Thursday 12 November 2015

Phoney "War on Christmas"

Isn't this controversy just too ridiculous for words? For the holiday season this year, Starbucks is not featuring a generic winter design (snowflakes, trees, deer, etc.) on its coffee cups but has just placed its green logo against a plain red background. Some right-wing Christians in the USA are now all bent out of shape because they view this as yet another "attack" in the "War on Christmas."

Of course, not everyone is worked up about it --

A wise message to anyone who's angry about these coffee cups --

Of course, this is my favourite solution to the controversy, LOL!

But, seriously, here's the real solution --


  1. Oh my goodness... I'm seeing these posts all over social media and I didn't understand what all the fuss was about because I live in Italy and there is no starbucks here but now I get it...some people are really ridiculous!

  2. teh xstains are a stoopid bunch.

    they would never think of doing the deeds in the last picture because they would rather get pissed off at a coffee cup or the words "season's greetings". such narrow little minds!

  3. The first time I saw this, I was sure it was a joke. Then I watched two politicians debate the issue... I nearly puked. There are some people who wouldn't recognized common sense, if someone painted it on their coffee cups.

  4. I think I missed all the hoopla and drama... what was the problem with the cups?

  5. I have no idea what all this cup stuff is about. I just filed it under "people being offended by literally anything." I thought that maybe the cups were the wrong size or something. But, no, much like any problem in America it involves something being the wrong colour.

  6. My poor wee brain hurts with the amount of ridiculous coming out of that country! Sorry, but really?'s all a brilliant PR and now Target USA wants some........
    Now the real ..........I love rainbows and sharing.........xoDebi

  7. LOL, I like your solution!

    Funny, most of my christian friends are saying "Yeah, you people need to get over this... wanna show you're a christian? Do some good in the world."

    Prolly why they're friends.

  8. I can't believe these are the things people are worried about. Soon people will be getting offended if we say good morning and good night.

  9. Wonderful post! Great answer to this silly uproar!

  10. Now there's a solution!!!! I'm completely dumbfounded that someone would call this a war on christians - do they really want their religion to be thought of as narrow minded idiots? Guess so - well, some of them do anyway.

  11. I first became aware of the whole issue on Ellen! Hilarious! People are stupid!

  12. Such nonsense. I couldn't believe this when I ran across it. I watched a hilarious video with Ellen Degeneres making fun of all this. Some of the things she said: "The old cups had snowflakes and Santa's sleigh and elves. You know, all the things that you find in the Bible," DeGeneres deadpanned. As for the new cup, she joked, "You might as well call it a Satan sipper." BAHAHAHA
    Here's a link to the video:
    Starbucks Holiday Cup Controversy
    This is beyond ridiculous. What would Jesus say about it? "Calm the ^&%%*&% down." And he'd give a thumbs up to your last image. "Go out and do some good and stop being so petty!"

  13. Some people are just looking for a fight. Why it's over a silly coffee cup and religion? I have no idea. Some people are never happy.

  14. I had no idea the snowflake was a Christian symbol ... look at the stuff I learn from your blog, Debra!

  15. My favourite cup is extremely large and heavy.
    And I never set foot inside a Starbucks this year.
    The price is daylight robbery for me.

  16. Americans seem to be getting more and more uptight about the silliest things! I miss the simple days when I could just say Merry Christmas! I feel bad for those who get bent out of shape over something like this. They really need to find hobbies or something!

  17. I've been trying to attach a really great meme to this comment but it won't work damn it.

    Gist of it is:
    The War on Christmas is Real.
    It happened centuries ago when Christian
    armies invaded Europe, stole pagan traditions
    and renamed their holidays after forcing them
    to convert at sword point.

  18. That's the problem with Christians and all religious zealots today. They scream they want respect for their religion, and yet they are the ones that trash it by not being more like the very thing they want respected. I hope I'm making sense this morning. I'm very tired and drugged up for pain.

  19. The whole thing was sparked by a Kevin James look-alike on youtube. I've seen his opinions before. He's either faking it to get attention or is the one of biggest idiots in America.

  20. If you can keep a portion of the population focused on cups, they will overlook all the other heinous things going on around them.

  21. The last time people were this worked up about a cup, it involved two girls.

  22. Wow. It's unbelievable that people actually even notice or find it important what's on a coffee cup!!! Strange!

  23. The War on Christmas has gotten too commercialized! In my day we didn't start the War on Christmas until after the War on a Thanksgiving was over.

  24. Oh my friggin' good god. I just read about this and I cannot even wrap my head around the dumbness that is this dumb stuff.

  25. Goodness gracious, you can't open your mouth today that someone will reprimand you! We have the same problem here in can't imagine how angry some people got when I mentioned Halloween! Talking about narrow-mindedness!

  26. I've read/heard about this controversy. Completely ridiculous. And Andrea Williams, the UK's dumbest Christian, that said a couple of ridiculous stuff about it, as only her can say. Apparently, snowmen and reindeers are integral part of the Nativity Story. Pathetic.

  27. Old man yells at cup...I die! *gigglesnort*

  28. They burned the coffee and now your clothes stink. Why are you so concerned about the decoration of the cup?

  29. I just can't keep up with it all.

  30. I guess there isn't much else to put on the news/

  31. Hey Debra!

    I'm looking forward to "Boxing Day, Eve." I'll tell you what's important about Starbucks. It's important they start paying their taxes in the UK instead of cheating there way of it. It they paid their fair taxes, the vulnerable over here might not suffer as much.

    Take care, eh.


  32. lady M's assessment is perfectly correct.

  33. Not sure when Red was not a symbolic color of Christmas along with green oh wait that is the label color. I love that last picture it is very true!

  34. Oh lordie- really? I was wondering what the hubbub was about, but now that I know I wish I didn't... Do people really not have anything more important to worry about?? Jeeez.

  35. personally I think Starbucks started the rumor to boost Christmas sales.

  36. Indeed, those are just coffee cups! :) but mind you, my friend's one of those who'll declare war. She just loves Starbucks cups :)

  37. Hi Debra - my first visit to your blog. I keep seeing your name on blogs I visit (have just been on Martha's) and thought I must come over and have a look.

    The quote from Steve Maraboli completed your post so well.

    Wishing you a Happy Weekend.

    All the best Jan

  38. After all, Christmas is just a knock-off of the Pagan Solstice celebration. Why are we listening to people so steeped in ignorance?
    the Ol'Buzzard

  39. Like I said on FB, why is this even an issue? Do the people need a tissue for their issue 'cause they got their granny panties in a bunch?

    Good Lord, or whatever deity you happen to believe in.

    Father Nature's Corner

  40. I don't think the 130 +/- people who were killed by ISIS in Paris last night were worried about the coffee cup at Starbucks. We really (as a society) need to worry about the more important things in this world.

  41. Thank you so much, such a good point! I had no idea wtf the red cup fuss was about. I support the rainbow ones!

  42. Hey hey. :)

    Just followed you on Google, going to visit your blog more often from now on. Keep up the great work!


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