Saturday 24 December 2016

It's Christmas Eve!

And we all know what that means, don't we! Yes, time for some Egg Nog 'n Rum, my traditional tipple every year on this date.

Since it's only once a year, I'd better make it worthwhile, LOL!

I'm in deep denial, of course.

What can I say? Except . . .

Stole that last meme from Mistress Maddie, of course!

Anyway, here's some more denial . . .

But really, don't worry, I only ever actually have two drinks on Christmas Eve. That's about all the eggnog and rum I can tolerate, quite frankly. I'm not a big fan of either of those ingredients, individually or together, on any other occasion.

Besides, I can't afford to be hungover tomorrow. My Rare One and I are hosting a traditional turkey dinner for a bunch of friends so I've got to be upright and functional! But if something DOES go wrong, I have the perfect excuse, eh?

Just as a side note, the last time I did actually get blasted, I was drinking Black Russians. Good Lord, those things are strong. Well, at least in the size I make them. Oh, and I had some Daiquiris too in Maui. I forgot about those. Not a blackout situation, I swear!

[P.S. -- Don't believe my bullshit, folks. In reality, I'm practically a teetotaller].


  1. spouse and I will eat indian food tomorrow; the cats will get catnip. and the humans have eggnog for getting wasted.

    happy (hic) holidays to one and all!

  2. I'm with you! Every Christmas eve my aunt make her homemade egg not and you would love it. Its so cremey and she uses I believe rum and whiskey if I'm correct. But it blows the store bought out of the water. I think I mag have even post the recipe once on my blog under family recipe? Who can remember? Anyway....a Merry Christmas to you and the Rare OneπŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

  3. The thing that made me laugh the most was the idea of you having a traditional turkey dinner. I get the feeling that there is nothing "traditional" about you and the Rare One! Have a rockin' good Christmas. Oh and I'll be on the sherry tonight and anything alcoholic I can get my hands on tomorrow! :D

  4. i made homemade egg nog for years though i don't like the stuff. Have a wonderful xmas!!!

  5. Pfft, well thanks for not inviting me to the dindins!
    I've never actually had eggnog, we don't have it here, it does sound nasty indeed :)

  6. PS Merry Christmas Eve and Christmas Day tomorrow!

  7. I'll have mine without the nog, and without the rum, but add some really good red wine because that's what my prescription says!

  8. Egg Nog in my coffee, is as ALL I can mustard anymore sadly! I burnt that party wick OUT! hehheeh
    A Very Merry and Joyous Yuletide to you and your loved ones my favorite clever girl! 😘 ☃️πŸŽ„πŸŽ…❤️️πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

  9. Debra,
    Fearsome and I wish you and your Rare One the Merriest. Love, joy, laughter, light and peace, may they all be yours.

  10. I don't often "drink" either, but I know eggnog would not be one of the ingredients for me. Merry Christmas, xoxo Oma Linda

  11. I'm an amateur, Debra. I can't handle booze. One glass of wine and you have me confessing to things I haven't even done. The most amazing man in the world, on the other hand, can drink anyone under the table. He doesn't drink regularly but on the rare occasion he does, he's like a bottomless pit. He keeps going and going and going like the Energizer bunny...and gets funnier and funnier as he goes along. And he speaks and acts like he's sober. *shakes head* In-flipping-believable!

    Have a great time! With or without the eggnog/rum.

  12. I hate egg nog. But give me plain ol' rum any time and I'm fine. I love the self-medicating meme and the lit up meme. They made me laugh. Happy Yule to you and your Rare one on this festive time of the year.

  13. I do love eggnog, spiked or not.
    Cheers, Deb.
    All the best for a fun tasty Christmas!

  14. Have an amazing Christmas, Debra!

  15. Egg nog...Big Yuk!! Have a wonderful Christmas..Be nice to Santa!!

  16. Exactly what I needed today. Not the eggnog, but your humor!

    No eggnog for me but Rum will apply to the mix, lots and lots of Rum.

