Monday 11 January 2016

Free at Last!

This post is dedicated to Birdie of Ditching the Black Dog, who is overjoyed to have had a hysterectomy last week. No longer will she have to tolerate the ongoing pain and tyranny of menstrual periods, the curse of every woman's life! You go, girl!

We women have to put up with soooooo much --

But the men in our lives have to put up with us when we have PMS --

Other than that, men don't have clue one, of course, and can easily be freaked out by periods --

However, men can be somewhat useful in temporarily halting our periods one or more times --

If only there were some way for women to cash in on the situation so all that pain and misery could be worthwhile --

Here's the only real advantage of menstruation --

Feel better soon, Birdie, and enjoy your wonderful new freedom!


  1. Such joy those memes, thanks for sharing and warm greetings!

  2. congrats, birdie! I had my operation in 1989 (I was 35) and I NEVER regretted that decision! take care of your body and enjoy your new freedom!

  3. This post was bloody hilarious. ;)

  4. @LL Cool Joe - I think I just heard the mic drop! Great comment!

    I had a partial hysterectomy a few years ago...don't miss my period one bit!

  5. Satan has been fed and is a Texas Longhorn!!!!! ;) ;) ;) Snert!

  6. The women in my life try really hard to not let their periods be a reason to be awful. It actually took me about a year to notice she'd ever had a period because she didn't let it affect their behaviour. I try to be cool about it.

  7. Get to feeling better Birdie! :o)

    p.s. I like your Haida Bee!

  8. Hilarious though the situation leading to the surgery is anything but. Wishing your friend a speedy recovery and a new lease on life.

  9. Periods -- ugh. Menopause-- great!

  10. Very thoughtful of you Debra!
    I also have been a longtime follower of Barbara....she is very funny!
    I do hope this helps her problem...I had mine 16 years ago....
    Cheers to you Birdie....a long happy life ahead of you...

  11. " I never had PMS, but I had a BMW."

  12. Happy (late) new year! And to sweet Birdie, too.

  13. This was do damn funny! I laughed out loud at the one about the annoying loud pop not going away for 18 years. Some of them take much longer to leave. Some stick around way into their middle years :)

  14. My Padres Season Ticket seat mate has three beautiful girls all born in a 4 year time span. The oldest just got her first period a couple months ago. He's really going to be enjoying his baseball game evenings in the coming years.

  15. LOVE "Satan has been fed"..Thanks for the morning laughs..Just too funny..Have a wonderful week.

  16. This was highlarious. Three generations at different stages of womanhood here at the Casa and Ry and SM would completely agree with the chocolate bar appeasement of Satan. hehehehehe

  17. that last one about getting away with murder, wow, thats good,,,lol,,,

  18. Once a month my wife loses $8,000? That's a horrible investment!

    These were amazingly hilarious.

  19. BWAAHAHAHAAAHAHAAAAA! "Satan has been fed" and the "Longhorn" memes were the best. Brightened my morning thanks.

  20. I have never been envious of those with uteri (uteruses?) to contend with, not that having gonads dangling about is such a great idea either. Who's in charge of the design department?

  21. How fabulous! I am coming up on one year sans menses! :) Loved the Batman one!

  22. On facebook yesterday, someone wrote a comment in reference to punctuation in poetry: "Periods present obstacles." I responded, "Menopause ain't no picnic either."

    Truthfully, though, I'm a lucky, lucky lady. I had a horrible, and horribly scary full-hysterectomy saga. But being without worry about periods or -so far- hot flashes. WOOT!! High-fives to Birdie!

  23. OMG! I love you! I love this post! Thank you. It has cheered me immensely!

  24. Love it.
    And it reminds me of one of my favourite jokes.
    What is red and invisible?
    Bloody nothing.

  25. LOL!!! This is so funny, great post!!! All the best to Birdie!

  26. Oh I love that last one!! Amazing thinking of all those unsolved murders out there. Andyway congratulation to Birdie!

  27. I had a hystericalectomy about 25 years ago. It was one of the best things that ever happened to me. When my daughter was young, she said that when she was grown up that she wanted us to drink coffee and smile while we talk about tampons. She doesn't speak to me anymore.


  28. If the pain of periods is foreign to me, it is not the case of the temper that goes with it. I still don't know how to deal with a woman's fury.

  29. LOL! Love this post. An no, i don't miss having periods one single little bit. Not one iota. My grandmother used to say stuff like.. 'don't you want to celebrate being a woman?' And i'd think to myself, well it's fine sometimes, but in the throes of the awful cramps, i'd think to myself.. F*** no! Nothing to celebrate here!!

  30. Grrrrrrreat post (bloody hilarious was already taken). And enjoy your empty nest Birdie! I am still getting regular visits from "Aunt Flo" despite my tender age (56) and after going through chemo and internal radiation. My eggs just keep on coming. It's ridiculous!!!

  31. I laughed all the way thru this amazing and funny post. You, my dear, are a riot.....:)

  32. free at last free at last ..thank the Goddess I'm free at last..which is what I said when I work up from having my hysterectomy ...and you will see a bunch of these on ydg..

  33. We woman are cursed! I can't wait until the day when I am done with this!

  34. Hahaaa, that´s great!!! I´m also afraid of the bitch from the tampon commercials *.* Birdie is a lucky one!

  35. Having two older sisters, I quickly became acquainted with the needs of females at a very young age. 'Special K' was their favourite as I was asked/told to go to pharmacy/drugstore.....and HURRY!!
    These memes were hysterical, Debra!

  36. Congrats to Birdie, and thanks for the hilarious period laughs!

  37. Not qualified to comment.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  38. I got rid of mine 10 years ago and never looked back! Yay! WooHoo! Happy Dancing Still!!

  39. LOL! I can't stop laughing! You have the best posts Debra!

  40. I love uterine/period posts. Obvi.

  41. hah, this is a bit awkward because this week i am starting on sex education with my students.


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