Tuesday 15 March 2016

Why Cal Heighton is a Bad Influence on Me

Like everyone, I read and enjoyed comic books as a kid. In those days, my favourite superheroes were Batman and Superman. But as I got older, I moved on to novels and more serious reading and didn't give comics a second thought again for . . . well, for decades.

And then, about six years ago, I started reading Cal Heighton's blog, Cal's Canadian Cave of Cool. Cal is a major comics enthusiast and has a huge collection of superhero toys and memorabilia. He is probably one of the most prolific and entertaining bloggers out there, in my opinion. Under his tutelage, without even really being aware of it, I have been indoctrinated into becoming a devotee of the Marvel Universe and a rabid fan of all things Thor, Loki, Avengers and X-Men.

I have even, may the Goddess help me, started my own wee Thor 'n Loki collection. (Please pardon the blurriness of these photos from my little point-and-shoot camera.)

And I've got a few figurines of some of my other superhero faves too:

And now look what Cal sent me in the mail last week!

Winged helmet and Mjolnir accessories -- articulated joints -- a real cloth costume -- and best of all, long blonde hair that is brushable like a Barbie doll's -- SQUEEEEEEE! What a great addition to my little collection! Thank you so much, Cal!

But Cal, My Rare One wants to have a stern word or two with you. She thinks your bad influence has made me go absolutely nutso and driven me right off the deep end. Despite being forced to sit through more Marvel movies than she would ever have thought humanly possible or advisable, My Rare One STILL does NOT see the charm or attraction of my fandoms. So while she's on the warpath, buddy, you might want to lay low for awhile and put on your Odin cosplay disguise to throw her off your trail. Just sayin'.


  1. I really have to get the Skinny Crank a Loki costume and take a photo!

  2. by the time our likes and dislikes change according to our changing nature ,

    i was crazy for comic books in my childhood but gradually novels and magazines replaced them but still when my elder son reads his comic books he likes to read it for me too so i enjoy them alot

  3. Dare I check out Cal's blog as well? Look what happened to you, Debra!! Would Ron ever forgive you!!?

  4. I am thrilled for Spike Lee to have seen the huge success his imagination has produced! Finally!
    Fabulous thespians have brought to LIFE for all us mere mortals ...I'm happy to be a fan ( new) as well all things Marcel! xo

  5. Having endured comics throughout our youngest's life at home, we are now keeping our education up to date thru the Grands! Must go check out this Cave of Cool!

  6. Lol. i too sit through all the movies with my rare one. However, I have come to enjoy them really, though I understand the reluctance.

  7. I feel sorry for your Rare One. Ha. No, come on we all laods of shit, I 'm mean memorabilia, that will fill our homes with, don't we? ;D

  8. Great collection and new addition! We all have our share of fandom wackiness,

  9. I had a great collection of 10 and 15 cent comics, mostly superheroes, that I lost during a hurricane/flood when I was a preteen. I was broken hearted and stopped collecting then. I still appreciate them, however.

  10. I wonder if you'd love Loki if he wasn't played by Hiddlestud

  11. Well, Dezzy, Our Tom DOES have a certain influence on that situation, it's true.

  12. Heading to Cal's! I might learn something to help me participate in family conversations!

  13. AHAHAHAHAAA! I love that last meme. That was super wonderful of him to send you that Thor collectable.

  14. Anything for my best commenter. You have supported me for so long and you were the first one I thought of when I thought about getting rid of that Thor. As you know I have NO doubles in my collection. It's sorta my rule.

  15. I've always been tempted to cosplay as Thor or Loki and wait for the Jehova's Witnesses to arrive to the door.

  16. Wow, I never even knew such things existed! Good luck with your obsession! LOL!

  17. Maybe your Rare One might have a change of mind if she saw you in an alluring cosplay outfit. Which one might you be?

  18. @lgsquirrel -- Hahahahaha, maybe Wolverine? I don't know how alluring THAT would be!

  19. ...'long blonde hair that is brushable like a Barbie doll's -- SQUEEEEEEE!' Big lolz there!

  20. The only action figure I have is Jesus, complete with shepherding staff. He sits on my writing desk. Yeah, don't ask.

    My cohort has enough comic books to fill an attic (because they do), all shrink wrapped, and I can only imagine how much those suckers are worth now. He'd never sell 'em, though.

  21. *whispers* I am with your Rare One on this one.


  22. Nice, thank you for this treat

  23. These are fun! What a great gift to receive. Of course, it shouldn't surprise you that I go around town looking for very small action hero figures for my miniature photography. They make for wonderful images with the little people.

  24. I have only recently started reading graphic novels and I think I am already hooked!
    I volunteer for Lifeline Bookfairs in Sydney and heaps of graphic novels get donated so I am spoiled for choice.
    Peggy xxxxx

  25. I have to check out this blog!!! You are so cute Debra! I love your "growing" collection! Brilliant gift from Cal! That was really nice! Tell your Rare One to hang in and join the fun! LOL!

  26. But do you remember Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel and Captain Marvel Jr.?
    the Ol'Buzzard

  27. I love marvel movies!! They are so much fun. But I understand your Rare One... I would not be able to find a place for that stuff to look relatively okay. There isn't a junk drawer big enough... Do you play with your toys? Reenact battles and create stories? That would be so much fun!! Lots and lots of love from half the world away!!!

  28. I was a twisted kid...I think I read about 3 comic books as a kid and thought they were just so dumb..now it's cool.

  29. That's quite an impressive collection!

  30. That Cal. He's a brilliant creative and I'm going to dress as Wonder Woman and show up at the Cave of Cool some day (or night). He's so hot, too, especially in this photo.

  31. They were just recently showing Thor here... I could watch it for the whole 5 minutes until little A destructed me from TV :)

    I do love watching strong mythological men doing stuff out of this Universe!

  32. Hello,

    Interesting post which took me back to the days when my children were small. We used to sit together in front of the TV and watch HE MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE.

    My eldest son was so much crazy about the HE MAN that he thought he can do many daring things like the HE MAN. Once he was walking with my wife holding her hand and suddenly he ran to the middle of the road and tried to stop a speeding lorry. Fortunately the lorry driver braked and stopped the lorry just in time to avoid a major accident. His eyes almost popped out and he cursed my wife for letting her little son on to the middle of the road. My wife profusely apologized to the driver and but he kept on cursing her for quite some time. Finally, he started the lorry and drove away. My wife was in great shock after that and it took some time to soothe and calm her.

    I enjoyed reading your post and the interesting photos.

    Best wishes

  33. Great gift from Cal..I don't know most of them..Grew up with Superman and Tarzan LOL..Nice collection..

  34. amazing what Lego can make with small figurines. Getting your Thor on are you?

  35. >>..."long blonde hair that is brushable like a Barbie doll's..."

    Is there armpit hair? If so, count me in!

  36. I know Stan Lee had good intentions, but I shudder at the way Thor and the Norse gods have been dumbed down by Marvel.

  37. ...went from comics to illustrated novels - all is good :)

  38. You've gotten me to enter the Marvel Universe, something I would never have imagined! And now we have upgraded cable service with a lot more free movies I hope to see more the movies (once I get home)! LOL over the Thor doll with it's commutable hair!


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