Wednesday 18 May 2016

Tiger-Tiger Is My Favourite

Actually, summer is ALREADY HERE, YAY! It's early this year because of El Nino or global warming or a reverse Game of Thrones effect or something. But the important thing is to celebrate and get in the SPIRIT of the season, like our old pal Bucky --

One of the BEST ways to enjoy summer is to eat lots of ICE CREAM!

I know you'll all agree with me because who DOESN'T love ice cream?

And TO HELL with calories, amiright?

That's not to say, however, that sometimes ice cream can't DISAPPOINT us a little.

And occasionally, of course, ice cream can just BREAK OUR HEARTS --

Well, I'd write some more but I'm off to DAIRY QUEEN now!


  1. It's the 6am hour and now I want ice cream. :) There might be a Heath bar Blizzard in my future this evening.

  2. Sadly I don't like ice cream. Ha. There's always one right? :D

  3. cream for breakfast sounds damn good...sea salt caramel flavor, anyone?

  4. i HATE ice cream. always have. i don't get it. it's gross.

  5. Oh, I do love my ice cream and now I have discovered Weight Watchers ice cream. It's awesome. No longer have to do without.

  6. I have a new ice cream recipe that I will post soon, but as you mention all of it is pretty loaded with calories - low fat just wouldn't work.

  7. Lol. The island daity bars have been open for two months now and we have had our share so far. That trend will continue for the next several months!

  8. Ice cream is definitely one of man's best inventions!

  9. Dang, the guy with the spiky wrist thingies is a scary lookin' dude.

    Don't you just love the advertising on the van? I would nearly buy their product because of their sense of humor.

    Cute post, Debra....and so true. Who doesn't love ice cream?

  10. Ice cream is the only thing good about summer ... otherwise, known as my hibernation time!

  11. We live way to close to an Ice Cream stand! Man I could go for a twist cone with sprinkles :)

  12. Ever had an ice cream cone for breakfast..? I am doing right now...

  13. Yes, ICE CREAM! Any time of the day, every day :)

  14. Ice cream is a perennial favorite! And I, too, don't eat as much as I said I would when I was a grown-up. :o) Hubby's Grandpa always said that there is always room for ice cream cause it melts and fills in the empty spaces in your tummy. :o)

  15. It sure doesn't feel like summer here at, that's for sure. I'm ready for some hot, humid weather already. Now bring on the chocolate mint.

  16. Ours is arriving just in time for MAY 24! weekend! Yeah! ( well I still have my memories! )

    Now I will have Ice CREME for lunch! Thank you for the suggestion! Your the Best! 💜

  17. That "ten-year-old me" part is wrong. I eat way more ice cream than I did when I was young. My favorite is HEB brand ice cream, any flavor. Soooo good and fattening.

  18. I got my mother and her bf watching Game of Thrones. They asked "What does Winter is Coming mean"

  19. LOL! I'm actually on a diet and off ice cream. *sniffles* At least I can still have my cheese.

  20. My wife hates ice cream which is brilliant. It means there's more for me! WINNER!

  21. I'll take a double scoop of rainbow. At the Beady Eye. ;)

  22. haven't eaten ice cream in years :(

  23. Here summer seems to have come and gone two weeks ago. I had just enough time for my first taste of ice cream sundae, in Wimpy. I actually had two sundaes, because the Ticklers were not hungry and I had to finish one of theirs.

  24. Can't wait. Thank you for sharing.

  25. I'm off to Dairy Queen now too. Or Goji's for frozen yogurt.

  26. Well now I hope you had a Cows when you were in PEI last summer. Now it's not just because I'm going to be an Off-Islander shortly but there isn't better ice cream anywhere... I swear.

  27. You have reminded me of the ice cream in England. It is wonderful. I had Richard take a photo of me on the seafront pointing to the name of the ice cream I was eating at the time...ah, that was a nice memory. Thanks, Debra!

  28. I am a diabetic... and now you made me wanna buy tubs of ice cream. The really rich ones with tub-loads of flavor and cream....

  29. I eat Chapman's (made in Canada!) ice cream. It is made with 100% cream and it is so fucking good. I buy the vanilla and add pineapple and make a pineapple milkshake. Mmmm!!

  30. yey! TigerY summer!Can't wait to go home and enjoy!
    My son tried his first ice-cream last weekend - he couldn't stop eating it, and cried when we had to become good parents and take that sinfully delicious dessert from him... But we understand well his craving :))

  31. I actually recently bought some ice cream. I think I just don't hanker for it as much as I did as a kid. I still love ice cream and I have the money for it, I just don't have the random cravings for it kids have.

  32. Thanks a bunch!! Now I'm hungry for ice cream...Oh well, it is lunch time!!

  33. when we all scream for ice cream - the screaming is not so bad.

  34. THAT time of year! I know where I'm going tomorrow!!

  35. Dairy Queen! I'm coming!! For the past 2 days, mom and I have had a lot of ice-cream and it's been so good! LOL!

  36. Hahaha, to the ten year old.

    Now, what is this thing you speak ... this word I do not know. This summer? What is this summer?

    The girl who had snow last weekend and still has the flippin' heat on.

  37. I'm a firm believer that if you drop your ice cream cone, just pick it up, brush off the dirt, and continue as you were. It's really the only way to live one's life.

  38. If it weren't snowing right now, I'd totally drive to town for a Peanut Buster Parfait ... :)

  39. Ice cream! I have to say, I think I eat just as much ice cream as I thought I would... :)

  40. OMG, I HAVE to show the Summer Soldier to my family. That made me literally laugh out loud.

  41. I have a weakness for Chapman's Revels. They do them the best.

  42. Ben n Jerry's is now on the shopping list. My waistline thanks you.


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