. that sounds like a good bill, I wish they'd do something like that in America.

  24. I'm definitely looking forward to this!

  25. I would be terrified to sing karaoke, Debra! I am a terrible singer. But what fun for you to go on that karaoke bus ride in Japan. Kudos to the Alberta Legislature for passing the civil and human rights legislation, and for Edmonton showing its rainbow support. The bunny Nom, nom, nom reminded me of one of my favorite children's books: "Bunnicula." Have a good one!

  26. Excellent news. Thanks for spreading the rainbow news!
    Play off the Page


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