Thursday 10 March 2016

The Elusive Van Gogh

Marie Smith of Island Musings wrote an interesting post last week about her difficulties tracking down Van Gogh's painting Starry Night to see it in person and about her acquaintanceship with a nephew-descendant of the famous painter.

Her post reminded me that it's been awhile since I posted a collection of Van Gogh LOLs on the old blogarino (click here to see it). It is definitely time to post another set because the genius of Van Gogh is appreciated by MANY, isn't it?

Famous for his self-portraits, wouldn't Van Gogh have loved living in today's SELFIE society?

The poor bugger was also famous, of course, for THAT EAR . . . .

While Van Gogh lived, worked and died in poverty and obscurity, his painting Starry Night is today one of the most priceless and recognizable artworks in the world. Homages to it are EVERYWHERE -- sometimes in the most surprising places!

So hey, everybody! Hug a struggling artist today and slip them a fiver or two, eh? You just might be encouraging the next Van Gogh.


    It is very hard to laugh while drinking hot coffee!
    Hilarious as usual!

  2. Lol. Loved both posts. You did Vincent lproud.

  3. I like his sunny yellow paintings best of all.

  4. When I think of Van Gogh, I can't help but show my nerdery and think of a Doctor Who episode where they visit Van Gogh and take him to the future to see that he did good, yet he still kills himself (spoilers).

  5. That cast is so lovely painted!

  6. It's a real shame how many artists aren't appreciated in their own times. If they were though then perhaps they wouldn't have been as beautiful.

  7. That's the real reason I went from being an artist, to a Graphic designer, then a dj. Thank God I didn't cut off my ear, it would make wearing headphones quite awkward.

  8. Wonderful post! Love the hair! :o)

  9. I also have pictures posted for my cats. Not Van Gogh, however. It's a quality of life thing...

  10. @ e -- My cat HRH had her own set of fridge magnets down low at the bottom of the fridge. Largely fish related!

  11. Love the cast AND the hair.....I just love Van Gogh full stop!

  12. These are wonderful. Another great painting to parody is Munch's The Scream. Especially the one with Elmer Fudd.

  13. Gogh, Goghing, Goghn .. Excellent!

  14. I am never disappointed when I come here to see what you are up to. That cat looked a little snobbish. ahahaahahaaa!

  15. I was going to say Van Gone was the best until I scrolled down to Disney World. Really enjoyed scrolling this post.

  16. While I've been ILL ! I have been binge watching, Adventures of Lost Art? on Netflix......great tales of the masters . Van Gogh can thank his sister'in law for many things I suspect, one being marketing him after his death.
    Bravo Canada! Our Arts / Film industry is rising from the ashes! I live in mouse poop Ontario and was happy to see an Art Gallery opening up! When I'm germ free, I will visit and ask WHY! Hahahah!
    Love your post! xDebi

  17. Funny how you're not worth much until after death.

  18. I've seen authentic Van Gogh paintings in Amsterdam.

  19. Thank you for this fun post

  20. Have you ever seen Vincent Meets the Doctor (Who)? Holy crap that was a good episode. I was crying uncontrollably at the end.

  21. I love the paintings by Van Gogh. I wonder though, I think we pronounce it incorrectly but I could be wrong.
    Also, I remember reading that there is a book by a couple of gentlemen who believe that it is possible that Van Gogh was murdered rather than that he died at his own hand. Have you ever heard of this? I think, dear Debra, you should investigate this and post about it! It would be only right after this funny post, to do a serious one of this very talented artist although a very troubled one. xx

  22. i am obsessed with Van Gogh: his life and his paintings. They say he would hiss at people who got in his way as he walked down the streets.
    I feel like doing that sometimes.
    the Ol'Buzzaard

  23. I LOVE that hair colour! I also love that you can turn just about any subject/person into a humorous post :)

  24. Things like this make me fall in love with people again.

  25. For Kay G...An interesting Vanity Fair article about the book which debukes the "earsay" about his suicide.

    Debra, I love this post as Van Gogh is my all time favorite painter.

  26. He is one of the most peculiar artists... his paintings tell a lot about his mental state and his imagination is incredible...
    cats seem liking his art :))

  27. @ Birdie -- No, I've never seen that famous Dr Who episode although I would love to some day!

    @ Kay G -- No, I've never heard the theory that Van Gogh was murdered -- very intriguing. But see the later comment from jadedj about a Vanity Fair article that examines and debunks this theory apparently.

  28. @ jadedj -- thanks for letting us know about the Vanity Fair article!

  29. I love Van Gogh. We once went to a special exhibit of his paintings in Washington, D.C., but they didn't have Starry Night. If I went to MOMA to see it and it was on loan, I might pass out. Now I want Starry Night hair.


  30. I think the murder theory might be based on a work of fiction about Van Gogh. Or maybe the work of fiction is based on a murder theory.

    Love again,

  31. riot on, deb!

    for the non-dutch:

  32. we all love this tribute, as well:

  33. Great post..Thanks for the laugh..Nice tribute

  34. The ear looking for the face. That's brilliant.

    Happy Weekend.

  35. Hey Debra,

    How's it Goghing, eh? I'm Goghing, now. Ear I Gogh.... Goghing, Goghing, Goghn....

  36. Great advice! And this blog is a riot. Well he took himself too seriously anyway, eh?? ::D

  37. Sometimes I feel like Van Gogh. You know, toiling away in obscurity. I've got both ears. So there's that.

  38. These are fantastic. My favorite though would be the cat show gets to enjoy Van Gogh while eating and chilling out!

  39. You silly girl, you.....hahhaaa...loved this

  40. I love Van Gogh, he's one of my favorite painters, yet I wasn't offended by any of these funnies. They were great. But holy God, the kid who drew that on his friend's cast! Amazing!

  41. I HAVE to show that hair to my sister, Mim!! She'll love it!
    I would really like to go to a Van Gogh exhibition.

  42. Awwwww, you made my night! Thanks Debra! Big Hugs!

  43. That's a seriously awesome cast!


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