Wednesday 3 June 2015

You Are What You Eat, Part 1

The Greeks knew when they had a good thing going *wink* . . . Donairs, I'm talking about donairs! (That's what we call gyros in Canada. I don't know what you call them in the USA).

Ellen can steal my lunch anytime!

Oh look! A lesbian farmers market!

Mmmm, pasta.

Not only are you what you eat, you are what you drink too.

Drinks for everybody!

You can never go wrong with H₂O-mo.

Wait, don't get up from the table yet! Dinner's not over -- there's more tomorrow!


  1. my phone wants me to be a lesbian so bad....hahaha! my phone wants me to be an idiot! i swear it has a mind of it's own.

  2. It does bug me the way people always wrongly describe pansexual people. Sigh.

  3. One of those soda tops says "Cummy?" The only way that could be described and advertised is as "viscous."

  4. some of them drinks seem really delightful!

  5. Hahahaha...these are hilarious! The phone one is great. And the pizza. Somehow pizza is always involved in everything :)

  6. Oh my gosh, these were so funny! Especially Ellen's.

    Here we gyro but we argue about the "right" way to say it. Does it rhyme with guy or bee? For me, it's guy.


  7. Gyro......... pronounced Gee-roh..... but however you say it, it's pretty damn tasty.

    So someone who prefers pleasuring themself would be hand-sexual?

    Would someone who lusts after Chinese folks be Han-sexual?

    Or would someone who can only get off whilst listening to music be Band-sexual?

  8. AAHAHAAHAHAhahaaahahahahaaaa! This was too much. But it's a great way to make my day. I love to laugh.

  9. Ha ha!!! - LOVE the farmer's market sign!

  10. This was so, Ellen but I love the farmer's market sign. Great laugh to start the morning. Oma Linda

  11. Thanks for the chuckles!! We call them Gyros in the USA too..

  12. Your on a roll now!! I hate labels, always have , mainly cause I can't remember them all and they change quicker than I pay attention!

  13. Here in the U.S. we spell it "gyros," but it's pronounced ji-ros, gi-ros, he-ros, or even "that spinney meat thing" if we can't make up our minds.

  14. I can't wait to see tomorrows line up lol,

  15. Some of these are hilarious!

  16. Love these! I grew up calling gyros "subs" (short for submarine sandwich). That makes no sense to me! It might be a Boston thing.

  17. I cant imagine just where on the internet you find all of these sayings and photos Debra - like the farmers market sign

  18. the last one reminds me of an energy drink called Bawls. I'm sure they had fun coming up with that name

  19. That phone one just about made me fall off my chair...too funny!

  20. LOL, Debra! I got a great laugh out of these funnies. I enjoyed your Drag Queen post too. I had no experience with DQs until I moved to California in 1974 and my next door neighbor was one. He didn't have a reliable iron and was always borrowing mine to iron his outfits. I think that's when I truly began to understand the humanity in all people. The neighborhood I lived in was filled with all sorts of gay, lesbian, and bisexual people, and I got a real education in compassion and understanding. I began to see real people instead of stereotypes. I'm so glad I had those experiences. Have you see the Australian movie The "Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert"? I loved it, and iIt really makes you think! Have a good one!

  21. I snorted so loud the dog looked at me. Too funny, Debra. Can't wait for the next butch, er, batch!

  22. The soda caps are very funny. I wonder if they were made in innocence or on purpose; probably a little of each.

  23. Honey, if we were what we eat, id be fast,cheap, and easy!

  24. *snort* These are a riot! We call them gyros in the Philly burbs. I think they're quite tasty, but accept people can choose to eat what they like best :)

  25. A good chuckle for the evening.

    Never had a gyro, but they do look interesting.

  26. Your posts always crack me up! :)

    They're called gyros here. Far as I know. And they're AWESOME!!

    ((i am not a robot))

  27. If I was born a woman I would be a lesbian. Who wants to look at some fat harry old bastard naked - well maybe some people do.
    Different strokes.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  28. Ellen is the best. She and Portia are my favorite lesbian couple.
    Now, next time I'm at Starbucks, I'm going to order a tall dark Macchiato with extra whipped cream and nuts.

  29. Hilarious. And is it me is Ellen DeGeneres funnier now that she does a talk show?


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