Monday 19 September 2016

Another Year Gone ALREADY?

HOW many years have I been doing this now?

Wow, I'm kind of a GRIZZLED VETERAN, aren't I? Perhaps it's time to TAKE STOCK. Here's what I've learned in the past eight years --

You will meet some GREAT PEOPLE in the blogosphere! Enjoy them!

But blogging does tend to take A LOT of time. You have to be DEDICATED to it.

Sometimes you will be a HERMIT while blogging.

Never let blogging run away with your LIFE, your COMMON SENSE or your PERSPECTIVE.

There will be days, perhaps even MANY DAYS, when you wonder WHY THE HELL you bother (especially at the START of your blogging career).

You've got to blog for the right REASONS and with the right ATTITUDE. That's the only way it will be FUN!

You've got to do it because you LOVE it!

So yeah, BRING IT ON! I'm ready for another year!


  1. Congratulations on lasting a whole 'nother year. Sometimes I think I continue mine out of stubborn pride. I think I've been at it four or five years now.

  2. That shirt text goes for me absolutely!
    Happy Bloggiversary! I think the spy is a year younger, seven years in April it was

  3. Happy Happy Blogiversary!
    And you're right, do it because you want to and because you enjoy it and because it's fun.

  4. HAHAHA! I had a good laugh with these but the blogger in her natural habitat is the best!

    Happy blogiversary! So glad you're sticking around for another year!

  5. Happy Anniversary! Love the blogger in her natural habitat. Ha!

  6. Happy anniversary. I refuse to use blogoversary because that's clunky.
    That shirt and the sticker on the pole hit a little too close to home. That's why I blog anonymously because I feel ashamed that I feel compelled to do it.

  7. Wow 8 years, congrats, my friend!

  8. Happy Blogoversary ! and Congratulations Debra, that is an accomplishment.
    Thanks so much for your blog.

    And it might be time you came out of the closet…

  9. Bloggeth on. And congrats on your tenacious spirit. xoxo Oma Linda

  10. Happy Happy Blogversary! Here's to 8 more years (at least).

  11. Wow! Congrats Debra! I loved every, ok almost every post you've ever done... Just looking back at a few posts and thinking how could I have lived without knowing about things like.... weird rabbits, tiger ice cream, more personal stuff than I would have ever thought of asking about and of course hockey!!! Live long and blog on!

  12. Happy Bloggerversary Debra, it'll be mine on Friday (23rd). Next year will be a bit of a milestone so I need to come up with something for that.

    I started my 14 years ago (although the first half has been archived) and its been a bit of a Rollercoaster.

    I look forward to the next 8 years.

  13. Eights years is a long time to do anything - congratulations. I am in awe.

  14. I'm six months your junior, when it comes to blog-years, and I couldn't agree more with your bits of wisdom. I might even have to steal some of it. :-D

    Happiest Blogoversary, Debra! ♥♥♥

  15. OMG!! * freaking damned years of writing a blog!! That's about as bad as me. Happy Blogiversary you busy bee.
    Oh BTW, how did you get hold of that picture of me making mac and cheese? I bought all the negatives back. I'm gonna kill my brother.

  16. Happy Blogoversary! The t-shirt quote is great. I love how everyone's blog is different. Once I started to view my blog as a bit of an online journal, then blogging made sense for me. :)

  17. An accomplishment Debs! I think I'm at 8 or 9 years myself....not sure. Unless you blog daily like most of us if can be extremely time consuming buy in a fun way. Lately for me, I've had to curtail my daily posting because of vacations, now work and possibly some work travel now. It really bothers me when I can't blog or read them. Here's to another 8 years.

  18. Happy bloggoversary! You're still killing it after all these years. And yeah, all of these memes are way too true.

    I love Kermit typing. My personal favorite go-to typing gif has always been this one.

  19. Congratulations on 8 years. You have a knack for finding perfect illustrations for your blog.
    How do you remember when you started? I have no idea.

  20. Congrats on 8 yrs...blogging is so fun for me and I've never had writers fact, I have tons of drafts as I can't finish one post before thinking of another...I started blogging in 2007

  21. I (one of many) am quite happy that you blog. OMG, I LOVE Kermit!

  22. Just when I thought the post couldn't get any better-there was Kermie!!! *big grin* Happy Blogoversary and many more years to you!

  23. Happy bloganniversary! I love the memes.

  24. Happy Blogoversary! I hope to read your blog for many more years as they always make me smile.

  25. Happy blog birthday!!

  26. That was so funny and so true. I haven't done THATmany blogposts, but I still carry on regardless. I don't have that many readers, but who cares?

