Monday 30 May 2016

Where's Thor?

Hey, I recently saw Captain America: Civil War and I couldn't help noticing that not every Avenger is present in the #TeamCap and #TeamIronMan lineups --

Thor's not there, for instance. He didn't pick a side in the Civil War.

He said he had an important appointment to keep back home in Asgard.

Well, at least that's Thor's version. But here's the real reason why he wasn't invited to join anyone's team --

Thor's getting to be a bit of a butterfingers. Oh well, happens to the best of us as we get older!


  1. We hope to see this movie this week.

    Have a great week.

  2. Speaking of Thor, I hope you have seen the movie "Adventures In Babystting"! Now you will have to see it to see what there is about Thor!

  3. I can believe he left before no one picked him. It's not likely he'd care much about the affairs of Earth but these are his mates. He should care about that. He's just being haughty and running away because he knows no one will pick him for their team.

  4. He probably left before Trump had him deported!

  5. I can see how Thor biffed catching the hammer, but how does Cap catch the shield like that? If that's not CG, that's amazing. If I was Thor, I'd be like, screw you guys, I'm a god.

  6. Love how your mind works, Debra!!

  7. I missed Thor too, and The Hulk.

  8. I don't think Thor had a role in the comic story-line of civil war.

  9. I thought Thor would have thought about using velcro by now.

  10. Thor is so above them all

  11. They are wrong for not having him there. Or, as we say in French: "Ils ont tort de ne pas l'avoir inclus." And sorry for the atrocious word play I just committed.

  12. Enjoyed. Thank you for this

  13. Hahaha! I love that last scene of clumsy Thor!

  14. I loved "Thor" in Adventures in Babysitting!

  15. Loved the last one..Baby sitting ???Really?

  16. I missed him too! And as my daughter said last night: Why doesn't Wasp get to be in any of the movies? It's just not fair!

    I'll have to go look for Thor babysitting now.

  17. That's awesome. I saw the movie last week and thought it was really good. Of course, it would have been better with Thor. ;-)

  18. He totally would have caught his hammer, but the shimmer of his unnaturally beautiful hair blinded him temporarily and obstructed his vision.

  19. Hahaaaa,that is great!!! :D

  20. thor? I'm so thor I can't even pith..

  21. No Thor?? Really??? I love his butterfingers! LOL!

  22. ??? I thought everyone knew.
    Thor is having his new movie out soon, Ragnarok. In it, he and the Hulk will battle some evil thingy from the other world.
    It's all the Marvel Studio ploy to elongate their universe continuity.
    They make us watch them all.... but we loved them anyway!

  23. Great Thor post !!
    Hope that you and yours are well, dear Lady Debra...
    Hello from Marshville

  24. All that hair is no accident. It is hard work


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