Thursday 7 July 2016

I'm Always Up for a Challenge

Hi everyone -- I'm just back from a week in Manitoba and will be coming around soon to catch up on all your blogs!

Before I left on my trip, Leeanna of Can we have a new witch ours melted issued a "what's in your purse?" challenge to anyone who was brave enough to BARE ALL in front of THE BLOGOSPHERE. Hey, you don't need to double-dog-dare ME, girl. I'm ALWAYS up for a challenge!*

*Disclaimer on Advice of Legal Counsel: Please be advised that, in actual fact, NUMEROUS EXCEPTIONS DO APPLY to that recklessly overbroad statement. So don't get your hopes up, any reader out there who is about to challenge me to post nekkid photos or my kinkiest sexual fantasy or something like that. Yes, I'm looking at you, Pickleope.

So now, hang on to your hats, kiddos, cuz you're about to discover just how BORING I am, LOL!

First of all, here's a photo of my "lug" brand purse. I've carried remarkably similar versions of this basic black purse for 35 years. It looks sufficiently conservative and therefore professional, goes with everything, no fuss, no muss. I just keep replacing these purses with a new doppelganger every time they start to look past their prime. Keeps my life simple.

And now, here's what's inside it, from top to bottom, left to right . . . .

Top Row: my wallet (also "lug" brand), a small wallet containing a gazillion loyalty cards that I never use but hang onto anyway (gawd alone knows why), a small rock painted with a Triple Spiral design sacred to the Goddess, two protein bars, my chequebook, a calculator that I've also had for 35 years, and three pens swiped from various hotels.

Middle Row: ID wallet, a change purse that I bought last time I was in Maui, mints, bank books, a pad of note paper.

Bottom Row: lip gloss moisturizer, more mints (and here I just want to emphasize that my breath is no worse than the average person's, okay?), a folding comb/brush, car keys and house keys.

Alright! I pass this challenge on to any reader who wants to reveal their DEEPEST, DARKEST PURSE SECRETS too. You know who you are.


  1. That seems like your fairly average purse to me. Though I will admit at first I thought the burush was a knife! I don't have a purse but my wallet has nothing special. The only unusual thing in there is a dollar bill a friend sent me years ago.

  2. Bold. The inner workings of your purse are a deeply personal thing. I won't share what's in my pockets at any given time to my spouse, so I am impressed by your candor.

  3. Lol. Interesting. Mine has a ton of tissues besides many of the same items.

  4. that's a folding brush? Hell, I thought it was a scalpel, and I was like, Sweet Bejesus, why is Debs carrying a scalpel around, the last time I heard Canada was a very safe country :)

  5. What an organised purse you have. I was really hoping that folding comb was something interesting like a pen knife! I don't have a purse. Never have, I use my pockets. :D

  6. Mine would be similar to yours - extras that I would have are a hankie, and photos of my grandchildren,

  7. I am so impressed...No BEYOND impressed. If I dumped my purse out it would potentially be the precursor for a new reality show called "Purse Hoarders". In my real life my house is super organized and tidy but my purse, HELL NO.

    How do you do that? I would have most of what you have plus loose coins, receipts, multiple pairs of glasses, bottle of Advil, Kleenex, Sanitizer, wet-wipes, lottery tickets, tape measure, assorted garbage that I didn't want leaving behind somewhere.

  8. It looks eerily similar to mine! Organized and a lot of mints...LOL...

  9. We (being a male) do not carry a purse... we just fill up my jacket...
    All sorts of things the ... an unless carrying a few weapons (which can increase weight to around 30 lbs.
    (Not going to were a "Fanny Pack"..
    Have a pleasant day, dear Lady Debra...

  10. Damn. That great!!!! And a very practical purse too. just left on vacation, and my service is hit or miss. I'll do this when I come back....does a Manpurse count Debs!?!?!?!?!

  11. Not entirely boring, my friend! I love that you carry a small rock with a symbol sacred to the Goddess! A little real you carried around in your professional and practical black purse. Reminds me of the Episcopal priest who married Terry and me; he always wore a Native American medicine bag under his collar. btw my purse looks almost exactly like yours! LOL

  12. A purse is a handbag in the UK. Purse relates to the smaller money holding receptical that goes in the handbag. They're amazing things, I'm convinced most are a portal to another world.

  13. I LOVE that Hobo purse you have. It's soooo CUTE! I have like 6 hobo bags in my closet in different colors.
    You are very orderly, but I kind of expected it because you are of course Canadian. I'm glad you challenged your readers to continue the "What's in Your purse" challenge. It would be fun to see how far this could go. Thanks Darlin!

  14. Please tell me you had some crunched up receipts, loose change and the birthday card of a beloved niece that you forgot to mail to go along with your purses innards? If not you are scary OCD!!!

    My purse:
    All of the above
    breath mints
    a straw wrapper that I didn't want to litter
    4 Dutch Bros stamp cards (none full yet)
    2 $20 loose - not in wallet
    7 $1 loose - not in wallet
    2 $5 loose - not in wallet
    lipstick - neutral
    debit card, insurance cards, credit cards...again, loose, not in wallet.
    Gift cards: Starbucks, Red Robin, Outback (not in wallet)
    the key to my dad's car
    business cards
    appt card for opthamologist

    Missing: my wallet! Purse is too small for wallet

  15. Quite basic, much like mine. I always have the mints in there too!

  16. well, talk about neat and just beat all...:)
    I LOVE challenges like this, so I am going to work on a post about MY is going to put me in SUCH a bad light....but, gonna do it anyway...

