Wednesday 9 November 2016

And now, a word from Captain America (with a P.S. from me)

[art by elithien]

I feel compelled to pop back into the blogosphere today for a short post. My Rare One and I are in the USA right now. We spent yesterday evening glued to CNN watching our boy Anderson Cooper deliver the election results. We are shocked and appalled and did not sleep well last night and jeez, we're just Canadians who get to go HOME in a couple of weeks.

So I just want to send BIG HUGS to all our American friends (regardless of how you voted) who must spend the next four years under a Trump regime. I fear for the future of the United States.


  1. Just an Englishman who watched the results come in. I would've voted for Trump, So glad he won.

  2. You aren't the only fearing for the future...... Guess I always knew Americans were stupid and bigoted, but I had hope. Not sure I have that anymore........

  3. I was as you, glued to the tv, then not sleeping. God bless us every one.

  4. as ebil as he is, it would've been ever worse for the rest of the world with Hitlery Clinton. She already has her claws dirty with the blood of millions of people around the world, including my own country which she readily destroyed. I cannot for the life of me grasp why people would ever vote for a murderous crone like she is. She'd lead wars around the world continuing USA's politics of being the biggest threat to world peace for centuries now.

  5. Thank you Debra for the Hugs ..
    Well, let's be clear here, just under half of Americans are stupid and bigoted, Hillary actually won the popular vote. That being said, I am distraught and slept fitfully last night with the clear knowledge that I could wake up to dreadful news. Sure enough, it was much the same feeling I had when W was put into office. Only worse, I fear the orange one is much more dangerous. The only thing that made me feel better is reading a post by Garrison Keillor which I've added a bit of to my blog post. It is really out of the average persons hands now, the Republicans have control for the next four years and they created this nightmare. You know I live very close to Canada and I have thought of running away from all of this...

  6. I believe we finally found out that there are more bigoted, hate-spewing, zealots in the U.S. than we thought there were. I not only fear for America, I fear for the whole world.

  7. We are doomed... but, then again...with health issues... we will not be here for the next President... Wishing you and yours well...

  8. hey mr. tangerine man...are you going to actually make america strong again. can't wait to see.i never thought we were week. SMH

  9. Thank you for the kind words Debs!!!! And all your Canadian friends. I drink even more as the news got bad. My friends thought I may have been the next Marilyn Monroe.

  10. Thanks for you well wishes for the US and us. I was shocked when I got up this morning and there it was....the news. I have to say I cried for a bit. Then I dusted my lardy ass off and felt compelled to keeping other peoples spirits up. It's what Oma does. This may be an opportunity in the midst of the chaos that is sure to ensue, to get off of our lazy asses and commit ourselves to doing something about injustice instead of just giving it lip service. We are The People. Sure we have to endure "his" presidency but then we have endured before. We are strong, brave, caring, nurturing and kind....even if it doesn't seem like it. We can't sit by and allow ugliness and evil to be the watchword. Many of the people who voted for "him" were really voting, in my opinion for the way he thumbed his nose at the establishment. I think they felt emboldened by his "who cares" attitude. But there are lots of us who do care about, for and with our fellow humans and need to start showing it more. Okay, I'm through babbling. xoxo Oma Linda

  11. I appreciate your compassion for us - it is far worse than you could even imagine - the people that he surrounds himself with are even worse than he is - and he is going to have his finger on the nuclear bomb deployment button - once he pushes that button there is no going back - it can't be stopped or recalled. And the idiot asked over and over during the campaign, "If we have nuclear weapons why can't we use them?" He has the vocabulary of a second grader (sorry to offend second graders) and the brain of a gnat (sorry gnats). We shiver and shake and grieve for our country. We don't understand how this happened - how did Gary Johnson get just barely enough votes in so many key states to switch the electoral college from Hillary to trump - many think there should be an investigation - we are doomed - they will have free reign and nothing at all we can do about it - there is no stopping them. One of the times the house of representatives and the senate and presidency were all controlled by republicans was 1928 - and you see how well that worked out. Many today can't even participate in their everyday activities - they are too shell-shocked.

