Wednesday 25 January 2017

Happy Robbie Burns Day!

Och aye, it's time again to celebrate whisky, kilts and bagpipes!

Apparently, "whisky" is an old gaelic word for "the water of life" or "soup of the day" or something. Whatever!

Here's some upscale, value-added whisky soup!

Be sure to brush your teeth afterwards . . .

. . . because you never know when you might be called upon to kiss a half-naked man in a kilt. But why are this guy's hands so white?  Did he wash them too soon after the spray tan was applied?

This is the Scottish pipe band known as the "Marilyn Monroe Highlanders."

Oh, those nimble fingers! *wink*

This brings a tear to my eye . . . .

Oh, thought I couldn't work superheroes into this post? Think again!

I think we can all tell who the winner is here!


  1. Two things:
    "Soup of the day!" Killed me with that one!

    About the kilts and bare bottomed boys, I keep thinking of the line from Postcards From The Edge: "It twirled up!"

  2. Apparently it's very warm under those kilts. Too warm.

  3. I always thought and still do that Whiskey is a great word..even if it didn't mean something great to drink...whiskey..just sounds sexy.

  4. HAHAHA! You post the craziest things, Debra! Love it :)

  5. I think this is my favorite post of all time from ANYBODY. It just completely made my year - and something has to, since it's all Prince of Darkness and such. Wherever did you find that video? And where can I find bagpipes that belch flames? You've covered all my favorite things - bagpipes, whiskey, and men in kilts. Thank you for this.

  6. let us spend ten minutes imagining Hiddles in a kilt!

  7. What a fun and hilarious post, thanks for sharing!

  8. a ray of sunshine in the darkness.....yep that's what this delightful post is. Thanks, xoxo Oma Linda

  9. Boy, did I need this! Soup du jour is inspiring. I may pass up on my daily visit to Dutch Bros and head over to Stumpy's liquor store and pick up some Wild Turkey (and croutons)!

  10. LOL!! Oh my. I will never picture super heroes the same way again. Thank you for the laughs!

  11. "Soup of the Day," so appropriate. ahahahaahahahaaaa!!

  12. The video clip is brilliant! As someone who bears a Scottish surname I am loving this Scottishness. My first drinking experience as a teen involved whiskey. Memories!

  13. Lol. Love your Burn's day tribute!

  14. One of our local restaurants is having a reading and celebrating by piping in the haggis.

  15. What an excellent post! You really made me smile. How come no one around here offers whisky with a hair cut?


  16. That half naked guy looks like the new youth minister in our church. Minus the white hands.

  17. Not critical but since I drink the stuff, Scotch is spelled whisky; Irish is spelled whiskey. If you are referring to Lagavulin, it is whisky. If you are referring to Jamison, it is whiskey.
    Now you too can be swave and deboner as you consume the water of life (from the Irish).
    I am a mansplainer from way way back

  18. @ The Blog Fodder -- "swave and deboner" hahahahahaha, love it!

  19. First of all, ugh. Hairy man buttocks! My poor eyes! Lol!
    Secondly, the Unipiper is from Portland! He's always around town being spectacular. Usually in his Darth Vader get-up, though.
    Great post, D!

  20. This Scot will be having her Rabbie Burns dinner this Sunday. We shall raise a glass to the most beloved Bard! Neeps and tatties for all!

  21. Superman on a unicycle playing bagpipes with fire, sounds like a winner to me!

  22. bring back whiskey tooth paste - give us a reason to brush!

  23. Made me usual!!! thank you.


  24. in american history the earliest people were sometimes paid in whiskey. Which I don't understand

  25. @ lady M -- No, no haggis. But I did recite my favourite Burns poem "To a Mouse." Close enough!

  26. I do like a big sporran!

  27. Hands? I sure wasn't looking at his hands! ;)

  28. Very funny! Loved the "soup of the day".

    That is odd about the white hands. I don't think I would of noticed it though had you not pointed it out.

  29. Your blog is hilarious, thanks for the laughs!! :)))

  30. Oh, Lord! ROFLMAO! I found these all deliciously funny. A piper will win out any time! My father, a dyed-in-the-wool MacBeath always swore that whiskey was the water of life. I'd have died of thirst because I can't bear the taste of scotch! Have a good one with your Rare One, my friend!

  31. Oh how I love all things Scottish. Lovely post for Burns Day!

    I have a friend who hosts a Burns Night dinner and was ordering haggis for it. I did try the haggis when visited Edinburgh - let's just say I'm glad not to be invited to that party. :)

    As my Scottish Clan always signs off to each other when we email or write:

    Yours Aye -


  32. You're right, Debra. That man's white, white hands detract from my fantasies about his long bagpipe.

  33. Great post. I recently sent off my dna to find out my real heritage. I was told Irish my my family. I did some digging and found out I am Scotish. I guess when my results come back, I will know for sure.

  34. Great video, I wonder how he got flames to shout out of the bagpipe. So it's true that Scotsmen wear no underwear.

  35. Spent some time in Prestwick.
    Love Scotland
    First time I ever had a deep fried pizza.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  36. Now that is the toothpaste for me. Would certainly bring dental cleanings to a whole new level of fun. :D

  37. Oh darnit I forgot to celebrate!

  38. I've been to Scotland a couple of times and had a great time.


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