  27. I just found you comments in my spam..sorry about that..Don’t know why all of a sudden you go there..and I don’t know what to do about it..I’ll have to remember to check it..Sorry
    Happy Anniversary..I always enjoy your go to a lot of trouble..great sense of humor..keep 'em coming

  28. "right REASONS and with the right ATTITUDE" - absolutely!
    I believe there is creativity in blogging. Maybe not as much as writing a song or book but still it is a creative effort.

    Great post - Keep your blogging feeling going strong.

  29. Congratulations? Or condolences. Whatever, it's great for us who get to read you regularly. Here's to 8 more!

  30. I have felt all these feels too. Glad you're sticking around.

  31. I look ahead at what I might become and am filled with both dread and joy...

    All joking aside, Congratulations!

  32. Congrats Debra - you must be one of the pioneers.

  33. Go Kermit! Go!
    Love this post, and I need a duvet - unless that's just a Canadian fancy name for comforter.
    Happy Blogoversary! I appreciate your consistent bloggy friendship, support, and raw spunk.

  34. Congrats on EIGHT years. Gawd, in blog years that's like 100 isn't it?
    Tricky business being a blogger. Half the time it gives us joy and the other half it frustrates the hell out of us.

    BUT...the real pay off is meeting great friends and you are such a great blogger friend to so many of us. Hope you blog for many, many more years.

  35. Happy blogoversary! I've been in for about 8 years, too. You are right - you meet incredible people. I don't have a big following, but I like the group.

  36. Debra, I ran across this link today and I thought you might find it interesting. The gloves are awesome! Check it out:

    Dragon Gloves

    Don't you just love them?

  37. @ Plowing Through Life -- Martha, those are ULTRA COOL! I love them -- thanks for the link!

  38. Woot! Congrats on 8 years of awesome!

  39. Oh. Em. Gee. Eight years? You ARE a veteran (I am NOT not going to say grizzled). I can relate to the 'Nobody Reads your Fucking Blog'. lol

    Happy Blogoversary, Debra!

  40. We started blogging at about the same time. I never knew that you have been working on this as long as I have.

  41. Happy Blogaversary. Love all the pictures - especially Kermmit.

  42. Posts should all be like this one. Clever and funny. Let's hope you stay that way forever. I have to come back and read what you've done. It's so brilliant.

  43. Internet really killed my TV addiction. And Netflix helped cut the cord for good. My cable company keeps wanting me to get more than just internet. With all the dollar bills they keep asking me for you'd think they were teenagers

  44. Congratulations ! And here's to the next eight ... if Kermit doesn't pass out first .

  45. YAYYYYY!! Happy 8 - let's see another 8!!!! :)

  46. YAY...Such a milestone! Just keep it up...and I'm cracking up at Kermit the frog....


  47. Happy blogoversary, Deborah ! Your one year ahead of me. Sometimes I wonder why keep it up but I guess it's because I enjoyed so much. Congrats again!

  48. congratulations..ya' dun gud..
    this March will be 12 years for me...damn.

  49. 8 years!! Congrats young lady! You know what, I think I am 8 years this September too! I have to check! I love the reasons for blogging! Always blog for yourself!! Excellent! I think I am up to another year too! Big Hugs! Keep being you!

  50. Those are hilarious! Congrats on the 8 years!

  51. Happy Happy Blogging birthday.

    I've done the mac and cheese wrapped up like a bug before. That's some good stuff right there. Love it.

  52. I'm so glad that you are ready for another year, Debra! Bring it on!

  53. Happy Blogoversary! I wonder from year to year who is actually reading my blog, but you're right ... you should blog for you - like no on is reading. Who knows if they are?! But keep going because there are lots of people who do care

  54. Hello Debra, I came over here from "The Happy Whisk".
    Everything you say here about blogging is spot on, amusing but so true.
    Especially I like the one who doesn't watch TV but spends 8 hours (only hours?) a day on the Internet, and the slogan on the white t-shirt. Only bit I would disagree with is - if nobody read or commented I wouldn't blog, I think that would be awful, but you don't have to worry about that with the number of comments you are getting.

  55. "There will be days, perhaps even MANY DAYS, when you wonder WHY THE HELL you bother (especially at the START of your blogging career)."

    The start?? I feel like that now! :D

    Congratulations! How did I miss this post?

  56. Love great bloggers like you!!

  57. Yep, other more popular social media are killing the blogosphere...

    Never mind. We shall blog on!


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