Monday 12 December 2016

Ka-CHING-le Bells

But SOMETIMES a store really DOES help spread the Christmas spirit! Take a look at this delightful short video filmed before a surprised but appreciative audience of shoppers in a German supermarket!

Thanks to Leeanna of Can We Have a New Witch, Ours Melted, on whose blog I first saw this.


  1. But do they know "Melancholy Baby"? =)

  2. Debra ... am guessing that all yer "Northern hemisphere" readers will have t cope with comments from a dingbat Down under ... ummm, temperature (in the shade) today was 35C (have forgotten what that is in Fahrenheit) am never really sure how to phrase "Cheers and Best Wishes" for you and yours at this season.

    Snow and reindeer it ain't.

  3. Debra, I LOVE that video!!! How fun is that?!!!! It was funny to see the puzzled look on some of the customers in the beginning that weren't catching on to it at first. (slow learners in the group) What lovely smiles most of the shoppers had on their faces. Thanks for posting that....super fun to watch.

  4. Their cashiers are sitting down just like they do in Aldi which is German owned. Most American places would never let their people sit down. Or else their customers might get the idea we care about our workers.

  5. That almost put me in the holiday spirit! Amazing! Fun!

  6. this was so much fun to watch the customers faces, but the "checkers" were having a blast as well. Thanks for the share. Oma Linda

  7. I would love to witness something like that! I know I would be smiling ear to ear

  8. I love the video. Penelope came in to listen.


  9. That was pretty fun. I'm glad it didn't take the customers too long to realise what was happening though given how many times some of those items were scanned to make this possible!

  10. Thanks for the link back, darlin. I'm slowly getting into the spirit, but I'm still not decorating. Not that far yet.

  11. Debra .. despite my personal cynicism about and around this point of "Seasonal" change ... really DO wish you and your reader a very Merry and Festive Season.

    not joking - around the month when us "southerners" give you affirmation that YEP .. Old Sol WILL - turn up on yer doorsteps in a month or so time.

    Keep the faith.

  12. How creative. How do they come up with this?

  13. The video clip is amazing! They must have had so much fun planning this out. I love the customers' looks of confusion when they start.

  14. THAT is priceless! I'd love to be in a store and see that (except I make it a point to never go anywhere near the stores from about the first of December onward). :)

  15. This was one of those treasured videos that brings on the happy. Thanks, Deb.

    Merryness to you.

  16. My daughter once was part of a flashmob in a department store a Christmas a few years ago. It was great fun to watch.

  17. That was fun and it gave me the tingles. Thanks!

  18. Oh, this was so much fun! I wish the local markets would do something like this.

  19. It pains me to write this, to be the dissenting voice, the killjoy, but this would infuriate me. As a new parent, I'm in a constant rush when I'm shopping. I have tight deadlines. If suddenly the store shuts down while I'm 3rd in line so that they can indulge in their cutesy synchronized bloop-bleep game, I would lose my mind. Even if I was the person being checked out, I'd be furious, "What are you doing? Are you . . . How many times are you going to ring that up!?! I only want one. I'm not paying for 50 bottles of dishwasher soap. Stop it! Calm down with the bleep bloops. I only have -- Sigh -- Cute. Is that what you want? You're all sooooo cute. You're synchronized scanning dance has now cost me precious minutes, it's now rush hour, and my baby needs to eat and sleep. I hope you're proud that you knew how to properly pace your bleep-bloops. Self-indulgent dicks. Maybe sell tickets instead of holding us hostage."

  20. I would probably start dancing... This is just awesome. I love it when people do things to remind each other that life is about a lot more than keeping up with lists and such.

  21. Oh, my gosh...a fun thing....

  22. Intelligent and fun! In the grocery store! There is life out there! xoxoxoxo

  23. What fun !! Cute to watch..Love your blog title..How fitting!! Hope I can remember it!! Have to agree with Dr. Seuss

  24. @ Missy George -- Thanks! I'm proud of that blog title too! I hope it's truly something I made up and not something I just previously read somewhere at some time and then forgot, only to dredge it up now "out of nowhere." At one time I could remember the origins of everything but my poor aging memory has gone all to shit, LOL!

  25. Brilliant Debra!! Thank you for sharing this! Makes my heart smile :)

  26. That's adorable! I want to be in one of these stores when they do something like that ;)


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