Saturday 19 December 2015


Friends of ours host a wonderful annual Christmas party to which My Rare One and I are going tonight. Among the many favourite party games we play each year, there is ALWAYS a Jenga Tournament.

Have you ever played Jenga? It requires a steady hand (or paw) . . .

. . . and a lot of patience, which not everyone has.

Don't let My Rare One see this invention or she'll be building one for her own use tonight!

This method of playing looks intriguing, doesn't it? Hmmm . . . .

My Rare One and I often played this version together at home, which we called "Jenga Garbage." How high can stuff be piled before SOMEONE (not me!) empties the garbage? Who will break down first?

But here's the best Jenga of all! Cats for EVERYBODY!

Wish me luck at the Jenga Tournament! I have been known to kick ass in the past.


  1. I have never played jenga; have a great time!

  2. Lol. The college jenga looks familiar but the best one is the cat jenga. What is it about empty boxes and cats?

  3. da second kitteh is my type of kitteh! And hooray for the crazy cat lady jenga!

  4. I like Jenga and the crazy cat lady version is my new fav!!

  5. They cut up 2x4 boards to make Jenga at the brewery but some how one piece got broken so they are one piece short. It makes a lot of noise when they fall but it is fun to watch the skill level deteriorate as the evening progresses.

  6. Kinda looks like our recycling pile. :)

  7. Never played that game, but I remember there was one before it with pretty colored blocks that was played along the same lines. Can't remember what it was called.

  8. Hilarious!
    The cats playing are priceless!

    Merry Christmas!

  9. Cat Jenga. Love it! I have never played the game. I'm one of those who lacks that kind of patience. However, that adult version sounds fun!

  10. It is a fun game to play! I suggest taking the first cat perhaps to help, but leave the second one home.....I sense anger issues.

  11. I want to say Jenga looks like fun, but auto-correct spelling keeps saying "Jenna looks like fun." I don't know anyone named Jenna, although I suppose both statements aren't mutually exclusive.

  12. Never played it, but I think I want to. All the versions look like fun.

  13. Love, love, love Jenga (PTSD and all). Not sure if I could handle college jenga and not willing to give it a try!

    Fun post!

  14. I like the college Jenga best. I'd love to see what happens when the tower falls!

  15. Good luck with your Jenga domination! And, a blessed Solstice to you and your Rare One!

  16. OK, never played before but now I wan to. Good luck!

  17. I'd be like the second cat, just knock the whole bloody lot down, and go and find a nice cold beer!! :D

  18. These were funny. Enjoy your night out.

  19. Cats cheat. I want one of those devices to conquer the Jenga world......

  20. I love that last one...and hope you kick ass again.

  21. The kitties playing Jenga are amazing!! But the kitten Jenga is incredible! I need three more cats!!!

  22. I've never played Jenga but it does look fun. I love these pics and .gifs. The best one is that gun. How cool is that? But for sure "you'll shoot your eye out" is all I can hear in my head. Good luck!

  23. crazy cat lady Jenga is the best!

  24. I played Jenga with Daisy a few times. She always lost. It wasn't even fair.

  25. I am pretty sure that garbage picture was taken in my house. My kids hang out downstairs and that is not far from what their garbage looks like.

  26. Love the game but don't think my hands have enough functionality to play it anymore.

    Love the last pic though. :D

  27. Ha! Our recycling bin looks like that! Eco-Jenga?
    I tried to get my family to play Jenga a couple weeks ago, but no one wanted to.
    Good luck! Win Big!

  28. There are some never seen versions there. I haven't played that for years. I used to be pretty good at it. Good luck and have fun.

  29. HAHAHA! This was funny. I'm picture my daughter and her three university dorm roommates playing that college-style Jenga! I'm not sure if they do that with the garbage, but according to my daughter, they do that with the dishes in the kitchen sink :)

  30. Ha! We play garbage Jenga here too--and I ALWAYS lose! I've played it in the classroom with various questions/activities for the kids written on the blocks--they love that. It's a classic!
    In case I don't make it back here this week (things are a little crazy) Happy Holidays to you and yours!!

  31. I have played this only once and it requires a lot of skill and patience.

  32. I didn't know this game yet, I hope you had a fun time!

  33. I love playing giant jenga at the local bar here, because it's harder and also because it hurts like a bitch if it falls on you. Sign me up for crazy cat lady jenga, though. I bet it's more challenging when you're getting pawed at/bitten.

  34. hope you kick butt...never played this before..
    Merry Christmas

  35. wELL GOOD LUCK! Never heard of it but it looks like extreme fun!! :)

  36. Hi Debra!
    Well.. I never heard of Jenga! But can see it requires loads of training actually. All the best! let us know the result of the tournament.

    And Happy celebrations and holidays!

    Hugs, Anna!

  37. I am seriously in need of a play. I'm loving the cat and your partner ways of playing!

  38. That second cat is totally me. I want to be the first one, but alas I am the second!

  39. So cute! LOL! I know you had fun, but I hope you won!

  40. Know of it.
    Seen it.
    Wanna play it.
    Never had it.
    No friends to play it with anyway.
    Sad :(

  41. Jenga with cats. What could go wrong ? lol


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