  12. Get back quick before your Canadian brethren put up their own wall!

  13. Please see my comment on the preceding post that I slipped on there this morning before you got this post up. So far I'm still available and I clean a mean toilet.

  14. shocking - My hope is that Donald does NOT keep his campaign promises. We don't need the many actions he has promised. I also hope his winning does NOT inspired others to campaign like him. The conspiracy industry got a big boost from this campaign.

  15. I agree with everything you have said my friend!

  16. Love always beats hate, and that's what will keep us going no matter who's in the White House and no matter what happens in the next 4 years.

  17. This election unleashed an ugliness like I've never seen before. I wish I hadn't seen it, and I wish I could make it go away. I keep looking for the escape hatch

  18. Take a moment and read the article that Diane (CraveCute) has linked to from her post. It is an excellent read. There are a lot of raw emotions right now but I hope everything turns out well. Also, hurry back! There's been a lot of joking around that there's a wall being built on this side. But who knows...LOL... :)

  19. For awhile, America basically said anyone who hated someone else for something they were born with was more or less a bastard. Now Trump has legitimized this hatred. I really thought Hillary would win this one and lose the 2nd round. Unless Trump changes into a different person, he's most likely going to lose almost every state that isn't filled with dumb red necks.

    Imagine him running against someone with the same thrill that Obama had in 2008. Now that Democrats are the true opposition, they no longer have to play defense. Whoever is nominated can't possibly be more demonized than Hillary was.

    When Trump ends Obamacare, many people will be angry when they lose their perks from it. They'd be smart to keep the good parts, but I really doubt it. Everything they do will be harshly criticized. Democrats may have a good chance to take back the senate in 2018 and maybe for once get the dang house back in 2020. Thing is so gerrymandered that it's almost impossible for democrats to get back.

  20. Oh, Deb. It is so, so bad. I can't get my head or heart around it. I took 2 Ativan last night and went to bed with a heavy heart. I woke up with my heart heavier still.

  21. Feeling the shock even though half a world away. Primarily that so many Americans supported Trump for president. But he is President now. To dispute that is not the right thing to do. As Clinton said, "give him the chance to lead" but remain vigilant. Hold him accountable for his actions. God help us all.

  22. Never seen an election like this one. I have friends and family members who voted for Trump and the same number for Clinton. We need to move on, President Obama said exactly the right thing today in his speech.
    Americans have always accepted the results of the elections before, let's hope things will calm down soon.

  23. You should have stayed in the eye of the hurricane. The baby-man-child will lash out and who know where that infantile rage will strike. Maybe I'm in shock but I'm more befuddled by the mindset of those who enthusiastically voted for a white nationalist who openly admitted to being a sexual predator. But I think I'm figuring that out too. Just trying to learn right now to fight against the promised policies and to prevent this from happening again.

  24. For all those Americans who are devastated and shocked and appalled and scared, I say, "Remember that feeling and mobilize. Vote out all the GOP in evevry election; vote out all Democrats who stood idly by and let this hapen; in 20202, vote out the entire GOP party." Mobilize. Vote.

  25. Bob Slatten - yes we were way to complacent. Time to arise and fight for everything we hold sacred - reproductive rights, human rights, and environmental rights. The evil empire is upon us.

  26. All Americans are not stupid and bigoted. However, I think a frightening number are delusional. Sticking one's head in the sand and hoping the Blight-That-Is-The-Donald will go away was a very expensive delusion, with repercussions that will echo way into the future. I'm with Bob Slatten and lady M - no more turning our backs. Now is the time to stand up and fight for our human rights. We cannot count on our government, but there are a lot more of us than there are of them. Hugs back at you, Debra.

  27. With the combination of Brexit and Trump this has been a big year for politics and the world.

  28. Thanks for the hugs. I suspect we'll need many of them, in the years to come...

  29. Thank you for your concern. We have been watching Anderson Cooper almost every night since it was down to the 2. They do a great job representing both sides so we can make an educated decision. Unfortunately many Americans did not take the time to truly study the facts (the choice of the lesser evil was clear to us). We are trying to stay positive. Since this man is a serious egomaniac there is a possibility he will make some good things happen since he does not like to fail. We will see! If he does not follow through on things it is going be quite a problem for him! Hopefully hatred does not continue to grow here.

