Wednesday 23 March 2016

My Pagan Tattoo -- Thor's Hammer (Divine Masculine)

[Photo by My Rare One]

The Divine Masculine is honoured in my tattoo by a stylized Thor's Hammer. Although it is primarily portrayed today as the God of Thunder's weapon of war, Thor's Hammer is also an ancient fertility symbol. As My Rare One perceptively noted, the rounded double hammer head with its upward handle is "a classic cock-and-balls motif, isn't it." At pagan Norse wedding feasts, it was customary for the bride to sit with a Thor's Hammer in her lap to promote the fertility of the marriage.

In an ancient myth, Thor and Loki relied on that custom in order to retrieve Thor's Hammer from a giant who had stolen it. Loki dressed Thor in drag to pass him off as the giant's intended bride, accompanying him as bridesmaid in order to field any awkward questions. After having successfully managed that deception, the two gods just simply waited for the Hammer to be placed in Thor's lap at the wedding feast. Back with its rightful owner at last!

And then, Thor and Loki killed everybody, everybody! -- well, it's a Norse myth after all, what did you expect?

Tomorrow: The Pagan Quotation


  1. penis symbolism - your rare one is spot on! once again, a good lesson.

  2. I can imagine a fair few brides, after noting their grooms lack, wishing they'd sat ON the hammer. Or it could be that's just my sick and twisted take on things.


  3. I'd rather have Thor in my lap than his hammer... not that I'm picky....

  4. Weren't the Norse Gods all excessively bearded? Like unkempt squirrel's nest beards? How did the giant not notice the beard? Is the hammer a fertility symbol because of the heavy metaphor of inept dudes hammering away until the nail is driven home? Or is it really the rod and tackle look of it all? Whichever, I love a good fertility symbol.

  5. Lol. Love the symbolism and the thought that went into the tattoo.

  6. That was an interesting bit of info about the Norse wedding feast custom. And thank you for answering my question. :o) Nice tat.

  7. @strangelynaked --Hi Pickleope. According to the myth, Thor was heavily veiled so no one could see his beard. Loki is traditionally clean-shaven so he had no issue. They relied on Loki's silver tongue to explain away some awkward facts -- the heavy veil, the bride's big shoulders, why the bride didn't say anything and why she ate and drank huge amounts. Loki explained away that last one by saying the bride had "huge appetites" (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) so that made the giant even more eager for the wedding night.

  8. P.S. to Pickleope -- yes, it's the rod and tackle look.

  9. learn something new every day...very interesting..wonder how big Thor's 'hammer' was...? just wondering..ha

  10. There is a children's book that retells that story. I bought it for my son ages back. Of course I read it too. I couldn't resist! It was a pretty fun story.

  11. Love this tutorial and a lovely tattoo to boot! You need to get more tattoo's so we can journey with you!

  12. You got to love the Norse Gods, don't you?

  13. I always referred to my lap parts as "Phil", but maybe Thor's Hammer (Mjolnir) would be better. At this age it really doesn't matter anymore. Freyja was always my favorite goddess with her cat-drawn chariot.

  14. Congrats on your new ink! Love it!

  15. These posts are so interesting! I never knew about all this.

  16. The divine is ever present.
    Really like your tat, Debra!

  17. I love the cartoon! LOL! I am really enjoying the meaning behind your tat!

  18. I never noticed the phallic imagery of Thor's hammer. Whenever I have to pick up a hammer at work I always shout "I am the mighty god of thunder!" No I'll probably be a bit self-conscious.

  19. So much for pulling for the giant, eh?

  20. Love the myth and the mystery!

  21. A big phallic hammer is awesome, I guess. I don't think I'd want any old phallus inked on me, but there you go.

    I'm choosing to see it as a goddess sitting in meditation. Put a smiling face on the top... sure!

    Love that the two symbols are weapons!

  22. Stupid marvel, everyone can lift his hammer

  23. Now I cannot un-see Thor as the bride. Cannot un-see, I say. Cannot!

  24. Desmond hit the hammer on its head so to speak as I agree that Thor in my lap is preferable to just his hammer.


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