Wednesday 18 November 2015


If you see only one movie this year, make it this movie. It's the best film My Rare One and I have seen in a long, long time! Christopher Plummer gives the performance of a lifetime.

Seriously, see it.


  1. Christopher Plummer and Martin Landau in one movie can't be wrong. The trailer looks indeed very promising, I hope we can watch it here soon too.

  2. Looks really good. Not a movie goer here, but hopefully it one day it comes to cable.

  3. I love it how senior actors are working much more than usually these days! Plummer is not used enough in films

  4. This is a must-see, thanks for the recommendation!

  5. On my list!
    I enjoyed the Netflix film recently....Danny Collins....Christopher & Al Pachino .....Have you watched Grace & Frankie yet?
    Oh this could go on & on! x

  6. Definitely a must see and not just for the fine acting. There is a wave of antisemitism sweeping the US and those people need to Remember where that has led in the past.

  7. I like Cristopher Plummer a lot, he was wonderful in The Sound of Music. Will look out for this movie, I hope it comes here in our town in Sicily!

  8. I hope I remember... Imagine the irony of people who'll talk to people about the movie and forget the title.

  9. My heart is heavy just from watching the trailer... I shall certainly watch it.

  10. OMG! These guys are still alive? I thought Plummer and Landau were dead. It should be a great movie for the academy awards.

  11. That looks seriously intense and amazing!

  12. I shall follow your advice and watch out for its arrival here

  13. Sigh. It came to my city and played for one night then was gone. WTF?

  14. And...a Canadian too!
    Thanks for the report...
    I also want to see the new James Bond movie...
    Must give the boyfriend a nudge!!
    Linda :o)

  15. It's been added to my list. Looks great. Thanks for the recommendation.

  16. I shall put it in the saved section of my Netflix queue immediately because I don't go to movie theaters. Thank you for telling us about it.


  17. Wow, I would have bet money Christopher Plummer had died years ago.

  18. Oh yes! This is a must watch; my type of film. I'd see it just because Cristopher Plummer is in it!

  19. Debra this looks like more than I could bear.

  20. I will have to watch for this one. It looks like it will not be released in the U.S. until January. I like the Breaking Bad actor too!

  21. thanks for the recommendation - I'll offer you one back - "Bridge of Spies" based on a true story with Tom Hanks.

  22. Hey Debra!

    I shall try and see it. Have a good one, eh!

    Gary :)

  23. That man is utterly fabulous, many years ago I saw him in a play with Jason Robards in New York, amazing talent! Oh and for some reason I can't write a comment on your most recent post(?) but just to say I think most Aussies are born with a big sense of toilet humour and never loose it haha, funny post :)


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