Monday 28 September 2015

Bloggin' Buddies Meetup -- Jim, Ron and Sophie

When I was in Halifax in July, I had the great pleasure of meeting up with some long-time bloggin' buddies -- specifically, Jim Cuvelier of Ocean Breezes and his partner Ron Troke of from Sophie's view! My Rare One and I even got to meet their dog Sophie Doodle, who waited patiently in the car while we all enjoyed a lovely lunch at a Greek restaurant.

Jim and Ron are just as nice and fun as they are on their blogs and of course so is Sophie. We had a wonderful time with them -- so much talking and laughter!

You know, blogging anonymously, as I do, has its downside and pitfalls. Alas, I cannot post any of the photos we took that have me in them. And I was so excited about meeting the boys that I got kind of discombobulated and didn't come prepared with a plan of how to take a photo of us that hid or disguised my face.

But will a little thing like that stop me? NO!!

When I got home, I remembered how artists are employed to make a visual record of trial proceedings in our Canadian courts because cameras aren't allowed in courtrooms. Then I realized that method would work just as well in this situation too! So may I present for posterity the artistic record of my Bloggin' Buddies Meetup with Jim, Ron and Sophie --

Bryan and Brandon of A Beer for the Shower very kindly created this awesome digital portrait based on photos I sent them -- and did a bang-up job of capturing everyone's likeness! They even included my purple fingerless gloves! Thanks, B & B, you rock!


  1. Like the purple fingerless gloves - glad you had a good meeting with your blog friends.

  2. isn't it fun to meet up with other blogger buddies? meeting several of my boyfriends has been the highlight of my life; they are kind and wonderful people on their blog AND in person!

  3. Haha, I love the gloves! So nice that you got to meet blogfriends!!

  4. I thought this artistry looked familiar! I love that you got to meet with fellow bloggers, that's awesome! I'd run into the same problem since I'm anonymous too but you came up with a clever way to share the moment with us. Thanks!

  5. That is indeed a fabulous picture. I recognised their style straight away. I'm glad you had a lot of fun with the boys and their dog. I wouldn't mind doing a blogger meetup some time but I'm the only British blogger I know.

  6. Y'know, if you wanted everyone rendered in pickle form, I probably could have fielded that. I've never met any fellow bloggers so I'm a bit jealous.

  7. Wow, what fun that was. Wish I had the opportunity to meet some of my blogging buddies.

  8. LOL! That's funny. :o) But how fun to meet up with some fellow bloggers.

  9. 'tis a spitting image of you!

  10. Ha ha love the cartoon. Glad you had a great time, but it would be nice to see your face sometime you know!

  11. The purple fingerless gloves are a dead giveaway. Someday, I'm going to be in a store somewhere and see someone with purple fingerless gloves... and on that day, you will no longer be anonymous.

    Especially if you're still clutching that dog.

  12. Great that you've met your blogger friends, and the "photo" is awesome! :-D!

  13. We're glad you liked the drawing, and we're still both very envious of you having met fellow bloggers. I think everyone else is too afraid to have a beer with us. What's your secret? Maybe it's the non-threatening fingerless gloves. Hmmm.

  14. What fun! And I love the digital photo - amazing what they can do these days.

  15. That's great. Love the drawing and your pose behind Sophie.

  16. they did a good job with the drawing

  17. SO COOL! I immediately recognized ABFTS cartoon, so fun!
    Looks like you had a great visit, that's awesome.
    Isn't it great when you get to meet someone from the blog world? I recently met Lizzi of Considerings and Quirky Chrissy, who it turns out lives literally ONE BLOCK from me. We never would have known that if we didn't carpool to meet Lizzi, who was visiting here from England. It took an English blogger for us to meet, and we can literally WALK to each other's houses. Crazy!

  18. It must have been so fun meeting up with blogging buddies! The digital portrait is fantastic.

  19. Love your digital portrait.
    Isn't it a kick to meet bloggee buds. I've had the pleasure a few times as folks travel through my neck of the woods. It's always so easy to visit with them and put a face with their lives in print. Congrats on the meet up. Oma Linda

  20. That's fabulous! Glad you had a fun meet up!

  21. oh how cool. when i saw that you were there i was thinking about them living there. so nice you got to meet those guys, i just love them and sophie!

  22. yeah that's really cool!.. nice to meet fellow bloggers, sounds like you definetly had a nice time

  23. That is so awesome!!! It had to be so much fun and you must have felt like you were old friends....

  24. So glad to hear you had a grand time meeting up with your fellow bloggers. I fear I would scare most people in person and they are better of not really knowing me. Very nice of the boys to have drawn that pic for you.

    I shan't be returning to blogger for a few weeks yet but I wanted to stop by and say hello!

  25. What a great meetup! I'm so envious. I can't wait till we finally get out east to meet this wonderful trio. I love that digital portrait. What a cool idea!

  26. Hurray! What fun. I'm looking forward to a blog buddy meetup of my own in January. Can't wait! Those gloves are just to die for. :-)

  27. isn't it great to meet your blogging buddies? I've been lucky to meet about 10? of my buds..I think I was an after thought following skunk eggs,kolaches and pivo..
    I was told when I first started blogging not to reveal anything personal about myself that it would be dangerous..can you imagine me trying to not say anything personal? everyone on the internet knows everything there is to know about me..including 1/2 the town of West...

  28. Sweet! I love meeting blog buddies. I haven't in far too long.

  29. I'm so jealous that you met Sophie.


  30. Clever girl!!! It's always awesome to meet your blogging buds.

  31. Very clever! I would love to meet some of my blogging buddies. Sometimes anonymity is a good thing. Love the gloves. Hope you're having a good week.

  32. Hey Debra! It was a great evening we had with you and your Rare One!!
    I like that digital photo rendition....makes me look 10 years younger!! lol

  33. Incognito Trio + D = massive laughs /stories / getting to know you ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♫♪

    Thanks and Sophie still talks about that evening and knows for a fact she would have been allowed in that restaurant.

    We humour all the time! But she is as slippery as a rabbit and would lick & laugh as she "seeks out" all the peeps at the table.

    CHeers and thanks for taking a chance!


  34. This is SO great! I love their blogs. So much fun, and I feel like I know them even though I've never met them. I'm a little jealous! :)

  35. Terrific "photo" and like Katy, I always keep my eyes peeled for those gloves.

  36. Great idea to hire the best of the best. Plus, BnB's creation is much better than a photo.

    Glad you got a bloggy meet-up. That's exciting.

  37. Hi Debra...
    I just went over there, and read their post!
    Hilarious! And I see a lot of people who I know!
    I do believe I will go back....and leave a comment!
    Love your gloves BTW.... So YOU!
    I met a blogger when in Fredericton....loved her!
    Linda :o)

  38. LOL, Debra! And what a great likeness of Ron and Jim Bryan and Brandon came up with! And those purple gloves had me cracking up. I'm so glad that you are back from your hiatus! Have a good one!

  39. Hubby has meet quite a few bloggers and we had one stay the weekend here, now a good friend to us both.

    This is the best part about blogging, to me, is making those connections.

  40. This rocks! I think it's excellent you have met so many people off of blog land!


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