Friday 1 July 2016

Happy Canada Day!

PLEASE DON'T BELIEVE every stereotype you hear about Canada. We only wear tuques in the WINTER, not all year long, and we only eat back bacon at BREAKFAST, not at every meal. Beer is, however, frequently consumed. That one's true.

Contrary to popular belief, we do not end EVERY sentence with "eh," eh?

The RCMP are not MANLIER than any other men on the face of the earth.

And they're not MOOSELIER either.

Canadians are not POLITE all the time. We can be RUDE BASTARDS too.

We frequently IGNORE our neighbours.

We would MUCH rather spend our winters in a tropical paradise than in the SNOW.

And hockey is NOT CENTRAL to our lives at all.

Today I'm sending a SPECIAL Canada Day greeting to that HONORARY CANADERIAN deep in the heart of Texas, Jackiesue Denney of Yellowdog Granny, from whose blog I swiped many of these LOLs over the past year. Happy July 1st, YDG!


  1. Happy Canada Day!! My favorite is the Canadian stop sign. lol!

  2. take off for the great white north! too funny! have a great holiday!

  3. Happy Canadian Day to you,
    I love Canada and am thinking it's been far too long since I visited. I think it's been about three years now. I didn't think anyone apologised as much as the Brits. I find myself saying sorry when someone bumps into me!
    Very funny post... enjoy your weekend!

  4. Happy Canada Day! Now I want a cartoon (or live action) of MOOSELIER, the ass kicking crime fighting moose of the RCMP.

  5. JackieSue does love her some Canerdians!!! She'll be tickled at the tribute!
    Happy Canada Day!

  6. Happy Canada Day, Debra. We have much to celebrate! Hope you have a great day, eh?

  7. Happy Canada Day! Love the hammock!~ :o) And enjoyed your June TRANSLESBIGAYAPALOOZA!

  8. Happy Canada Day! I have to visit sometime!

  9. Happy Canada Day! I love Canada's stereotypes. Being thought of as "overly" polite is far superior than being thought of as "pushy" as many of the people of the US are thought to be.

    Loved the graphics. The stop sign one is very funny.

  10. My favorite country. Have a good one, Canada!

  11. Canadia is one of my favourite countries in the world and I'd love to see it with my own two eyes one day. Happy Canada Day, eh.

  12. So, then, all those are lies? Wow, I shoulda known.
    Happy Canada Day!!

  13. Happy Canada Day, Debs! I so wish I lived there!

  14. happy canada day!!! shows where my mind is, i did not at first realize that was the mounted moose's knee sticking out of his pants.

  15. Yes. I have said sorry for saying sorry too many times.

  16. Happy Canada Day, dear Lady Debra !

  17. Happy Canada Day - I didn't realize it was so close to the 4th of July.
    Could we make a deal with Canada? Say we trade you a few states, Montana, North Dakota and Maine for allowing those locations and people to be governed by your PM. This deal would take the uncertainty out of our upcoming election.

  18. Living very close to Canada (20 miles from the British Columbia border) we have friends on both sides of the border. Love Canadian humor - wonder how "they" feel about us? Loved your post - the hammock was great!

  19. We love our stereotypes! Happy Canada Day, Debra!

  20. They're not MOOSELIER? That a terrible disappointment!

    Happy Canada Day, to you! ♥

  21. Sorry for being the next to the last commenter, Debra! I really am!!
    Have a great day though!!

  22. "You [Canada] are the kindest country in the world. You are like a really nice apartment over a meth lab." -Robin Williams

  23. Happy Canada Day Debra! Great post! I love our country!!!

  24. We salute you, Canada!
    Both my wife's parents were from Canada, but apparently that doesn't qualify her for citizenship. Otherwise, we would seriously think about trying to move there, although we'd probably run screaming back south at the first winter!

  25. LOL, my husband and a coworker were polite to strangers on a train during some sort of business seminar and they were asked if they were Canadian. :D

  26. Happy Canada Day. At least you guys have all fun stereotypes!

  27. Happy Canada Day..Love the surfer..Enjoy!!

  28. A belated happy Canada Day. Which I spent at work, then moving to our new house.

  29. happy Canaderian Day...and yes, I do love me some fucking rock.

  30. Happy Canada Day from the cradle of Confederation. Hope everyone there had a great day.

    And that question about the doors - we had it at work a few days ago. I decided "thanks again" worked just fine.

  31. LOL It's hard to decide which is my favorite, Debra! Certainly Canadian Surfing is up there, as is the two consecutive doors one! I think the RCMP are pretty fine ~ the manliest! Happy Canada Day, Debra!

  32. Happy Canada Day! I'd love to be a Canadian Mountie but I don't like horses.

  33. Happy belated July 1!!! Just rolling in from the lake - needed to catch up on my blogs. Hope yours was filled with love and fireworks! :)

  34. Canadian hammock?! Hilarious, new to me. :)

  35. We get lots of sterotype stuff here, too.

  36. To have a place where everybody keeps apologizing is awesome :)


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