Saturday 26 December 2015

How to Spend Boxing Day

Okay, you know who you are. I'm not going to name names. Sure, the little holiday cat costumes are funny and seem like a good idea at the time. But do you REALLY understand the pain and suffering that you inflict on poor little Fluffykins? Time to make amends, you heartless bastards.

Thanks to Jeanne at The Land of Melting Shadows on whose blog I first saw this!

Well, everyone, I'm off to Manitoba now for a few days to spend some quality festive time with my mother and sister. See you in the new year!


  1. I thought the proper way to celebrate Boxing Day was to have a punch-up.

  2. Poor cats! But the chicken cat is very funny :-D. Enjoy your family visit!

  3. How many owners have been scratched deservedly during the making of the video?

  4. oh my gosh!!
    Have a good visit!!
    safe journeys,

  5. I love that this is a treats ad! So creative!

  6. Bring your long johns - we are cold!!! :)

  7. Ha ha, poor cats. Have a great break!

  8. Thanx for the shout-out! Happy Boxing Day! See you next year. :o)

  9. The look in the kitties' faces says it all...

    Have a blast! ♥

  10. I love this commercial!

    Merry Christmas, Friend.

    Love, Deborah

  11. Lol. Enjoy your Christmas Vacation.

  12. I have complete faith in the fact that the cats WILL have the last laugh. I should cross the border for some Boxing Day fun, but it's snowing a bit more than I like for travel. Have a Happy!

  13. With Elton John's sorry in the background, this is brilliant. I hope it propels Temptations beyond success met by Frisky Feast.

    Have a glorious holiday time with family.

  14. cute. I love your adorable personality.
    Now, come New Year's Eve, wherever you are, raise your glass and wish moi a happy 78th birthday.....
    and be careful thru the holidays.

  15. Poor kitten cats......I've no wish to lose a limb or my eyesight so I don't ever make the cats dress in silly costumes. The dogs however wear jingle bells and terrify the cats in their do's for the holidays. So it's a win

  16. There is a special corner of hell for people who do that sort of thing to their animals.

    But on a more pleasant note - have a safe trip and a good visit. I understand you have to pack your woolies.

  17. This is so funny!
    Did you hear that they are planning to make a movie of CAT VIDEOS?
    You will HAVE to be the first one to review it for us!
    Have a good time on your holiday.

  18. Great video and I'm glad I don't have a cat!
    Enjoy vacation! :)

  19. Happy Boxing Day! Hahaha!I just saw the video earlier today! HIlarious!

  20. I dress up Norbert for Christmas and if he doesn't like it he can fuck off. He lives a privileged life and doesn't appreciate a thing I do for him. The least he can do it put on a Santa hat and like it.

  21. Funny and heartbreaking. But mostly funny! Have a great time, Debra!

  22. Dexter would crap in every shoe I owned.

  23. See you in the New Year. Safe travels.

  24. This was my favorite holiday commercial. I think I feel the worst for that poor kitty hooked-up to the sleigh, but have to admit the one in the snowman costume is just too cute. How how some cats suffer when their owners force them into costumes. Treats of any kind seem insufficient as an apology.

  25. I just saw this commercial other day. So crazy! lol.
    Have fun in Manitoba, and All The Best in 2016!

  26. Hey Debra!

    I only found out last year that in America, Boxing Day is not a recognised holiday. All those years of me calling the day before Boxing Day as Boxing Day Eve, caused them loads of confusion. Doh, eh! :)

    Great, now that Elton John song is ringing in my head! Have fun in Manitoba. Be sure to set your clock back 25 years!

    See you in 2016, my adorable friend.


  27. Have fun in Manitoba, Debra.
    Happy New Year!!

  28. For many years this Yank has wondered about Boxing Day and what it was, then went about life in the dark without inquiring.Thank you for inspiring me to actually look it up. Interesting history the day has. Have fun!

  29. hahahaha. Where do they find these laid back cats? Anyway hope all is well in Manitoba!

  30. yes those cats deserve an apology.
    Best of wishes for 2016. I guess a year of good bees would suit you well?

  31. All of those costumes are adorable - but who knows if the cats love them or hate them. I know on Christmas Day I put a jacket on my aunt's dog and he didn't know how to move with it on LOL

  32. In the US, Boxing Day is known as my birthday. 29 again!

  33. Awww, those poor kitties!!! Have a great time with your mother and sister! Here's to an amazing 2016!! Big Hugs and thanks for being such an amazing person!!!

  34. Nice to meet you!
    Have a wonderful New Year and happy Boxing Day...

    Noodle and crew

  35. Poor kitty.

    have a wonderful new year :)


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