    Captain Morgan, where are you?

  17. The tree should never get lit alone. Happy Holidays!

  18. You always have such great posts, Deb! Merry Christmas to you and your Rare One.

  19. (I believe your bullshit. Wink.)

  20. Come they told me
    Rum, rum, rum, rum.
    A newborn drink to see
    With vodka, then rum.
    Our finest gifts we bring,
    Some scotch and some rum.
    To lay before our Debra
    Rum, rum, rum, rum, rum, rum
    sumbudy put me to bed


  21. I got Daisy some yesterday, she's never had it.

  22. Merry Yule! I hope you have a wonderful time with friends tomorrow.

  23. LOL! You are hilarious! LOL! Merry Christmas Debra! Have a great time tomorrow! Our plans changed and we are having a very quiet Christmas! Big Hugs!

  24. I forgot to say Merry Christmas to your Rare One :)

  25. Xmas? Here's to a Merry and debauched few days of Saturnalia ... heh.
    O, fergot .. that Festival belongs to the fruz "Northeners".
    Not to worry, we celebrate it here 'down under' where the temperatures range around 40C (can't remember what that is in the language of ancient science ... more than 100Farenheit? .. and why does that sound hotter? - o well, us Aussies always understate).

    Cheers and Best Wishes for the festive Season - and keep Hope alive - have every confidence that we'll be able to convince Old Sol, to go visit your Hemisphere very soon.

  26. @ Riot Kitty -- A Black Russian is 2 parts Kahlua and 1 part vodka. A White Russian, like The Dude drank constantly in "The Big Lebowski," tops the drink up with milk as well. But why add those additional calories, is my thought.

  27. Happy post Chrimbly eve and day!! Although I too am mostly a teetotaller - I have heard that Kahlua and eggnog are a grand mix! I myself prefer Kahlua and Coke (real, not diet). Its heaven in a glass. :)

  28. Eggnog was never my thing. At a young age I had a bad experience with white russians so since then I have avoided thick-like alcoholic beverages. Kahlua is evil.

  29. even when I drank I couldn't stomach egg hot buttered rum was another story.

  30. I don't know what eggnog is. I know it gets folks tipsy but that's all I know. Excellent about the dinner party. Sounds like it will be lovely.

  31. I am just now coming up for air from all things Christmas.

    I am probably in the minority but I really like eggnog. As I can't drink anything with actual alcohol in it, mine is the mild version. Funny cartoons...especially like the alcoholic protein shake.

  32. Alcoholic Protein Shake FOR THE WIN!!!

    (Disclaimer: I can't remember the last time I had eggnog... literally cannot remember. What does that tell you!?!)

  33. I love eggnog and rum - but in my recipe I just leave out the eggnog. it's great.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  34. Never had eggnog, don't think I ever will either. Looks horrible, think I'll stick to beer. :S

  35. Love eggnog, eggs, cream, spices oh yum! I also like a little rum too, or for a lighter version ginger beer. Hope your holidays were Merry and Bright! Or was that just your nose glowing after the eggnog? Haha! Have a super New Year, and thanks for the fun posts!

  36. Ha! I'm not a fan of eggnog, BUT I love the alcoholic protein shake idea.

  37. I do not like eggnog, except for my friend Bev's version, which does have a lot of rum in it, now that I think of it.

    Hope that dinner went well and that your Christmas was Merry and Bright!

  38. I hope that your turkey dinner went well, Debra! My family didn't tipple too much on Christmas Eve ~ but Christmas Day was a whole different event. My BIL set up a disco lounge in his basement complete with disco balls, You Tube music videos on a large screen, and various games (including Beer Pong). The generations danced to a variety of music, played the games, imbibed, and some smoked Cuban cigars off the back porch. It was an epic night! Appropriate, since it looks like this might have been the last Christmas gathering of everyone in Calgary. Life is carrying a lot of us in different directions in 2017.


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