Thursday 17 September 2015

And the Creative Blogger Award goes to . . .

Continuing from my previous post, I'm going to give the Creative Blogger Award to two bloggin' buddies who each published a book while I was away on hiatus! Because if that's not creative, I don't know what is. They are available in Kindle and paperback formats from Amazon, if you're interested in having a good read. I can personally attest to their excellence -- both books are well worth your time and money!

(1) Robyn Engel of Life by Chocolate has written a hilarious yet poignant memoir of her misadventures in the land of romance:

As her book blurb explains: She's 4 feet, 8 inches of heartfelt ferocity, and nothing can stop this post-pubescent spitfire from claiming her fairytale -- not jarring tragedy, not penile incompetence, not even the explosive demise of a new marriage. Not until Robyn finds her happily ever after . . . alone.

(2) Mark Noyce of The Rambling Person has produced a great science fiction page-turner that will keep you guessing and intrigued right 'til the end!

As his book blurb summarizes: The year is 2520. Trent Saxon is returning home to Earth from a self imposed isolation in space. He's shot down not long after entering the Milky Way. His ship makes it to the blue planet but his life is lost in the process.

Geoff Avery is guarding the morgue as he does most nights when he hears a sound. He pushes aside his fear and finds Trent alive and well. Geoff quickly learns Trent isn't the someone who will die that easily as he makes a bold claim about his age. A few experiments later and Geoff is convinced.

Follow Trent and Geoff as they embark on an adventure traversing two planets, make friends and enemies, and form a bond that can last several lifetimes as they learn about the past, present and future. Both of the world and of themselves. Why can't Trent die? Was the attack really random? And just what's with that scar on his chest?


  1. Wow! Both intriguing!!!! Mwah!!!

  2. LOVED Robyn's book, haven't read the second... yet.

  3. Both are well deserved. You're absolutely right, if people who put together the follow-through to write an entire book. But wait, what are the rules of the award again? I like to know what tasks winners of blog awards are burdened with.

  4. Good luck to the authors with their new books! I translated about five new while you was away :)

  5. Awesome blogs...and may I add that I am glad to see you. Missed my morning visits.

  6. I'd like to thank the academy, Jesus, and my mother. Seriously though thanks. It made me smile in an otherwise very stressful time. I appreciate it a lot. Thank you for the plug too.

  7. Both books sound very entertaining. I will have to download them for future reading!

  8. Welcome back to blogland. How was your summer?

    I really like both bloggers whose books you mentioned. I'm wishing them all the best.

  9. Congratulations to your winners. Both deserving. Have a very nice day

  10. This is a wonderful way to share an award and help promote their new books. Well done, all. Here's to many, many sales.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

  11. Deb, Deb, I'm starting my day with big-time cheer, thanks to you!! Thank you, thank you. So glad you enjoyed my book enough to post this. Congratulations to Mark too. I'm going to hop over to his blog - not sure if I've been there.

    Welcome back. It was very nice to see you around, despite being away, and to get the goodies of your return.

    YIPEE! =) xo

  12. I don't know Mark, but go, Robyn, go! I'm reading your book.


  13. Hello dear Lady Lexa..
    .. hope that all is well with you...
    have a blessed day..

  14. I have inhaled Robyn's book and now, thanks to your recommendation, I have another to read, I don't read much sci0fi, but this sounds very interesting.

  15. Both do sound very interesting.....will be put on my winter reading list. Thanks Debra.

  16. Ohhhh more books to read! Thanks for the recommendations, I'm always looking for new authors to read and these both sound like good ones.

  17. Yay! Both of these sound most excellent! I love to read, and am always looking for new, great writers! Thanks for sharing, Debra.

  18. Great choices. And I'm a big fan of Robyn :) She is the coolest!

  19. I've already got Robyn's book added to my pile, but Mark's book sounds pretty interesting, too! *adds to TBR pile*

  20. Both sound like winners..I'll add them to my "just in case I want to read a book" list...If TV keeps disappointing, it may be soon...Have a super weekend.

  21. I will definitely check out both of these blogger's and their books!

  22. Thank you, kind people! Janie, I think you'll relate and I hope you'll laugh. In fact, I'm sure you will. Missy, I'm glad I switched from TV to books years ago. I haven't missed much and I've done some great reading. Yay - thanks so much, Madilyn. And Martha, you are a very cool woman yourself.

    Deb, are you girlinabillion? If so, thank you kindly for the Amazon review. If not, sorry. I can't figure out who else it might be. =)

    Have a wonderful weekend.


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