Wednesday 12 October 2016


Saw this fab video yesterday over at Bob Slatten's blog I Should Be Laughing and just HAD to post it here today! And I also swiped the cartoon from a Yellowdog Granny post. I only steal from the BEST!

Women of America, you know what to do.


  1. damn str8 (or gay)! I am damn sick and tired of guys who think a woman is nothing but a fuck toy!

  2. I'm not a woman of America, but I'd love nothing more tan to knee Trump in the balls. What an offensive little twat he is.

  3. "tan" I must have been thinking about Trump's fake one, I meant "than".

  4. love it. and I totally agree with LL; Trump IS an offensive little twat.

  5. it is just funny to me how the nation finds Trump's idiotic words offensive but not Hilary Clinton's deadly, lying, murderous deeds and all the people she killed around the world... Such vile hypocrisy

  6. How lucky are you that you aren't stuck having to choose between these two? They both suck ass.

  7. That last photo...I wish it was real. Please, no one be complacent, go vote!

  8. Lord give me the confidence of a mediocre white man.

  9. "Women of America, you know what to do."


  10. I do sympathize with Hillary because most of the scandals she got caught up in are often mostly made up. Republicans have beat her to death with them that most kind of (or really think they're real) believe it. John Oliver made up a scandal about a Switzerland deal in the 90's and everyone believed it until he said he made the whole thing up as a joke to prove the point.

    Trump is on record to saying all this shit. Though the white supremacist Mike Pence says he didn't.

    Fuck Trump 2016

  11. Oh crap on a crutch.......these both are perfect. So sad that we have such a freak show for an election here. I'm gonna vote for our ex gov who wants to make pot legal and feel like I actually voted for someone.

  12. I do not envy anyone even having that vile man in their country.

  13. BAHAHAHAHA You share the best things, Debra! This is what these sexist sacks of shit deserve.

  14. Yes - I would love to knee Trump in the balls. And I will vote!

  15. And to think that is the best we can do for a presidential candidate..We are in real trouble..A liar or a pig!!!

  16. I keep saying this election can't get any worse or weirder, and it does! Loved that cartoon; absolutely perfect!

  17. I thinking they let let trump play with a real big pussy, like a tiger in the zoo. Lock him in, and see how he like pussy then!!!

  18. Trump won't know what hits him on Nov 8TH!!

  19. I most certainly do know what to do. I know when early voting starts and I intend to be first in line to vote for Hillary Clinton. My son is watching the news. He told me a few minutes ago that two women have come forward to report that they were assaulted by Donald Trump. In one case, he "groped" a woman who sat next to him on a plane. In the other, he kissed a woman on an elevator. Now it's just a matter of time before women speak up about rape by that orange thing.


  20. Brilliant!!!!! Love!! Still scares me, I think he's getting in!

  21. I think both candidates are vile and continue to be appalled that out of our entire nation that we would narrow it down to these two abhorrent people. Still I can't vote for Trump so I have to decide between the other choices.

  22. Oh now you have done it! I will never see Lady Liberty again without thinking of her with her knee lifted giving it to Trump in the ...well, if he had any! HA!

  23. How interesting it is that the whole world watching this drama unveil... I hope Americans will do the right choice. I really do and I think that Hillary is the best candidature in any way.. whatever they say.

  24. Can we borrow Justin for a four year stint? Seriously though, I am most certainly voting for Hillary.

  25. I wish Canadians could vote with us! This election is completely insane but we are thoroughly entertained watching CNN every night. The polls will likely see record numbers this time around!

  26. if only I could knee him in the balls..

  27. I'm with HER!
    I've always thought Hillary the Bees Knees and can't believe what a circus this has become.

  28. I'm also a Hillary supporter. Every day I think Trump can't sink any lower into the mire and then he does.... he is despicable and an embarrassment to the USA! There is a graphic out that shows if only woman voted, Hillary would win in a landslide! She's not perfect,she's human, and she's the best choice we have.

  29. First - Hillary has killed not ONE person. The Republicans spent 7 MILLION dollars on hearings and their very own conclusion is that she did nothing wrong - yet they still spout stupidity and even threaten her life (Rump's butler said she should be killed - yet nothing was done to him - not to mention the death threats from Rump himself and his multitude of unintelligent followers - they have said they want to lynch her). If one reads Hillary's list of accomplishments one would be shocked at the good she has done - while being hounded by Republicans with no respect for women in power - or women at all. She cares about children and their plight - and about our country.

  30. that lady liberty cartoon is one of favorites! so how great was Michelle Obama's speech on 'enough is enough' ... 30 minutes on respect, and never once mentioning that douchenozzle's name

  31. I am living in Asia. Yet I dreaded the thought of the new US President.
    Both candidates sound awful to me.
    Trump is a bigoted, racist, rude creature.

  32. Oh - if only I could kick him where it HURT like that. :) You go, Statue of Liberty!


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