Monday 22 August 2016

Immortalized in Art!

Over the years, various talented blogging buddies have positively DELIGHTED me with artistic representations of myself and/or my beloved late cat HRH. Here's the latest portrait, capturing the essence of She Who Seeks in a dream jar, by LL Cool Joe of Coolness Captured. Thanks, Joey, I LOVE IT!

Perhaps it is now time, as in any fine art gallery or museum, to mount a curated retrospective of the She Who Seeks/HRH Collection, as I grandly think of these works in my own mind. So here they are. Enjoy!

Francie of A North End Journal depicted me in all my gloved glory in one of her cartoons. It was a quick WALK-ON/WALK-OFF appearance, lol:

Barfly of Barfly F'art created a calendar page in my honour. I'm not quite sure whether those are supposed to be MY boobs or whether I'm supposed to be fondling SOMEONE ELSE'S boobs but either way, WOO HOO!

Bryan Pedas and Brandon Meyers of A Beer for the Shower elegantly and accurately captured the TRUE relationship between HRH and myself:

The boys also very kindly helped my face to remain ANONYMOUS in this group portrait of my get-together last summer with Jim of Ocean Breezes, Ron of From Sophie's View and Sophie their dog:

And Anne O'Leary of O'Leary Miniatures IMMORTALIZED Her Royal Highness as a Pirate Queen, which of course captured HRH's true inner spirit TO A TEE.

I expect the National Gallery of Canada to contact me ANY DAY NOW about featuring this retrospective in their upcoming exhibition schedule.


  1. This does not surprise me. Inspiring people inspire great art!

  2. I suppose you haven't really arrived unless others have depicted you in art. Seems you're a person who's arrived. I on the other hand have only been depicted once and that was showing me pregnant on my work leaving card.

  3. Hey thanks for the shout out! I'm glad you like the artwork, but now I'm thinking maybe I should have included your purple gloves in the jar too! Damn, maybe next time?

    Actually you'll be getting a shout out from me on the Pad once I get my new post published, but I'm struggling with the title at the moment. :D

  4. the fourth one truly is farty, excuse my Frenc :) Annzie did such a great job with She Who Miaows :)

  5. Lol. A great collection indeed!

  6. YeeHaw! Now that's a museum I'd love to visit! :)

  7. Definitely museum quality! What fabulous tributes. I love the crowned cartoon of HRH.

  8. Awesome. You are definitely loved by many.

  9. Wow, I think I need to make a submission to your gallery.

  10. @ The Captain -- I would be honoured!

  11. I love those pieces. The purple gloves are your signiature.

  12. Wow! How others see you is a very interesting (and informative) thing. My artistic talents are null, but maybe I can write a lyric of tribute to your personage. The National Gallery really SHOULD be contacting you.

  13. @ Jono -- Feel free to wax poetic! Jeez, I'm starting to feel narcissistic now!

  14. I love these! You have some really loving fans. I'm jealous! That pirate cat is awesome. Perrrrrfect for HRH.

  15. These are great! You've got some really cool blogging pals.

  16. What a cool collection of art you've got here. We're flattered to be among them. So for the next piece that we eventually craft you, now that we've upped our game, should we assume boob squeezing is out of the picture? Or strongly encouraged?

  17. @ A Beer For The Shower -- I never say no to boob squeezing! Bring it on!

  18. You need to open a gallery.


  19. Wonderful art! So much creativity and good humour out there :) You are surely very popular.. and intriguing )

  20. thank you for such interesting presentation is kind of art exhibition each pic is bringing smile to me

  21. I'm impressed by how well loved you and HRH are, appropriately so. And yet everyone is respectful to not reveal your face. You're so well censored by the beer guys, I wouldn't recognize you if we walked into each other. The cat, though? She stands out and up in a crowd. I especially love Anne's rendition.

  22. not just the National Gallery of Canada; but the Smithsonian.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  23. OMG. I never realized how FAMOUS y'all are!

  24. May 8 continues to be my favorite. Just awesome. ;-D

  25. How sweet is that. Very creative fans. Gotta love those purple fingerless gloves...LOL

  26. This was really fun to view; but of course, the drawing with you, Ron, and Jim took the prize as far as I'm concerned! Wow!

  27. Wow. How wonderful to have been the muse for so many artists! Mona Lisa had her smile - you have your lovely gloved hands.

  28. These are brilliant. What fun. Loved 'em.

  29. Joe's artwork is fantastic! They're all great.

  30. what great are one popular, gloved lady....:)

  31. These are all fantastic! I love them all! Now you got me thinking!!! The cartoon really made me laugh! These are really brilliant! Debra, you are famous!!

  32. What a great excuse to meet up in Ottawa! We'll have drinks at your opening. So glad i came back, it was so nice to see Butterbrains again. Last I heard she was lying on the beach in her burkini. Sometimes her politics are so over-the-top.


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