Friday 22 July 2016

A Frosty Friday in July

Earlier this week, Ol'Buzzard of Ol'Buzzard's World View entertained us all with an interesting post about his favourite poet, Robert Frost. So today's collection of LOLs is for you, OB, and your lovely wife too as she kicks cancer's ass to the curb! You both rock!


  1. YAYZ for grumpy cat! have a nice weekend!

  2. You could update the bottom one now so it says "I, I was catching Pokémon."

  3. Couldn't agree more with the Grumpy Cat

  4. Good to see you. Good luck to your friend's wife.

    This post is hilarious!

  5. Thanks for my morning chuckle. Reminds me not to text unless I'm sitting down.

  6. Fantastic! Robert Frost was a big deal in school growing up because one of his homes is nearby.

  7. what a cute post....and I really love that last photo....made me remember the video going all over the place of the woman, walking and texting in a mall and fell into a fountain....:)

  8. The last one nearly killed me with laughter.

    I'm so happy your friend's wife is kicking cancer's butt!

  9. Good wishes to your friend and his wife on their journey down a road no one would willingly choose.

  10. Robert Frost fishtailing into the road less traveled while giving everyone the finger and calling them nerds may be the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life.

  11. great collection - I'll be pinning a few of them.

  12. I laughed out loud at the last one!

  13. I don't think I ever read Robert Frost.

  14. The road less traveled never fails........

  15. Most people are too stupid realize that the road less traveled is the best path. And they are truly stupid not to realize that they don't always refer to roads.

  16. I love everything about "Grumpy Cat". Very funny cartoons.

  17. Love them all, but that last one, really did it for me! LOL! All the best for your friend's wife! Keep kicking cancer's ass!!!

  18. Ha! "And I was texting." Ain't it the truth.

  19. I wish it were frosty..This heat is awful and we are to get another week of it...great cartoons...Have a good weekend...

  20. YES! Kick that cancer to the CURB and but good.

  21. HAHAHA! These are great. Love the Grumpy Cat is participating :)

  22. Thank you. We are dealing with it. My wife is a brave woman with a great attitude to get through this.
    Love the pics.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  23. ...back to say thanks for coming to my silly tea would think that, at an olden age of 78, a woman would act more...well...her age...but it does my soul goood to fall off the serious wagon every now and then. I taught our kids, now 47 and 52.
    to never forget how to play....and to my grands, too. One of the grandboys, 23 now, loves Frisbees and such...and he is so awesome on a skateboard, wakeboard and any other kind of board...told me the other day that he remembers me telling him to never stop playing...made my heart smile.

  24. ha! thanks for the giggles! :D

  25. Can't believe you could find that many Robert Frost-themed comics! Kudos to your research staff!

  26. That last one is perfect. Whenever I take the path less traveled at our local park, I get lost and scared because it's getting dark and I grip my pretty pink covered pepper-spray extra tight and end up with a scrape or two and...well, it just ain't good, Deb.

  27. Hey human, Debra,

    That cat needs to spell in proper English as in English, English. See you later, my Canadian type neighbour.

    Pawsitive wishes,


  28. Robert is the equivalent of Jack Frost?


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