  17. Why isn't your house key attached to your car keys?

  18. @ Mistress Maddie -- Of course a manpurse counts! I'd love to know what you carry in yours . . . I THINK!

    @ Toni -- I prefer to believe I'm just plain old OCD, not scary OCD, but others may disagree, LOL.

    @ bj -- Go for it! I look forward to your post!

    @ Birdie -- My house keys are separate for two reasons: (1) in case I lock my car keys in the car, I can still open my apartment door in order to get my spare car key, and (2) I read somewhere that car keys should not be weighed down by a bunch of extra keys or extraneous crap in case the weight causes the car key to turn and shut off the car. I realize that it would have to weigh a bloody ton for that to happen, but "better safe than sorry" is my motto!

  19. Totally love the organization and neatness of your purse. Mine is the same. Except I have a Harrod's keyring attached to the inside of my purse as its too heavy for my key ring! :)

  20. Very tidy - mine looks more like the first picture. They say the condition of one's purse is an indication of what one's house looks like when no company is around - hmmm - better think about that. Nope - don't wanna think about that.

  21. Just throwing my two cents into your purse.
    I would not carry a checkbook around unless I was on a trip to a place I needed it. Of course, maybe you still write checks quite often.

    Also, wondering - WHAT NO trash? lint?

  22. I started carrying a messenger bag a few years ago. It works better for me because I can keep a book in it. I hate to go someplace where I have to wait and realize I've forgotten my book.


  23. My purse has fewer items and more coupons and receipts. Funny, just last night I went through my purse and cleaned out the tissue and receipts. Kept the coupons, though I rarely use them so old frugal habit I need to let go of or use. My loyalty cards are the ones you keep on a key chain and I always keep that key chain on a clip on the outside of my purse so I will remember to use them. I don't carry gum or mints anymore because they drive the dog wild and he will push my purse around the room trying to get to them. I also carry purses that are cloth or other similar light weight material. No more good leather purses for me. Too heavy.

  24. I have a small cooler/lunch container that I am pretty sure has about half the things I need during the course of a day. I don't remember what the other 50% is, but it adds weight and takes up space and I only go through it a couple of times a year. It would probably be embarrassing to see what the other stuff is (and it's condition).

  25. oh, I'mma stealing this for my blog; watch my space!

  26. Daisy has her packed in like sardines

  27. That's all way to clean - where are the cat hairs?

  28. I don't have a purse; but in my pockets I carry a handkerchief, a money clip, a pocket knife and a billfold. the billfold contains a drivers license, a debit card and a number of medical insurance cards. If there is anything else I need my wife will surely have at least one in the bottom of her purse.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  29. Dang! where's the taser?

  30. I played this game at one of my high school reunions. It was so much fun! (only I placed embarrassing objects in their purse before we started the game.) Your bag is so organized! mine is a mess. full of keys, and lipsticks that I never use and receipts to things I said I was going to return and never did. And mints... I always have mints.

  31. There's not even LINT in your purse! I wouldn't show my best friend the contents of my purse. Let my survivors worry about it when I'm hit by a bus. Bless them.

  32. Who would have associated a purse with archeology ?? Only you !! I've probably got you beat and my purse is smaller..

  33. I'm not sure but my wife's bag is so heavy that sometimes I suspect she has a bowling ball and shoes in it.

  34. Someone "Un-Followed" my Crypt.... so we have ask them "Why" ??? (no response yet)... would hate to travel to their city and "make a Mess"... all we want is a "reason" from him... Not doing well "mentally" for now and this Guy was just the "Push" that was Needed...

  35. @ Dr Theda -- Yes, sometimes I get unfollowed too, but that's okay. Not reading my magnificent blog anymore is their loss, not mine, hahahahahaha! I hope your evening improves from here, Stacey.

  36. What's a purse?

    No, but seriously, I don't carry one but yours looks neat from the inside.

  37. That drawing looks like my wife's purse.

  38. I can only wish to be this organized, Debra!!

  39. hey deb! you can use the amish egg brine for the carrots!

  40. I'm in awe of the organization of your purse stuff. I have that top layer of tissues and old receipts. Yes - I just cram them in.

  41. You are so organized Deb! I have to say, I love your purse! Excellent style! I always carry mints too! LOL!

  42. Now, that's a neat one, compared to mine LOL. But seriously, it's a small world inside of my bag and I keep expanding :). Cheers from NYC..

  43. I have so many leather bags and at last i decided to bring one around as my 'hand bag'.
    I have my wallet-purse, fan and stuff with me. And my headphone, which is rather large, ergo the bigger bag :)

  44. What?! No antibacterial wipes? Debra!

  45. When we go to town shopping for groceries, Tanya's purse, which is usually a big cloth carry bag, has her wallet, phone and house key. Because she is always using it to cart stuff home from the market, it gets dumped and washed on a regular basis. When we go to the city it will have wet wipes and tissue added to the basics. SHE is organized. MR, not so much.


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