  30. Hillery is a manipulating Crook !! So, we end up stuck with Trump... another thing this spoiled Brat of a man Could do his part (along with his associates) could bring this country into economic ruin...
    So the "Great Fart" could have went on to ruin the US were he to have Not won. He had threatened to do so... So, Trunp had this country over an economic Barrel...

  31. On a note ... in British slang, the term "Trump", means to "Fart"...

  32. Oh Debra.......I've ALWAYS known you were a brave woman. Boy have you opened up a "can of worms" with this post!! LOL LOL LOL


  33. Trump has been pretty lo keyed since he was elected..He and Clinton could both end up in jail..I always said that we needed a business man as president..I sure didn't have him in mind...Thanks for the condolences..Enjoy your visit..

  34. I hope you're enjoying your time in the States despite all of the election chaos. My hope is that our country will learn how to come together again and not be so divided because of politics. I actually miss seeing pictures of kittens on Facebook...and I'm a dog person. :)

  35. Dear Anderson looks fraded ............Sleep is lost here as well, and what is worrisome, WE have a brewing pot of that here.....
    And YES, what happens in the world effects US all ..............hate doesn't adhere to boarders
    Love having you back xoDebi

  36. Canada will also be affected by this election in ways difficult to imagine now but it may be very painful economically speaking.
    Already Canadian businesses are advised to seek investments and opportunities elsewhere in the world.

  37. Usually that sort of thing is hyperbole, but we're all afraid for our country's future. Make room, a lot of us may be heading your way!

  38. Oh, my dear friend...I will not mention politics again for a long long time. I am so sick of all the hate....
    This is your blog and you can post what you want to...

  39. I fear for our future, too. I've moved from anxiety on Wednesday, to just numbness now. :)

  40. Have a safe trip home. You must imagine my head is exploding over all this. GAH. Miss you.

  41. I'm so scared. I wish I could join you in Canada.

  42. result of your country even scared me in Pakistan as news channels are showing the constant protest throughout the country
    i am wondering if as so many are against him how did he manage to won

  43. Thank you for your kindness, Debra. It's hard to be surrounded by Trump supporters here in the deep south. I've never felt entirely safe as a gay woman. Now my education makes me a part of the "elite". A friend of my partner's stopped at the side of the road the other day when she realized her trunk hadn't closed. A truck with Trump bumper sticker pulled in behind her, screamed nigger, and hit her over the head. She passed out. When she came to, she made a police report. When she mentioned it on facebook, she was threatened and she eventually deleted her facebook account.

    Scary times.

  44. Lady Grace.. so sorry for what happened to your friend, that is horrible.

    It continues to get weirder...
    @NormanGoldman just shared a tweet that "Trump team seeks top-secret security clearances for Trump's children"

  45. Even after a week , it's impossible to believe .

  46. Hope you and your Rare One are eating lots of yummy foods on your travels. We're having a big bowl of veggies tonight. Just hung xmas lights, with Halloween tucked away until next August.

    Safe travels!

  47. To say I am appalled, horrified and scared doesn't even begin to cover it. The worst part is, I'm from rural Ohio, and almost everyone I know where I live voted for Trump. So I feel like I don't even know people I thought I knew.
    Thanks for the good thoughts, Debra. We will need them.

  48. I am still horrified that our country would elect such fuckmuppet. I'm not a fan of Clinton but at least we wouldn't have people thinking that now that can act on all their little bigoted misogynist desires. I have NEVER felt so awful about an election and I've been voting since 1978.

  49. We need the hugs. I doubt he will last four years, but we have been going through being stunned, shocked, angry, sad...and now, ready to fight for the protection of our rights.

  50. ....from this side of the planet, we know both candidates were horrible people (I am sure there are a lot of good Americans out there) and were more surprised when he won.
    After some thinking I think i knew why he won.
    I just hope there are good people surrounding the president, trying to talk him out of bad judgments and minimizing damage done.
    God bless.

  51. I can hardly think about election night. I stayed up very late with Terry watching the results. I could hardly get out of bed the next morning. I'm very, very worried; but, I'll watch and see what happens. I hope to be wondrously surprised! But I'm not holding my breath!


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